3 3:Operation Find Cure

There was a group of Special Operators that was created by the Govorment to take on High difficult situation that a regular swat,police,the military can't handle.This Operators we're trained to be the best,this operators are:Cage the leader,Eagle The recoon,Tech the tech genius,Decker,Twitch and thatcher.They we're assigned to take a sample of the cure,When they reach the location of the cure.it was left to them to find the doctor that make the cure,But when they got there they saw the doctor's dead body.And the cure was safe all was left to do is to escape,but that wasn't easy.The way that they went in was block by a horde,their only way out is throught the tunnels.so they went throught the tunnels,and they we're spotted by a horde and they we're chased.in the process they lost Decker,Thatcher,Eagle and Twich.the two operators left made it out to safety.But no rescue chopper was there.
