
Secret Fortunate Life

Nicole is a simple village girl who live so happily together with her parents in some simple rural village. They have a farm where her father works as a farmer while her mother is just a simple housewife. But... One day, she's found out a secret that neither her father nor her mother told her...

Airelhan_Zinovia · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs


"Where are we heading to now?" Nicole asked curiously. "And who are these two guys?" She whispered the last question to Ashley who's just very calm at the moment. Not even the slightest trace of confusion on her face.

They are now heading to the parking lot while following the two escorts.

"We're just going somewhere to eat dinner and if you're gonna ask why again, it's because since we're here already, why not give it a blast, right?"

Nicole just nodded with uncertainty and went with what her friend is planning.

They were escorted into the backseat of the car by one of the two men while the other placed their shopping bags in the trunk.

Nicole just looked around as the two men outside the car was making sure everything was okay before going in the driver's and shotgun seat of the car and started the engine. "Why are they coming with us? Why are we riding this car? Where is Manong Elmer?" She asked continuously. Kind of hysterical.

Ashley just sighed as she was bombarded with questions by her friend. She rummaged through her bag and took out a water bottle then handed it to Nicole.

"Drink this water to calm down."

Though disoriented, Nicole took the bottle of water and drank from it then closed the lid after.

"I don't really wanna use this method, but it will be a big trouble if things don't go according to plan. I know you're confused about all of this but you'll understand very soon. For now, just sleep well and relax while we head to our destination." Ashley said with a smile.

As Ashley said that, Nicole's vision started to blur and felt dizziness slowly creeping up her system.

"Ashley... what... did you do...?" Nicole said weakly with disbelief and betrayal in her eyes as she stared at her friend with blurry vision before losing consciousness.

Ashley caught Nicole before she falls to the floor and placed her head on her lap. She looked at her wristwatch, 7:40 pm.

'The meeting time is at 8 o'clock. We only have 20 mins to get there and we're still far. Good thing, traffic's not a thing in this city.'

She then shifted her gaze to the men in front.

"Drive faster. We need to get there on time." She ordered with seriousness to the escort behind the wheels who just responded with a nod and stepped on the accelerator.

The car bolted the streets. Almost like they are flying through the road.

[19 minutes later][7:59 pm]

There is a man in formal attire who is pacing back and forth in the front yard of a mansion while looking every now and then on his wristwatch.

"Where are they?" said a man's voice from his back in which he turned around to. His older brother was heading towards his direction.

"Ashley said they are on their way here. But that was about 15 minutes ago and there's no update as of the moment."

The older brother took his phone out and stared at something before saying, "They'll be here on time. I sent our escorts who's also good at driving after all." And with that, they heard the opening of the gates where they both turned their heads at.

The brothers started to fix themselves and stood side by side in a formal manner. The younger brother even took a small mirror from his pocket and brushed his hair for the nth time.

The older brother just glared at him for him to stop what he was doing.

The black car parked in front of them and the escort in the shotgun seat went out to open the door for the ladies at the back.

The brothers are on their toes trying to get a glimpse of what's inside while hearing ruffling sounds as a sign that someone's moving.

"Are you both really just gonna stand and stare from there?" A young woman's complaining was heard from the inside. Then Ashley's head can be seen peeping out with a grumbling face.

The men blinked for a while before finally moving closer to the car to see what's going on.

There they saw the lady that all of them have been anticipating for. They felt their heart soften at the sight of her.

But why is she asleep on Ashley's lap?

"Uh, why is she asleep?" The younger brother asked the obvious.

"She kept on asking unnecessary questions which is why I made her drink water mixed with sedative to make her sleep and relieve her from all the stress and anxiety she's feeling." She said with a shrug.

"WHAT?! But how can we get on with the plan if she's asleep? Are you dumb?"

"Then what did you expect me to do? Let her be suspicious and even make it impossible for you to meet her?"

The two started to bicker as they always have while the older brother, who's the eldest among them, massaged his temples while listening and just made his way to the girl who's head is still on Ashley's lap. He then gently took her in his arms.

"Either both of you will stop or I will have to make you stop." The older brother said in a serious manner which made the two people shut their mouths. He then faced the escorts who is busy taking care of the shopping bags in the trunk. "Take those in her room and let the maids arrange it in her closet." The men just nodded and went on with what they are told. Then he made his way in the mansion while the two people, who's quietly having their quarrel, followed behind.

On their way, the man holding the lady, felt her move. Cuddling towards him. Looking for a comfortable position in her sleep. He smiled at the sight of her cute movements and thought. 'These are the moments that we missed in her early days.' Then he sighed.

"How long will the sedatives effects last?" He asked Ashley.

"Uhm, I gave her a dose that'll last for 30 minutes. And..." She looked at the time. 8:05 pm. "...it should wear off 5 minutes from now since I gave it to her 25 minutes ago."

"Why did you even gave it to her in the first place." The other guy muttered.

"You saying something?" Ashley retorted.

The guy just mimicked her in which she rolled her eyes to.

'Such a childish act when he's so much older than me.' She thought.

They arrived at the living room where a sophisticated middle aged couple was seated on a luxurious sofa in front of a wide luxurious table with teas and pastries atop.

As soon as the couple heard footsteps heading their way, they looked over the entrance to the living room and saw the young people.

The head of the household immediately stood up as soon as he saw the young lady's state.

"Did something happen?" he said as he rushed to where they are.

"Nothing, dad. It's just that, somebody thought it was a good idea to sedate her on the way here." The guy who's following his older brother said, referring to Ashley who's by his side.

"Aldrich, will you please stop blaming me? I just did it for everyone!"

"Oh, now you don't have respect for me."

"Who would want to call you Kuya when you are this childish?"

The older brother just sighed and headed for the long sofa to put her sleeping sister down. Their father immediately went to the side of his daughter.

"She's fine father. She's just sleeping because of the sedative." He gazed at his sister before continuing what he was saying. "She'll be awake any minute now." He then headed towards where Aldrich and Ashley is standing, pulled them both and sat them on the opposite long couch with him in between them to stop their racket.

"Thank goodness. I thought something serious was the reason behind this." The father heaved a sigh of relief as he held his daughter's hand.

"Stop being so dramatic Henry, dear." The mother finally spoke after she took the last sip of her tea, which made her husband slightly pout.

"We should be getting used to it, mother."

"Oh yes, I guess we should be, Frederick darling. You're the only one whom I can rely on a lot of things among these bunch." She refilled her empty cup and took a sip before speaking again.

The girl lying down on the sofa started to hear voices talking around her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around with a hazy vision. "Where am I?" She asked. She slowly got up and held her head for support since she was still feeling a little dizzy.

Henry helped her prop up to sit comfortably on the sofa. "Slowly dear." And he sat beside her.

Nicole's vision started to clear out and she roamed her eyes around the room. She saw the big living room full of expensive things brightened by the light from the glamorous chandelier high up the ceiling. The interior of the room gave off a classic, vibrant, and relaxing ambience due to its white aesthetic.

'This place is beautiful.' she thought.

After giving the place a look, she turned to the people around her with a confused look on her face.

'What are all these people, with different expressions on their faces, doing here?'

When her gaze reached her best friend, she immediately remembered what had happened earlier and stood up in disbelief whilst she pointed at her.

"You! You betrayed me!"