
Secret situations

Joy_Phelisters_5708 · ย้อนยุค
4 Chs


'I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo... What the hell am I doing here, I don't belong here.... '

The song disappears in the background as I remove my headphones at the same time that the sheriff appears before me.

"Good evening Ophelia."

"Good evening Sheriff. It's quiete a a surprise to see you here when dad's not around. "

" Can't a man stop by to see his favorite niece? " he asks faking a hurt expression.

" You know am your only niece, right?"

"There you go. Now you are catching on. That's what makes you my favorite." he counters giving me a warm smile

"Well, come in uncle Luc. We don't want people saying I refused to let you in the house now, do we?

In the living room I turn to offer him a drink only to realize he wasn't with me so I go back out only to find him standing at the same spot I left him lost in his thoughts.

Yes he is my uncle and the town's sheriff but at times he can be really weird.

Like you've heard , I'm Ophelia. Ophelia Eve Lorence. I go by Eve but uncle Luc chooses to call me Ophelia for reasons unknown. Growing up it has always been me, my dad Landon Lorence and uncle Lucian Lorence. Atleast until Venus and her family moved to our town Widdershins from Salve.

Both of us were 10 by then , we became best friends and more like sisters in the course of the years.

I remember when we first started talking. Venus had helped me out when I was being bullied by Mark Johnson. She scared him off and has remained my guardian angel since then.

Please tell me what you think about my book. I would really appreciate it if anyone who's willing can tell me what I should have done different.

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