
Secret Fortunate Life

Nicole is a simple village girl who live so happily together with her parents in some simple rural village. They have a farm where her father works as a farmer while her mother is just a simple housewife. But... One day, she's found out a secret that neither her father nor her mother told her...

Airelhan_Zinovia · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

I Have A Favor To Ask From You

[12:00 pm]

Lunch came and as planned, Nicole went to the roof top with her lunch box and tumbler in her hands.

When Nicole arrived, Ashley's already sitting on the blanket that's placed on the floor with her three layered lunch box in front of her.

'A picnic themed lunch? Not bad.'

"I'm here!"

"Good! Coz I'm starving. Quickly! Sit here already!"

"Okay okay! Just wait a moment. I'm still taking my shoes off."

After Nicole finally took her shoes off, she sat opposite to Ashley and sat there then the two prayed before they ate their lunches.

Ashley shared some of her food to Nicole and she did the same.

"I'm so full I wanna sleep immediately!"

Ashley said as she closed her lunch box and burped.

"Me too. But why did you pack a lot of food now? You usually just have two layers of lunch box. What's the occasion?"

"Nothing. I planned to eat here at the roof top again last night and told the servants to add more food in my lunch box than the usual so they added another layer on it."

Ashley said as she lied down and took a magazine from her bag.

Nicole looked at it and saw that it's the same magazine Ashley was reading on recess time.

"What kind of magazine is that? You've been reading it since this morning."

"Oh, this is the latest issue of the limited edition Glam Magazine about the rankings of bachelor men who are still single, the most successful businesses in the world, the latest trends in the fashion industry, and of course, the heirs and heiresses of the business tycoons all over the globe."

Ashley replied without looking away from the magazine.

"If it's limited edition, how many copies does the magazines publishing company only sell?"

"Hmm. Only about 10 copies."

"How much does it cost each?"

"I guess it ranges between US$3000-US$4000? But I bought this one for $4000."

"If I convert it to peso*, that'd be... almost ₱200,000?! What the heck? For a magazine you'll need to pay that much of money? I can buy a bunch of new clothes, shoes, and gadgets with that huge amount! I don't really understand the world of the riches!"

Ashley smirked at what she heard.

Nicole saw this and was kinda creeped out.

"Hey, what're you thinking and you're smirking like that?"

"It's nothing. Anyways, look at these guys! They're so damn hot! Woah! Frederick's still on the first rank?! And he's followed by his twin Aldrich?! Well, these two guys are really a hottie. Can't blame the women who wants them as their husband. Haha!"

"Who're those guys your pertaining to? Lemme see!"

Nicole went to Ashley's side and she lied down beside her.

She felt a sense of familiarity as she saw the faces of the guys Ashley was talking about.

"Hmm. The two of them looks familiar. It feels like I've seen them somewhere."

"Uh, of course you'd have the so called 'sense of familiarity' since they have posters posted everywhere and they're also all over the internet being the top candidates of the most wanted husband in Asia."

Nicole thought about it and Ashley do have a point so she just shrugged it off.

"Hmm. You're right. But... it's just that.... they give off the same vibe as the two people that I know."

"Nah. Maybe they just look kinda alike."


As the two were talking, Ashley's phone rang.

"Who could this be?"

She took out her phone from her pocket and when she saw the caller's name, she immediately tilted the screen away from Nicole, without her noticing, and hurriedly stood up.

"Nicole, I gotta answer this call. Please excuse me for a bit."

"Oh, sure. No problem, Ash. Just take your time."

Ashley then went to the other side of the roof top. So far away so that Nicole couldn't hear the conversation.

"What is it?"

The other end seemed so busy with clattering of eating and cleaning utensils, windows squeaking, and doors opening and closing sound like everybody's doing a general cleaning. Then a guy's faint voice was heard.

"Hello? Hey, if you don't have anything to say, I'm gonna hang up. I'm busy you know." Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Hey! Don't be impatient! I was just giving orders to my assistant."

"Psh! What is it that you want? And be quick!"

The other end heaved a sigh and shook his head in dismay.

"Why are kids so impatient nowadays?"

"Cut the chase!"

The person on the other end of the line let out a small laugh before he cleared his throat and talked. This time, he had seriousness in his voice. "I have a favor to ask from you."

Author's Note: *Peso/s (₱)-the currency in the Philippines

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