
Secret Baby Hero (Ben’s Point Of View)

this is the same as “the secret baby hero” but in Brian’s point of view.

Nicole_Latham979 · Video Games
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9 Chs

The Café And Phone Call

Nicole and I entered the cafe and sat down in a booth.

I looked up at her and said "I'm sorry that your boyfriend just broke up with you Nicole. I also had a girlfriend but she was a jerk and took away all my chances of having fun and told me to never see her again!!! I just can't believe that your ex canceled for work and then broke up with you after your first fight and wouldn't even talk it out!" I said.

"Yeah!!!! Did your ex girlfriend really do that? I feel bad for you." She said.

"Uh never mind..." I said.

"So how old are you and what is your life like Nicole?" I asked.

She stared at me with this strange look on her face. She looked REALLY nervous again like she just wasn't sure about wanting to talk to me.

"Are you OK? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine. Sorry but I was just lost in thought I guess. Speaking of my life I am 30 years old and it is sure crazy!" she said.

"Really? What happened?" I asked.

"It all started when I was around 3. My parents got divorced and then I was mostly living with my mom. Then a few years later I started to have seizures, but luckily they went away when I had brain surgery when I was 13..."

All of a sudden I stood up in shock and said "WHAT?! You had BRAIN SURGERY?!

"That was really brave of you." I said blushing a little as I sat back down.

"Thanks. A few years ago I finally moved out of my mom's house and I was probably going to move in with Bobby soon but NOT anymore!!! What I do for work is read books to disabled kids with Down syndrome and teach them art projects. I also sew and design beautiful wedding dresses at a store." She said.

"Awesome! I'm 28 and What I do for work is teach kids at camps archery and I also teach a fencing class. They love it!" I said.

"Cool." She said.

"When I was 18 I moved out to a tiny island that's pretty far away from here. When I was 20 a grandmother with 2 grandkids came so I moved out to give them some space. I found a better place even further away!" I said and Nicole just had a shocked look on her face. It looked like she was about to ask a question when suddenly she looked at her watch and noticed that the time had sure flown by.

"I'm sorry Ben but I got to get home to feed my cat Luna!" She said.

"OK. Do you want me to help you find your way home?" I asked.

"Sure. Thanks!" she said, and then we left.

As soon as we got to her house I asked for her phone number and she gave it to me.

Then I was off to my house.

When I got home I don't know why but I just couldn't stop thinking about Nicole. Maybe it's because I felt so bad about her boyfriend breaking up with her and how mean he was when he did it! I was staring at my phone thinking about whether or not I should call Nicole. I really wanted to ask her if she wanted to hang out with me again. After a few minutes I finally got up my courage and called her.

The phone kept on ringing a ton of times and I almost hung up when suddenly I heard her say

"Uh...Hello? Who is this?" A little nervously.

"It's Ben from earlier today remember?

I was just wondering if you were still OK after what happened." I said.

"I guess so." She said.

"I also wanted to ask if you wanted to..."

Suddenly I heard this weird noise coming from my phone! I guess we were becoming disconnected since we live so far away. I kept on calling her name trying to see if she could hear me but then my phone was off and we were officially disconnected.

I was still dying to ask if she wanted to do something like go to the movies so I got up and took out the wind waker.

It's an item that I keep a secret from all the normal people. I can use it to conduct the wind and make little cyclones to easily warp anywhere. Unfortunately I can only warp to the place if I've already been there, know what it looks like, or know the address. The place also can't be too far away. For example I couldn't do it if a person just said "take me to a park in California that I don't know the address of" or if they asked to go to the other side of the planet. I took out the wind waker to see if Nicole's house was too far away and Luckily it wasn't. I conducted the special warping song called the ballad of gales and was on my way. I was instantly at her door so I put the wind waker in my pocket and knocked.

I heard a sudden gasp from behind the door and then it opened.

""How the HELL did you get here so fast Ben?! I could've sworn I felt a little gust of wind just now." She said.

"Uh...Never mind." I said pretty sheepishly.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the movies with me tomorrow, or maybe even tonight if the movie we choose is showing..." I said.

"Yeah! Sure!" She said.