
Weapons choice

Rudra sat in the car and they the car got started. Rudra was not comfortable in that car because Rudra was in a very energetic mood and wanted to reach the mansion now. It was going to be a three days journey


After the three days Rudra finally reached the mansion. Rudra was really tired sitting in that car but now Rudra was happy that he can finally do some real work in the mansion. Rudra just felt that it was a easy job and no one will actually attack here and he had to just spend months and get the money. Rudra dint actually know his salary but he was still expecting that it was a high rate. Rudra actually needed 4000$ a month only. Rudra just wanted to feed his family for now.

The fog was filled there because it was early morning in the winters and the mansion was actually very beautiful. The car stopped inside the mansion and Rudra got out of the car.

"*Yawn* Ah, i can finally walk" Said Rudra

The person in the car also came out of the car and showed the way for Rudra.

Rudra saw that the doors are really big and it was made of woods with some real Steel.

The guy opend the door and Rudra went inside. Then the guy said to Rudra that he needed to be checked once so Rudra had to go to a cammander and he pointed towards a room witch was at second floor so Rudra went there. Rudra opend the door and there were so many other people who were going to be hired today. Rudra also joined the line.

Then the cammander gave a status panel to everyone and said

"Form today you are a part of this mansion and i expect you guys to be layal to the queen an also respect them. As you guys are beggeners i will give you a set of instructions you have to follow. So if your status is more than 400 Then its good because you are a professional guard then and if it's 200 Then we will give you some training to improve. Our aim is to make your status more then 400 Ok?"

"Yes cammander" Everyone said in a slow tone

"Hey, don't call me cammander, i am Larry, call me Larry. Understood?"

"Yes C- Larry"

"Haha, Fine then I will give you time to see your status and i will take you for choosing your weapons after like half an hour. Be ready in this room ok?"

"Yes...Larry" Said Everyone

Everyone saw thier status and they looked Pretty happy and Rudra also had a look at his status.


Rudra Moore Level-1


Strength- 10

Stamina- 13

Defence- 6

Wisdom- 7

Agility- 15

Speed- 4

Vitality- 2

Mana- 4

Combact items- None

Skills- None

Health- 100/100 Healthy

Rank- A


"What WHAT!? They said your lucky if you have more than a 400 STATUS AND MINE IS NOT EVEN 20!!!" Rudra screamed

Then it was time to go to pick the weapons so Rudra went to the place they had said. The Cammander Larry had a set of pistols in the wall and they said to make a line.

"Wait? Is this they way to Choose our weapons?"

Ajax was third in that row and the first person picked a pistol and the picked pistol was replaced and he went to another row where there were the Rifles. Then another person picked a pistol and it was Rudra's turn.

"Witch Pistol do you want?" Said the Cammander


There were 5 Pistols witch were

1911 Pistol



Colt Single action army


"I pick 1911 Pistol"

Then Rudra was said to walk front because he would be provided with his weapons Afterwards.

Then it was time to pick the Rifles

There was also 5 Rifles witch were




MP Carbine


Rudra liked the G3 So Rudra said

"I choose G3"

Then Rudra walked front and it was the Swords turn.

Rudra Dint know any names of them but Rudra liked a sword witch was silver colour and yellow.

"I- I choose the third Sword"

Then The weapons pick was over and they said that they will be proving a armour now and Rudra got his armour first.

His armour was very heavy and it was the vest was fully steel and had a golden sword image on it and his helmet was of strong wood and Rudra got a knee protector witch was also wood but is was very hard and strong. Then Rudra got his shoes witch was like a army shoes and Rudra took it and went to the room where everyone was there.

Then a cammander witch was not Larry it was someone else said a very shocking news.

He announced that everyone get thier very own room and they were requested to go there. Rudra dint expected to get his own room but Rudra was of course very happy.

Rudra got his room keys and he went inside his room. His room had a bed and a TV and a bathroom witch was more then enough for him. Then Rudra saw that there was his weapons on a bench witch was also there and his set of weapons were good. There was also like some 45 ACP and everything witch was needed to put in the guns but Rudra dint have any knowledge about them.

