
Shackles of Sorrow

Sometimes you don't have any explanation to situations of life , and you only understand it's meaning at the end. What i am going to convey through ren is the realistic life where tragedy can happen anytime.This time ren is going through a serious of events in his young love life. Ren is like me and you , who is sitting behind bars with shackles of sorrow always holding him back.

HESH · สมจริง
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Fuck you!!!!!

Have I had enough or is it still the beginning, the beginning of my worst, what can be worse than this?

Zen was covered with mud and blood, a knife in his one hand, the knife was opposite, instead of grip, he was holding the edge, the blood was dripping like crazy, with half the knife penetrated and cutting through his palm muscles.

With his shoulders arched backward, watching only the stars above.


He falls to his knees and lets the knife drop from his hands,


A whole pool of blood suddenly gutted out from his chest

He had a sword piercing through his heart.

With the last bit of strength, whatever he had inside-

Pain, anger, anguish, Agony, fury, rage, he let it all out with his last roar-


"Wake up, ren, wake up, why the hell are you shouting?"

"Shit the SWORDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, it hurts!!"

With his eyes closed, his hair truffled around his head, ren was still half inside his dreams.

"What the hell did you see?"

With the flickering eyes, he saw his mother's face and opened his eyes just to see that it was AGAIN that dream.

"Nah, it was nothing"

"Ren, tell me, from a week you have been shouting in your bed, tell me what scares you this much?"

"It's nothing mom, it's just a bad dream"

"Ok, just go to sleep, it's still night, have sound sleep"

Fiona said this as she kissed ren on the head and went to sleep in her room ,ren stood up from bed and went straight to the window.

He opened the window.


A strong cold wind gusted inside rens room, touching his face, he felt numb, staring out the window he saw the whole city in light with shades of neon.

The whole world seems like tiny dots of light if seen from distance same as stars, beautiful but so far from your reach.


A sigh of sorrow came from ren. As his thoughts from the city were moving towards the hellish nightmare that he just saw.

*What the fuck is happening*

He screamed inside his heart as he felt the dreadfulness of the dream. He felt something, some emotions, from the man, he saw inside his dreams, some feelings were so complicated to understand, but it was not something that you can feel, emotions from dreams are something that were not supposed to be felt.

He went back , straight to the bed, and falling onto the bed, the night again consumed him into its arms, and again ren was asleep awaiting the dreams.






"Ah fuck, this alarm, what the fuck, just let me fucking sleep"

I opened my eyes just to see that it was 7 in the morning and I had to wake up, Suddenly a thought came to my mind that I actually didn't see a dream this time, it was all black this time, it was grey.

Still, this was enough as I thought there were more matters in hand than just the shades of black, I grabbed myself out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to at least have a refreshing bath.


Under the shower, everything becomes more clear than you can see. You enter a state of peace where you can think more clearly.

"Mom, it's time, I have to leave for school", I put my bag on my back and went to school.

"Take care, and ride safely to school"

"Bye mom"

I went to my cycle, and with a look straight towards the sun, I gave a to thrust the paddle and went for school.

For me cycling is a way to relieve myself, it's just me, my cycle, and the talking winds.

The winds are great listeners and I do talk a lot with them.

At this point, I think everyone will think of me as a psycho, with no sense, but the truth is always what differs from others thinking, the point where your thinking is different, you are labeled abnormal.

After a ride of 10 min, I was at the school gate, and the students were moving in and I parked the cycle.

"yo, ren, you are late, my b****h", said grey.

"shut up, and stop saying b****h loudly in public", I said as I saw grey.

"ok let's move", said grey.

Grey, maybe my only friend with whom I talk, we both went straight towards our classroom.

At that moment while going towards my classroom, I saw her in the hallway, but as soon as our eyes met, I smiled, but her sudden reaction was something that shook me, I was ignored, that was something that I didn't expect.




"sir, may i come in?"


Class, Today we have a new student with us, I know he is joining in the middle of the year, but better late than never, hahah.

With his weird laugh the homeroom teacher Mr.stan welcomed me into class and I walked straight to him and stood beside him.

"Ren please give your introduction to the class"

"Hi everyone, my name is Ren, I know it is the middle of the year, but due to sudden changes in the plan had to move here, I will try to get along with you all, Thank you"

"Great young man, Now go sit beside grey, over the second last bench"

"Ok sir"

Everyone was still looking at me as I took my seat.

Days went by fast, and with each day my life was going steady, it was hard to cope with, but still, I tried and to my surprise, I was getting along with grey as we now were friends and I was in process of making new friends but I failed.

Still, it was great to come to school every day as it was a new place for me and a new journey for me.

It was 2 months passed and I think the most life-twisting moment for me was that I was now getting some feelings for a girl.

And I think she was starting to know that I was fucking staring too much.

During math class,

"Ok class, as now our quadratic equation chapter has finished, from today onwards, I will bring practice questions and you will come and solve them on board.", said Mr. stan.



"Ok for the first question let's test the new student, Ren come and solve it, you know how to solve it right?"

"yes sir!"

"I went to the board and started solving, it took me 3 minutes as it was easy for me as i am just good in math, it was a quadratic equation and i was asked to get the value of x, first I made two factors, got the common value, and made to factors of x and there were two factors a positive one and a negative one."

"You got that wrong, you have given opposite signs to the wrong numbers", said skyline.

To my surprise, skylene talked and the first thing that we talked was about my mistake, but I did not look back at her and just corrected my mistake. I don't know why I was feeling something different, just because she indirectly talked to me.

"Sorry sir"

"Good skyline and as for you ren be sure to not make a mistake like this again, understood ren"

"Yes sir"

I went back straight to my desk and for the first time coming to this city I turned my head towards her and our eyes met and we looked at each other for a second and I was thinking of turning my head away but I cannot, my head won't turn, we were just looking at each other and she turned her head away. Without any expression, we just looked at each other for some time. I don't know what should I call this but it was so ….. I don't know!!!

She did not even say a word.

At that moment in math, it became a class where skylene and I were talking and it went on for some months and it was just some normal talks.

During the food break, everyone went straight to the canteen while going towards the canteen skyline suddenly turned her head towards me and looked at me as I was still sitting at my desk.

She for the first time smiled looking at me, I think something changed that she was suddenly acting differently.

I choked on the water I was drinking!!!!




And she just laughed and went away.

With time we started talking, and it was more and more that we were talking with each other every day, whether it was small or a prolonged chat.

She always used to hang out with her friends and they always walked together.

Another month passed.

We were out of school, it was leaving time.

For the first time, she called my name and told me to come towards where she was standing, with her two friends, Stacy and Nairene.

"So,...what do you say?", said skylene.

"what, I don't know what you are talking about", I said, as I was not having any clue about the situation.

"Come on, just try to understand it", said skyline.

"I still don't understand", I said as I was not getting any point.

"Do you want to just remain as friends or ...", said Stacy.

Fuck, what is this situation, what the hellllllllllllll, am I dreaming, I just got a hint that what the fuck is happening. I looked towards skyline and saw her face which was turning red.

"Do you want to become a best friend.", said nairene.

I knew now that her friends are teasing me.

"Best friend forever", said Stacy.

"Brother", said nairene.

"huuhhhhhh!!!!", I said as they were teasing me more.

"Boy...…..Friend", said Stacy.

"huh,...….Yes", without even thinking I just said yes.

"Do you want to", I said looking towards skylene , I don't know if it was an adrenaline rush or the heat of the moment, till now I wonder how did I muster this much courage. I was just flustered at this moment and I took a deep breath and looked straight toward skylene.

"yes", said skylene.

"me too, I too want this", I said with the hype inside increasing a hundredfold.

We both looked at each other smiling and just looked at each other for a moment, and after a brief moment she went off for her home. I stood there and I did not understand how my life took this route. I was fucking laughing at that moment, it was the best day of my life, it was the best.


On phone call

"I think we are just moving so much away from each other, that I don't know what should I do?"

"I miss you"

"I too miss you"

"Why the hell did you shift from here, why, just tell me GODDAMNIT, why and why did you behave like that on the last day, I cannot take this long distance, I don't how am I going to live without you"

"I am sorry and I know that it was my fault."

"it was your mistake, it was yours and yours only"

"I am sorry, Felicia"

Like a plot twist, there is more to my story, and that all too is fucked up, It is just so fucked up that It is not moving out of my hands.