
Secret Obsession

John has a secret obsession on his high school crush, Alaia, but she is oblivious to his feelings... if you can call them that. How will he take it? They hardly ever spoke in school, never hung out as friends would, never TP'd their principal's house, yet John is somehow convinced that he is in love with Alaia and that she most certainly loves him back. Years later he enters her life again, determined to make her his, and show her that they belong together, but she is in love with another man. What will he do? Ironically, the man Alaia loves has a stalker of his own, determined to test the waters between this couple and sink the ship happily floating at sea. Will they stay together through all the twists and turns, these psychos put them through? With death, pain, loss and lies lurking around every corner, Alex and Alaia are destined to break up. Right? ~ A true love is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other - Anonymous ~

Jonie_Williams · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Husband and wife

**Alex's P.O.V**

Later that evening Alaia and I ordered pizza to celebrate our engagement. We cozied up on the couch, with wine and a pizza, and we watched romantic movies all night.


Alaia's P.O.V

Months have passed since John went back to his home in Texas. His brother Jackson fell ill so he went to take care of him.

Since then we have been busy making sure that everything is perfect. Blood, sweat and tears have gone into planning this wedding, and finally the day is here. Everyone is beyond excited but I can't help but feel nervous. Alex and I want to see each other, so my mom arranged for him to come to the room I am getting ready in even the groom's not supposed to see the bride blah, blah, blah.

When Alex sees me he runs towards me lifting me up as I wrap my arms around his neck. I thought I heard him mumble beautiful under his breath before his lips collided with mine. I immediately melt into the kiss, forgetting all of my nerves from before. When we pull apart I blurt out...

"I'm so nervous. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to think I was having second thoughts." I mumble looking up at him through my lashes.

"You know you can tell me anything, I trust you not to leave me at the alter." He joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

We stay wrapped in each other for a while until I hear a knock on the door. My mom pokes her head in smiling at us.

"It's time to get married. Let's put on this wedding dress." She squealed excitedly.

Alex kissed me on my cheek leaving me to finish getting ready.

I heard the classical music start to play as I walk down the aisle my train flowing behind me and my arm hooked with my father's. Turning the corner I lift my eyes to meet Alex's. He stares at me like I'm the only person here and I notice a tear roll down his cheek making the butterflies from earlier come back in full force.

My dress hugs my figure perfectly, accentuating every curve. When we reach the alter my dad places my hand into Alex's and walks to sit next to my mom in the front row. The pastor begins talking but I completely zone out. Alex and I look at each other longingly and I know my emotions are as clear as day on my face. I was brought back to reality when the Pastor said...

" Do you Alaia take Alexander to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

" I do." I whisper. The pastor then turns to Alex.

" Do you Alexander take Alaia to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may ki-" Before the pastor could finish the sentence Alex had wrapped his hands around my waist and slammed his lips onto mine kissing me senseless.

It was all worth it.

Now that everthing was finished it was time for the honeymoon. We booked a week at a beautiful resort in Maui. The island was beautiful and the villas were breathtaking.


Alex's P.O.V

We arrived at the resort around 8pm. After checking in at reception, we made our way up to the room. I placed the suitcases next to the bed as I watched Alaia look around the suite with amazement.

I called the hotel prior to us arriving and told them set up a candlelit dinner for my wife and I.

It feels so good to finally call her that.

Alaia thinks we're staying in for the night but little does she know I have a whole night planned.

"Ugh, I'm so tired." She groans flopping onto the bed. "Let's go to sleep baby." She whines stretching her hand out to reach me.

Actually..." I start, leaning down placing my arms on either side of her head, "I have a suprise for you." I grin watching as the tired look completely vanishes and is replaced with excitement.

"What babe!" She squeals wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist clinging to me like a monkey. I lift her up and walk to a near by wall pressing her up against it.

My gaze lands on her lips as she watches me. "First we're gonna shower, then we'll get dressed." I mumble huskily, shifting her weight in my arms as her eyes cloud over with lust.

I carry Alaia into the bathroom my hands resting on her ass. She looks so perfect. I put her down as I turn on the shower setting the right temperature. When I turn around Alaia is fully naked watching me intently for my reaction. I go to stand behind her and my gaze slowly moves to look over her shoulder at her breasts. She moves my hands up to squeeze her nipples as our gaze meets in the mirror. She spins in my arms suddenly and leans up so our lips meet. Her hands move up to undo the buttons of my shirt, then she goes to my pants her fingers moving expertly.

As our lips move in sync, I lift her up and carry her into the shower our lips staying connected. She pulls away to catch her breath as my lips moves down her neck, over her collar bone and across her body causing her to let out an uncontrollable moan. After a few seconds I pull away, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" She questions breathlessly.

I stare at her. "Nothing, just that we don't have alot of time left" I admitt.

She sighs "Well will you tell me what we're doing?" She asked with a pout.


"Fine." rolling her eyes we finished showering. I swear it took forever for her to get dressed.

"We're gonna be late." I call

"Ok, ok I'm ready." She huffs. I take her hand and lead her out of our room down the stairs and to front desk.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Alexander." I smile politely, the receptionist gives me a flirtatious look as her hand comes up to twirl her hair.

"Of course...table for one?" She queries biting her lip. I feel Alaia tense up beside me. I furrow my eyebrows, is she serious?

"For two." I state, "My wife and I." I add bluntly. Her gaze moves to Alaia and she immediately straightens, although I notice a small scowl form on her lips.

"Right, well just go through those doors to the dining room and everything should be set. Let us know if anything isn't to your liking." She sends a fake smile while pointing to the doors she mentioned.

"Thank you" Alaia said sharply, before tugging me towards the doors. "Unbelievable." I heard her mutter.

Alaia's P.O.V

I can't believe that just happened.

"That receptionist was the most disrespectful woman I have ever met. She saw me next to you, she saw the ring and yet she openly hits on you as if I'm not standing right there. Who the hell does that? I should have her fi-"

Before I can finish my rant I look up to find the most breathtaking scene infront of me. "Wha-" I look up at Alex to see him watching me intently for my reaction. "You did this?" I whisper looking back at the set up not thinking he heard me.

"For you, anything."

I start grinning like a mad woman, as I walk towards the table. There were fairy lights draped across the walls, and as cliche as it sounds, there were rose petals scattered across the floor. The table was covered in a white lace table cloth with one single candle in the middle that gave off a cherry blossom scent. "This is beyond beautiful."Alex pulls my chair out for me allowing me to sit before sitting down opposite to me.

"Where is everyone? Why is it so quiet?"

"I rented out the restaurant." He muses, as I chuckle. I should have known.

We spend the rest of the evening talking and laughing as newlyweds. We play games with the food and dance to the music in the background. It was perfect. By the time we're finished and are making our way back to the room, we don't make it halfway through the door before we're kissing each other hungrily and desperatly trying to tear each other's clothes off.

We spend the rest of the night in martial bliss.

Tired and sweaty, we roll over onto our backs as we try to catch our breath. Alex pulls me to him as I cuddle further into his chest, falling asleep in that position to the sound of his heartbeat.



