
Secret Fortunate Life

Nicole is a simple village girl who live so happily together with her parents in some simple rural village. They have a farm where her father works as a farmer while her mother is just a simple housewife. But... One day, she's found out a secret that neither her father nor her mother told her...

Airelhan_Zinovia · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Damn Crush, You're Really Handsome!

The next morning, Nicole did her morning routines which is doing some chores before going to school.

During this period of time, she was absent minded. Even when she was walking to school, she couldn't greet the people back and she was almost hit by a running motorcycle while crossing the pedestrian lane!

"Watch out!"

Jesster came just in time to pull Nicole to the side lane.

"Damn these crazy drivers!" He faced Nicole. "Are you okay?"

Nicole nodded.

"Thank you."

"No problem. But next time, please be more careful in crossing the road. What you just did is dangerous."

"I will, thank you."

Nicole gave Jesster a weak smile.

Jesster noticed that something's off with her right from when he saw her crossing the road absentmindedly up until she gave him a weak smile.

'This is so not Nicole.'

He wanna ask her what's bugging her but as he was about to, Ashley arrived. So, he kept it to himself.

"Hey Nicole! Good morning!"

Ashley was all smiles.

"Good morning, Ash."

Nicole replied in a normal tone and she usually has an energetic one. Ashley noticed this and stared at Nicole with a 'What's-wrong?' look on her face. She just replied with a 'nothing-serious-let's-talk-later' look.

Jesster saw the two staring at each other intently as if they were communicating and felt awkward.

"Uhh... I gotta go first! I still have to drop by the student council to have an attendance. See ya around!"

And off he go.

The two see him go in the campus and they followed after a few minutes.

On their way to their classrooms, Ashley kept nagging Nicole to tell her what's wrong but Nicole would just either nod or say later. Until they arrived at Nicole's classroom on the first floor.

Ashley heaved a sigh.

"Since you don't wanna say it, I won't push you any further. But please do share it with me whenever you feel like it." She hugged Nicole. "It might make you feel a lot more better."

Nicole hugged her back and nodded.

"I will."

Then, the both of them let go of the hug.

"See you later then."

Ashley waved and went to the staircase to go to her room on the second floor.

Nicole then went to her seat and took out her book and notebook for the first subject. Not long after that the bell rang and the teacher came to start the class.


[9:30 am]

The first two subjects this morning, Nicole's mind was so occupied about the truth that her parents talked about last night that she actually didn't get to focus in class for the first time!

She fixed her things and took her wallet to buy some snacks in the canteen for recess.

At the canteen, the queue ain't that long so Nicole bought a biscuit and a bottle of orange juice faster than the usual.

She was about to go back to her classroom when Jesster came and went beside her which made her stop.

"Hey Nicole. I've been wanting to ask you since this morning. Are you okay?"

Nicole looked at him with a shocked blushing face. He saw this and looked away while scratching the back of his head. "Well, I-I don't mean to pry but... I just can't stop being concerned about you. I-if you don't feel like telling me, it's fine. I understand..."

"I'm okay."

Nicole cut Jesster off with her head down just looking at the food she bought. She's trying to hide her crimson red face.

'Damn! Crush is concerned about me! Aaaaaaaa!'

Her inner self is freaking out but she maintained a calm surface.

'Just play it cool Nicole. You got this!'

She looked at Jesster with a smile on her face.

"It was just a small family matter that will be resolved soon. So, you can stop worrying about me now. Thank you very much for your concern."

Jesster felt relieved hearing this from her.

"Hooh. Good thing it's not a big issue. If you have something that you need to get off your chest, just call me and I'll be there anytime."

He winked at Nicole which made her blush again and looked down to the floor.

"But you already have a lot on your plate because you're the student council president. I don't wanna add more by bothering you with my own problems."

Jesster giggled which made Nicole look at him with an asking expression.

"Why are you giggling?"

"I'm sorry... it's just that... you're so adorable when you're troubled."

Jesster covered his face with the back of his hands and looked at Nicole with an amused face.

"Damn crush, You're really handsome!"

Jesster got surprised because of what Nicole just whispered.

"What? Did you just said that I'm handsome?" He asked to make sure.

'Eek! Wait, did I said that out loud? I'm dead!'

Nicole got all sweaty from thinking of an alibi.

"Huh? No! I said 'Damn I really need to hand some crushed paper to Ashley!' Yeah! That's what I've said! Hehe. She needs it for their art project." She then let out a nervous laugh.

'Hope that worked! Hope that worked!'

Nicole crossed her thumb and index toes.

Jesster got a disappointed look on his face but it faded away soon and went back to his usual expression.

"Oh. I guess I kinda heard you wrong. Haha. Sorry about being assuming."

"Yeah. It's okay. Haha. Well, I need to head back to Ashley soon or else she might tear me into pieces if I hadn't given her the 'crushed paper'. Haha. Bye Jesster. See ya when I see ya!"

And she escaped the hole that she made herself.

"Hooh! Good thing I've escaped my own pit! Damn! What have I been doing lately? Better control it while it's still early or it might get me into much bigger trouble!"

She told herself and ran back to her classroom.

Jesster looked at the girl who's scolding herself and he showed his amused smile again while shaking his head and went back to the student council's office.