
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 18: Little Tipsy There

In a split second, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. The mysterious figure in the mask materialized with an uncanny speed, appearing between us in a flash of motion. The centaur's grip on my collar immediately released, as if an invisible force had wrenched him away. The abrupt change in dynamics left the onlookers stunned and the centaur visibly shrinking back, a mixture of surprise and deference in his demeanor. The man in the mask's voice cut through the air, his words a blend of politeness tinged with underlying tension as he addressed the centaur, emphasizing the honorific "sir." The centaur, now a picture of discomfort, shook his head, disengaging from the confrontation and retreating from the scene.

As the crowd's attention lingered on the aftermath of the encounter, Beckette, always the opportunist, seamlessly adopted an innocent facade, his voice dripping with faux concern as he questioned whether there was anything amiss. The centaur's response was a shake of his head, a quick dismissal of the situation, and he moved away from the growing curiosity of the bystanders. In the midst of this commotion, I took a moment to compose myself, straightening out my rumpled clothes and attempting to regain a semblance of composure. Gradually, the spotlight of attention began to wane, allowing a sense of normalcy to settle back in.

With the immediate crisis averted, my focus naturally shifted to the enigmatic figure who had intervened on my behalf. The man in the mask remained a compelling enigma, his actions having rescued me from a potentially awkward and embarrassing situation. His voice, tinged with a touch of exasperation, broke through the din as he playfully chided my seemingly perpetual ability to find myself in such peculiar circumstances. His fingers briefly massaged the area between his eyebrows, a gesture that hinted at an underlying weariness beneath his confident exterior.

Caught off guard by his remark, I felt a mix of confusion and curiosity. "I'm sorry?" I responded, my tone tinged with genuine puzzlement. Before I could delve deeper into the conversation, however, he turned away, his attention seemingly shifting elsewhere. Capitalizing on the opportunity, I deftly seized two glasses of wine from a passing waiter, my swift maneuver allowing me to catch up to Beckette, who was navigating the bustling crowd.

Intent on capturing Beckette's attention, I had an unfortunate collision with him as he unexpectedly turned around. The result was an unintended cascade of wine that splashed onto both of us, the liquid staining our attire. The immediate consequence was palpable frustration emanating from Beckette, his voice curt and directive as he instructed me to simply go home. In a flourish of his fingers, our clothing was miraculously restored to an immaculate state, a testament to the extraordinary powers that seemed to be at his disposal. With that, Beckette melded back into the throng of revelers, leaving me to reflect on my own clumsiness and the unexpected turns of the evening.

"Great, just great," I muttered under my breath, a self-deprecating sigh escaping as I shook my head. A sheepish smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I took a moment to collect myself. Remaining within the lively ambiance of the event, I chose to retreat to the bar, seeking a change of scenery and the solace of a fresh drink.

Taking a seat at the polished bar top, I allowed my gaze to wander and take in the lively tapestry of the establishment. The vibrant energy of the diverse creatures around me was infectious, and I found a sense of liberation in the midst of the celebration. With a deliberate choice, I opted for a tequila this time, relishing the warmth that coursed through me with each sip. As the night progressed, the effects of the drinks began to weave their spell, gently loosening the constraints of my inhibitions.

In the midst of the revelry, the boundaries of time seemed to blur, and I found myself caught in a pleasant haze. Laughter and music swirled around me, enveloping me in a cocoon of merriment. The weight of earlier events began to recede, replaced by a buoyant sense of euphoria. I was lost in the rhythm of the moment, allowing myself to be swept away by the currents of the party.

As the night pressed on, my perception of time became increasingly fluid. The passage of minutes and hours was marked by a cascade of shared stories, joyful laughter, and shared drinks. The boundaries between strangers and friends blurred, and I found myself engaging in conversations that spanned the spectrum of topics. It was as if the very fabric of reality had softened, allowing for a deeper connection with those around me.

The drinks continued to flow, their effects weaving a delicate tapestry of altered perceptions. I reveled in the warmth that spread through my veins, the laughter that bubbled up from within me, and the sense of something that united the diverse assembly of revelers. It was a night of unadulterated joy and liberation, a respite from the complexities of everyday life.

As the night wore on, however, the combined influence of exhaustion and alcohol began to take its toll. My steps grew unsteady, and a drowsy haze settled over my senses. The world around me started to blur, its edges softened by the intoxicating embrace of the drinks. Just as I felt myself teetering on the edge of consciousness, a pair of strong arms enveloped me, pulling me back from the brink of slumber.

The transition from near-unconsciousness to a state of awareness was jarring, the sudden change in my surroundings disorienting. The soft murmur of voices danced on the periphery of my perception, coaxing me to slowly open my eyes. The ambient light that bathed the surroundings felt almost surreal, its quality unlike anything I had encountered before. It was as though the very essence of the sun had been distilled and diffused in this realm, casting an otherworldly glow upon everything it touched. Yet, despite the brilliance of the light, there lingered an inexplicable chill in the air, an ethereal coldness that sent shivers down my spine.

I stood in awe before a majestic palace, its architecture a proof to a craftsmanship that defied human imagination. Its spires reached towards the heavens, its intricate details a symphony of artistry that seemed to stretch beyond the limits of mortal comprehension. It was a sight to behold, a monument that stood as an evidence to a civilization far beyond the confines of my understanding.

Amidst the radiant illumination, a figure materialized before me, their presence commanding attention. Their voice resonated through the air, each word a melody that seemed to echo with the weight of ages. "My brothers and sisters," the voice intoned, its timbre stirring something deep within me. My gaze was drawn to the gathering unfolding before me—a congregation of divine beings, their very presence an embodiment of celestial power. Gods and goddesses, draped in garments that seemed to shift and shimmer like the very fabric of the universe, stood in discourse.

The name "Cateus" resounded through the air, spoken by one of the divine figures with a mixture of reverence and caution. As if in response, Cateus himself extended his arms, an action that unleashed a thunderous boom. In an instant, the idyllic scene transformed into a battlefield of cataclysmic proportions, the thunderbolt striking with unrelenting force. The ground trembled beneath the onslaught, and I could feel the shockwaves reverberating through my very being.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, Cateus's laughter erupted, a chilling and maniacal sound that seemed to pierce through the cacophony like a blade. His laughter seemed to infect the very air, leaving an indelible mark upon the unfolding tableau—a symphony of madness that played out before my eyes.

As his laughter subsided, the scene shifted once more. A god, fueled by defiance, rose to challenge Cateus. However, his valiant efforts were swiftly quashed, Cateus's power surging forth with a deadly determination. The words that fell from Cateus's lips carried an eerie calmness, a chilling assurance as he reminded the fallen god of his domain. "I am the god of death, after all," Cateus mused, his voice like a blade slicing through the air. In an instant, the defiant god's resistance crumbled, his life extinguished as swiftly as a spark in the darkness.

The air itself seemed to thicken with a sense of dread, and the sound of piercing screams filled the atmosphere, a chorus of agony that intertwined with the clash of divine forces. The gods and goddesses rallied, their combined might a desperate attempt to thwart Cateus's relentless rampage. Yet, their efforts were met with ruthless efficiency, each of their struggles culminating in a swift and brutal defeat. The once-sacred light that had bathed the scene shifted, morphing into an insidious darkness that devoured everything in its path. The very ground upon which the divine beings stood became stained with blood, a grim tableau that spoke of death and desolation.

Amidst the harrowing spectacle, Cateus's laughter echoed once more, a haunting refrain that seemed to weave through the very fabric of existence. His grip on the scene tightened, his insatiable hunger absorbing the souls and powers of the fallen gods and goddesses. The tableau had transformed into a symphony of chaos, a haunting dirge that played out against the backdrop of an ever-darkening reality.

In a sudden and disorienting twist, Cateus's gaze locked onto me, his malevolent eyes piercing through the boundaries of the dream. A surge of fear and recognition coursed through me, jolting me from the dream world and back into the realm of wakefulness. My heart raced within my chest, and I found myself gasping for breath as if I had been submerged in icy water.

With a swift intake of air, I jolted upright, my body drenched in a cold sweat. The transition from the dream to reality left me momentarily disoriented, the lingering traces of the vivid imagery still haunting my thoughts. As I struggled to regain my bearings, I realized that I was not alone. Eli, who had been peacefully slumbering on a nearby couch, was now awake, his expression etched with concern.

His voice was a soothing balm as he inquired about my well-being, his genuine worry evident in his eyes. With a wry smile, I admitted to the combination of alcohol and the vivid dream that had left me feeling somewhat disoriented. Eli's concern and presence were a comforting anchor, grounding me in the present moment.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to drink?" Eli's voice was tinged with a mix of reproach and concern as he settled beside me. I let out a soft chuckle, the sound a blend of amusement and affection. "I did tell you, didn't I?" I responded, my tone playfully incredulous. "But you were too tired to care."

Eli's expression softened, a touch of remorse crossing his features. He apologized for not paying closer attention and expressed a heartfelt concern for my well-being. With a reassuring smile, I assured him that I was alright, despite the lingering effects of the hangover and the remnants of the dream that still clung to my thoughts.

The warmth of Eli's presence and his genuine care provided a sense of comfort that helped to dispel the residual unease from the dream. We fell into an easy conversation, our words a gentle exchange that flowed with a sense of familiarity and shared understanding. The dream, with all its surreal and haunting imagery, gradually faded into the background, overshadowed by the genuine connection between two individuals navigating the complexities of life and its enigmatic twists.

As we continued to talk, our playful banter resurfaced. "Am I noisy as I sleep?" I asked, a hint of amusement dancing in my eyes as I patted the space beside me, inviting Eli to join me. He chuckled, a lightness in his tone as he confirmed, "Kinda, a gasp or something." With his characteristic ease, he settled beside me, his gaze meeting mine in a moment of shared affection.

"Do I look like shit?" I teased, my gaze fixed on him as a playful smile tugged at the corner of my lips. He returned the smile, his eyes tender as he reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "Maybe," he replied, his tone conspiratorial. I responded with a mock glare before playfully swatting his arm, the interaction a lighthearted exchange that spoke of our shared intimacy.

In that moment, as we sat side by side, laughter and affection intertwining in the air, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the genuine connections that enriched my life. The dream's lingering echoes served as a reminder that reality and the subconscious can intertwine in unpredictable ways, but it was the bonds forged in the waking world that truly mattered. As the night unfolded before us, I found solace in the presence of a friend who had become so much more—an anchor amidst the tumultuous seas of existence, a steady hand to guide me through the ebbs and flows of life's unpredictable currents.

Could I be? No nevermind.