
Seducing the Innocent Heiress

Eighteen-year-old Crystal Bretz thought she was abandoned by her father. But everything changed when one day, a sophisticated man named Erik Jimenez, kidnapped her-or that was what she thought. Because after their conversation, Crystal learned that she was not an ordinary girl, but an heiress to one of the biggest Law firms in the country. At first, she refused to embrace her real identity because of what she learned about her father's family. But when a tragedy smacked her face really hard, she found herself living in his mansion. Erik, on the other hand, continued to stay by her side, supporting her and helping her to reach her dreams. Soon she learned to love and trust him and even gave up her innocence to him. But when she unfolded the layers of dark secrets beneath Erik's personality, she realized that being betrayed by the man whom she offered pure love was way more painful than being thrown into prison for the crime she's innocent of.

RMoone · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs




My dreams had finally become a reality. After years of hard work and dedication, I was now the proud CEO of Wayne Firm. Erik, who had been with me since the very beginning, was by my side as we celebrated our success together.

That night, I felt my father's presence more than ever before. It seemed that he had always been with me on this journey and now as I stood there in front of him, his spirit beaming with pride for what I had accomplished - it finally felt like all of our hard work has paid off.

As we toasted to us both, I realized that even though my father wasn't here physically, his love still shone down on us from above. His words echoed in my head: "Follow your dreams no matter what stands in your way." That night, I knew that we were making him proud.