

"Let's drink until midnight!" Ally said while lifting her drink up. It's already 9:04 pm and we're still drinking because its my birthday today. We are actually on the most luxurious bar here in Manila.

"Hey Anne! Where is your handsome boyfriend? I thought he would be here celebrating your birthday?" Eric asked. He is my bestfriend and partner in work. Everytime we are on a mission, I can always rely on him

"He said that he will catch up but I'm not expecting him to give his time to me because he's always busy. Fuck him!" I said with a pissed voice but actually I'm so disappointed on my boyfriend. Its actually my 32th birthday today, this is a special day for me and yet he dared not to show up. Actually I'm expecting him to propose to me, I'm getting old already and at my age I should be addressed as "Mrs". I'm expecting him to throw a surprise but in the end there's just my friends and I am so pissed right now. I will break his bones this time!

"Aw That is so sad" Eric said while patting my back like he's teasing me

"Its okay, I'm already used to it" I said realizing that I should never get used to this! Before Eric could reply, the waiter arrived with a bunch of drinks like wine, alcohol etc. I ordered juice for now because I'm driving home since my boyfriend will not come and pick me up. I grab the glass of juice and enjoyed every single drop of it.

One hour had passed and my friends are already wasted. I can already see their red faces and want to take a picture of them.

"You sure you can drive? I can call an uber?" Eric asked with a worried tone while approaching me

"Yup. Don't worry about me, I'm not drunk. You should take care of Ally and drive her home safely. She's the one who look like drunk" I said while smiling. These two are a highschool loveteam, some are jealous of their sweetness but unfortunately Ally already has a boyfriend and Eric already have someone in his heart. If they would be together I'm sure they can produce a beautiful children.

"You should take care of yourself and drive slowly" Eric said before opening the passenger seat and guiding Ally to enter his car. I also entered my car so that I can go home early as much as possible. Before I can start my engine I felt a sudden dizziness and I became drowsy. What's this? I only drank a glass of wine, does my alcohol tolerance is low? This is a joke! Even of I drink ten bottles of alcohol I won't get drunk, maybe I'm just tired. I started the engine of my car and left the bar.

While I was on the road, I turned my radio on and I can hear the dj talking about the lovelife of a medical examiner, I always wanted to be a medical examiner but my father wanted me to be a police. I turned the volume up so that I can hear the dj clearly but my surroundings are all turning blurry, the sound of the radio is fading, my breathing is not normal. I can feel my head is spinning. I'm not drunk but why do I feel this?What is happening to me? Before I can realize what was happening my vision turned black. Fuck I'm driving, I might get into an accident. Everything went blank until I realized that my car was already falling into the cliff and crushed my car.