3 person POV
Jon woke up with the feeling that something bad was going to happen today. He chose to ignore that feeling. Looking at the clock he saw it is 7:45am. He jumped out of bed and began putting on his clothes and run and ran out of the apartment.
"Fuck Fuck Fuck she's gonna kill me for being late again" said Jon out loud
Jon is an orphan his parents died in an accident when he was 13 year's old. He was left with a large sum of money in inheritance. Suddenly noticed that on the road a girl looking for her mother. After which a truck headed towards the girl flashed in his eyes. Using all his strength in his legs, he ran to the girl and pushed her out of the way
* Boom* *plask*
Everything turned dark. He was standing in space. After a while he started looking around
"hello someone is here? damn it's dark in here" ask Jon "wait a minut i think i know where i'm
this is the place where I'll meet a god and he will gave me some wishes because I wasn't going to die there.
After hours of waiting
"Forgive me for waiting so long, I had to punish one employee because he got angry and got in the raincarnation truck and went to the world of mortals and you were hit by him" said ???
"do not worry alm-" when Jon turned and noticed black man in white suit "Morgan Freeman is that you??"
"No no only not this again why everyone thinks he is ME?" ask GOD creating a mirror and looking in it "I'm much more handsome then him"
"Sorry Sorry you Just look very similarly. So will I will be reincarnated and do I get some whises?" asked excitedly Jon
"answering your question:
1) yes you are geting reincarnated
2) No you don't have whises
3) no you will not just world you will be going
but you will spin wheel of world's(wow) and wheel of power's, wepons etd.(wof- wheel of fate) from WoW you can go from serials, mangas, novel's and movies. From WoF you can get literally anything From spoon to inherited of god's. So spin my child" explained God and i went to the WoW i saw on it world like Naruto, Bleach. Marvel, against the gods, etd. So i spin the wheel after some time it stop's on [HIGHSCOOL DxD]"YESSS I will get my harem!!" Jon shout from happines" now some cool power and I'll not have to worry about harm" and Jon goes to WoF Spin all his streangth and it started to spin
*toc toc toc toc*
It started to slow down on socks
'No please No GOD please'
"Congratulations You got-"