
Self-Reminder: Quotes Of A Day

Just a piece of quotes of a day. For self-reminder and for us, who was a normal human-being on this earth. I love making quotes.

umayra_yusoff · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs


I was sitting here.

In my world.

Was thinking about...

Have everyday always been like this?

I was question myself.

Oh, hey.

I'm tired.


Mentally and Physically.

Too much thinking.

I cannot stop thinking.


Are you asking me why?

I see.

You are the same too.

I cannot stop my brain to keeps thinking.

Because, that's how I was.

I have accepted myself.

I hope you accept yourself too.

Don't compare yourself to others.

Others people are others people.

They don't same as 'you' are.

You are special.

You are talented.

You are smart.

You are strong.


Do you see that in yourself?


Okay. Now listen to me.

How do you think you will live if you keeps saying that 'I have no will to live anymore'.

Or you saying that 'I'm not suitable and fits in this world, in others people'.

No. You are wrong.

I had been in this position too.

So, I have some advice for you.

Don't take others people's insult words into your heart.

Don't trust a person 100%.

Don't thinking about want to life with copy lifestyle of others.


Are you asking me why?

Believe me, trust yourself.

Others people doesn't know how your life was.

You are the one that choose where will you life path will go.

You are the one in the million that who was born on this world.

You are the chosen one that was very strong enough.

You are You.

Nobody can replace you.

Because you have a will to live in yourself.

In your inner self.

You just doesn't realize it.

Just be happy.

Ignore others that doesn't like you.

Do what you want to do.

But don't do the bad things.

Because we don't know what will happens in your life if you do bad.

No one want to get treat bad, right?

Everyone want a happy live, peace.

Just do the good things.

Good deeds.

And the good things will comeback to you too.

Love yourself first.

Then you can love others people.

Thank you for listening.

Have a nice day.


I don't know what I was writing about...

But I hope it will gives a motivation to you :D

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