

On the territory of the high powered Justin Curtis; a powerful hunter feared by his relatives and hated by his rivals. This is where this same sound resonates tonight as for the past few weeks.

The timer resonates in the large dark, unlit space.

He hears it from afar and approaches firmly towards the back of the room. That sound stops, and he takes a seat in a chair.

On the big screen that is facing him, there are many colloquial faces that are exposed but remain neutral.

“Good evening to you.” He maintains a straight stance and leaves the discussion unresolved.

“ Bonsoir Leroy.” Kenneth slightly clears his throat and straightens at once. “We extended an invitation for you to discuss the procedure to follow..” Leroy wisely nods.

"We uncovered a surprising, even revolting, detail about you..”

Leroy raises his eyebrows in astonishment and grabs onto the chair while leaning forward.

“Really. What is it?”

“It seems to me, to us, that you are the only leader who didn't think about her.”

“Her. Who’s that?” By assuming his remarks, he quickly deduces their intention, he finds it to be wrong. Clenching his jaw and looking up. “Would they really have contacted me for this so-called tradition born of fate. What a waste of time.” Too indifferent by this subject, he hangs up and ends the meeting.

Still in the dark, he gets up from his place and leaves his office.

Elsewhere in this territory, also in the dark, Lenore sighs weakly and looks up as every evening, towards the stars.

She smiles a little“I had a dream for once, a dream… I dreamed it was over. That I was in Eden.” Her head against the cold wall, she sees scenes passing before her eyes. “I was walking outdoors, in the open air, alone and I loved it! I really felt like I was without chains, for once..since ever..”

The door of the room opens abruptly and surprises her. Frightened, she huddled against her wall and closed her eyes firmly. A large figure steps forward and agitates her.

“It’s not Justin’s perfume nor his pace.”

She squints slightly and sees the tall brown man standing in front of the window.

Unaware of the lady’s presence, Leaning on the edge of the window, he admires the view outside.

“Justin expects us to protect the territory. Desmond, you will have to revise the positioning of the guards as well as the arrangement of weapons. Don't forget why you're there with your mentor.” He runs his fingers through his hair and shuts his eyes.

“If those damn werewolves can find us before we leave, Justin's actions towards me are beyond my imagination.” A slight shiver of fear runs through him, bringing him out of his thoughts.

Sitting behind him on the ground, Lenore stares at him at length. She wonders about this stranger wearing the identical uniform as all of Justin's men.

His attention is drawn to Lenore's thin and fragile figure as he turns around.. Surprised, he utters a weak howl and steps back in a hurry, So much so that he loses his balance and walks out the window.

Without even having a glimpse of his face, A small voice echoes in her head;

“Desmond is in hell.”

One hand clings to the edge of a window, then a second is added and precedes the manly silhouette that emerges from there.

The young man breathes relief and enters through the window to a whole other room.

“I narrowly escaped.”

Slightly trembling, pale and heart pounding, Desmond gazes silently from side to side as he moves through the room.

“It’s so dark here…And, is it an office?” He approaches it slowly.

He stares at the large timer displayed as he stands in front of a desk with a large computer. Curious, he presses the first key on the keyboard. The timer stops and a notification is displayed.

“Rejected meeting.”At these words, he clenches his jaw and studies the place vaguely.

“Not ideal for a spy, though.”He giggles and proceeds to the only door several steps away from him. “I should stop messing with these werewolves. I keep talking nonsense.”

Unmindful of the discovery room on the third floor of this building. and even for the lady hidden on the top floor,

Desmond returns to his role as a hunter and inspects the condition of their weapons.

Not lingering in this room, Desmond does not guess the presence of Leroy. His return in this office plunged into darkness.

“It's up to me to contact them again and make sure the guards move from their positions.

He types a code on his keyboard and sets a timer. Leroy leans back on his chair and waits for time to pass.

“Alpha.” Speak simultaneously on the other side of the screen. Crossing his arms over his chest. “You became angry at such a rapid pace. Our goal was not to offend you or your beliefs.”

“Be it as it may. I’d like to hear from my betas. Did they recover the pawns mentioned?”

“You’re alluding to Curtis' right arm,they did.. However, we do not yet know whether the other hunters were captured or not.” A slight silence settles after that while the alphas throw themselves an encouraging look.

“Do they think I'm just starting out?Detecting this look is a breeze for me and I have an understanding of what they're talking about.” He bends towards the screen and declares,

“Spit it out.”

Kenneth speaks to him, “ Alpha, Something needs to be conveyed to you. If it’s revenge for Curtis you care about. Why don’t you take, la rose célèbre; his famous rose?”

Leroy slightly frowns and leans against his chair. “...He has a magic rose.”

At these words, the managers cast the same glance, they tighten their jaws and hardly refrain from laughing.

Noticing the mocking air of his partners, Leroy clenches his fists out of annoyance and discomfort..

“What is so funny?”

Kenneth follows, “After so many years of hatred for him, and after a plan written with such precision, I was certain that you were aware of her existence.”

On the other side of the screen, Zelo says, “You can’t beat your enemy if you don’t know him. And you can’t say you know Curtis by ignoring the existence of the famous rose, from which she takes her name.”

“Then what? Would it be a person? I don’t understand, why a nickname like that and also answered? I only found out tonight.” Leroy keeps his thoughts to himself.

They nod and let a slight silence settle.

“So it’s his wife,” Leroy deduced.

“She probably would have been if she were human.” admits Kenneth a thinker tone.

Shocked by what he hears, Leroy quickly rises from his place. All act the same and a long silence sets in.

“She belongs among us!” A strong flash of heat spreads within him and his heart races as he stares at the empty space..

“I don’t agree with this philosophy of taking the famous rose from Curtis to break him. On the other hand, I intend to give this girl back the freedom that was taken from her.”

Turning his back on the office, he abandons the meeting without warning.

The other alphas in their meeting place disregard the cameras that were pointed at them.

Kenneth sighs and is the first to leave his place, heading towards the center.

"Leroy has been at Justin’s for several months. How on earth could he not notice or even learn the existence of la rose célèbre? "

Zélo raises his eyebrows and joins him in the center.He places his hand on Kenneth's shoulder and smiles with a sense of hopelessness.

"Don’t you know our dear Leroy? When it comes to women, it comes in one ear and out the other. "

Kenneth crosses his arms against his chest and clenches the floor. "Do you think he’ll find her in Justin’s possession? "

"You’re referring to Luxana’s protégé. " Suppose Zélo. Kenneth nods.

"I don’t know. But if he does, we’ll marry him directly. "

Some laugh at this proposal while others suffocate. Kenneth holds Zélo by the collar and pulls him aside. "What are you mumbling about? Leroy’s probably not gonna marry this missing woman just because he would find her. "

"Leroy has reached his nineteenth birthday." He slightly shifts Kenneth’s hand. "I know that he is old enough to marry, to satisfy himself and to respond to his fleshly pleasures with his partner. "

"Zélo is right. It is so rare that an alpha is not already married at sixteen. He could become a danger at twenty. Only God knows what the full moon could make him do. "

Kenneth growls annoyance and establishes silence in the room.

"Leroy has to get married. I’ll join you on that, he’s a complete werewolf. But only with his twin soul. "

Once again, the group is divided between one party that applauds by approval and another that moans by disagreement.

"Where are you going to find his twin soul? It’s been years that he swears by celibacy and has a strong underbelly of soul mates. " Zelo makes a side-to-side shake of his head.

"I do not agree. He will be more inclined towards a romantic relationship if the partner is not his twin soul. Before we talk to Leroy, we need to establish a vote.."

Immediately, a racket echoes throughout the building, There are two parties and everyone makes their arguments, thinking they know what would be best for Leroy.

Also in a situation of tension and cries, Justin is lying on his bed and bothered by her as every evening.

"Justin, I’m your wife." Catherine says soberly.

Curtis glances at her from the corner of his eyes. "I already told you. I left you and no longer consider you my wife. By the way. In a few weeks, I’ll officially have another wife. "

"Don’t say anything stupid! You’re not gonna make me believe you’re gonna tolerate the idea of having werewolves for kids. "

"And why not? "

"Justin, you hear yourself? You are the best Werewolf Hunter tour the continent! Will you hunt your children? Convert them only on documents into humans? Or renounce our principles, beliefs and ambitions for this thing!"

"Catherine does not exceed your limits! " he relaxes his muscles and fixes the exit. "I still have time to think about this detail. Anyway, my beautiful rose will be my wife as soon as she reaches her majority."

Catherine walks towards him and places her hand sensually on her cheek. He notices it and does not push it away.

"My love. Are you really going into madness?"

"Catherine, I’m madly in love with that kid. "

She bows her head and closes her eyes. "You still use the term kid to talk about her. You know she’s too young. Why do you insist on marrying her. I am here. "

Tired of her, he pushes her hard to the ground.

"You didn’t sound me when she was thirteen, It's likely that you won't do it now that she’s eighteen. "He stands up from his seat and walks away from her. "You pissed me off. I’m going to lie by a rose.”

In tears, Catherine throws herself on his back.

"No, I beg you. I’m here, why not me?" He snarls and remains motionless. “Take me. Let me be your rose for tonight. don't forsake me. "

Immediately, Justin’s gaze hardens as he pushes Catherine back to the ground.

"Do you have no self-esteem? Roses are toys. They are there only to stimulate pleasure and nothing more. Would you really want to become a rose? " He gazes at her with disgust from every angle.

"I’m human, Justin. I couldn’t be a rose. " she swallows her saliva poorly. “I could still satisfy you. I remain your wife. Therefore, I am the most qualified to meet your needs."

Justin leans against the wall and thinks about it. "You are not in the best position and will never be as long as my rose exist. " he raises his eyebrows. "But since you insist. I could always bid you farewell… With less coldness."

So this first night of the month, Desmond muffles the number of weapons in the reserve, Leroy thought long and hard about who is la rose célèbre. The alphas are bickering about the marriage of leroy. Lenore exposes herself to the cold without being sufficiently covered, in the hope of killing himself, In contrast to Justin, also naked, but in the desire to have fun.
