
Secrets and Shadows - The Celestial, The Mortal, and The Infernal

"Secrets and Shadows" unfolds across realms where mysteries shroud reality in an enigmatic tapestry. The kingdom of Descarith, once glorious, now fades into obscurity, haunted by spectral memories and concealed truths. Its people, isolated and guarded, face the perilous darkness of the mysterious forest and the malevolent Shadow Beasts. Razor, a mortal by day, a berserker by night, and a charismatic figure, is the kingdom's protector. He not only battles the Shadow Beasts but commands their loyalty, while his magnetic charm captivates the hearts of villagers. In Heaven, celestial warriors known as angels guard a divine paradise. Among them, Sraptor, a formidable guardian, harbors a forbidden love for a goddess, leading to his exile to Earth. Driven by love and a desire to save Heaven, he becomes a warrior with the power to reshape celestial history. In Hell, where demons collect tainted souls, The Hell Prince Lizen reigns in malevolent secrecy. Ambitions and motives remain shrouded in darkness. The cosmic struggle between light and darkness teeters on revelation and upheaval.

DreamingWrath · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Trial of Death – Part VII

Sephir and Sraptor found themselves locked in an unending battle against an unrelenting horde of demons and beasts. As the relentless assault continued, Sraptor inquired, "My Lady, how much soul power do you have left?" Sephir, her breath ragged from exertion, replied, "I'm holding on for now, but I might need to recover after dealing with this wave."


The state of the battle was dire. Shadow demons and shadow beasts had united their sinister forces, creating a nightmarish amalgamation of darkness. Shadow beasts absorbed their wounded comrades, rejuvenating themselves, while Sraptor continued to cleave through their ranks. They had already conquered four levels of the tower, yet the relentless onslaught showed no sign of abating. This was unusual; the tower was typically cleansed before the competition. While some demons would be spared for the champions to face, this sudden influx made no sense. Could it be that the upper levels of the tower had been unsealed? Sraptor couldn't dismiss the possibility.


As Sephir panted from exhaustion, she summoned the Soul-Filling Tempest. While it consumed a substantial amount of soul power, it was the most effective against the current horde. This tempest had the unique ability to combine the shadow demons and beasts into a single entity, making it more efficient to eliminate them. However, it also carried risks, as running out of soul power before the soul was destroyed would result in a formidable, soul-enhanced demon.


Sephir had not yet fully mastered the powers of the Tempest Vase. Its true potential would be unlocked when she could combine all four types of tempests. For instance, the fusion of Soul-Filling and Soul-Burning Tempests would create a Soul-Draining Tempest, capable of combining and burning demons' soul power while replenishing the caster's own.


She focused all her remaining soul power into the Tempest Vase, hoping to clear the wave. However, her efforts brought forth an unexpected horror—the "Shadow Leviathan." These higher demons were rarely found near the heavenly realm, and this was the only one within the tower. A shadow demon typically didn't grow strong enough to consume others.


The Shadow Leviathan embodied terror itself, a nightmarish fusion of the malevolence of a thousand shadow demons and the savage ferocity of an equal number of shadow beasts. Cloaked in swirling, ever-shifting shadows that writhed like tormented souls, its grotesque form cast an ominous shadow over the cursed forest. Its monstrous bulk rested on colossal, misshapen limbs, each ending in claws sharp enough to rend the fabric of reality.


Two obsidian eyes, glowing like smoldering orbs, radiated malevolence and an eerie intelligence that surpassed its individual parts. The crimson luminescence hinted at a sinister hunger, not just for flesh but for the very essence of hope itself.


At its core, the Shadow Leviathan boasted a gaping maw filled with jagged fangs, capable of consuming entire armies in one gulp. Its movements caused the earth to tremble, and the shadows themselves seemed to quiver in fearful anticipation, as if recoiling from the monstrous entity.


Sraptor quickly retreated with Sephir in his arms, realizing that they were beyond the scope of the trial. Guides like him were allowed to fight in the trials to protect the champions. Although champions were candidates for obtaining the power of the Gods, they had not yet received it. The Trial of Death served as a test to determine their worthiness. This system ensured that the Gods could suppress any rogue God if necessary.


Angels, like Sraptor, were souls who had expanded their soul power capacity without the blessings of the Gods. While their capacities varied, most angels didn't seek power or might; they were dutiful soldiers. Sraptor was one of the Nine Higher Generals, who had now enough soul power to battle a God.


Returning to face the Shadow Leviathan, Sraptor's eyes emitted a blue glow as he channeled his soul power into his scythe. "With the Death God's Scythe, your malevolent soul shall be reaped," he declared. The Death God's Scythe was one of the many weapons bestowed upon Sraptor by the Gods. Each strike drained a massive amount of soul power and transferred it to the user. However, using the scythe on a larger scale drained a considerable amount of the user's soul power.


The Leviathan roared and lunged forward, but Sraptor, with his eyes still glowing, adjusted his grip on the scythe. He dragged the weapon behind him, aiming to slice through the Leviathan's gaping maw. As the scythe tore through its mouth, the Leviathan's immense form quivered, releasing a slick black pigment from the severed area. Sraptor continued his forward momentum, slicing the Leviathan's body in half. The behemoth shattered and vanished.


Although Sraptor had managed to recover most of his soul power from the Leviathan, the battle had taken its toll on him. He knelt on the cold floor, panting, as Sephir, who had already recovered most of her soul power, approached. "My lady, we must leave the tower. We've already cleared the required levels, and something is amiss here. There shouldn't have been so many demons. It's time to continue your journey."


Just before departing the tower, Sephir sensed a sinister presence lurking in the shadows. However, before she could voice her concern, Sraptor began their descent, carrying her away from the eerie darkness of the Prison of Desolation. He reported their observations to Ludiclous, and after that moved forward with Sephir toward their next trial, leaving behind the eerie darkness of the Prison of Desolation.