
Seance: The Pentagram Killer

It was supposed to be a harmless game. A fun way to talk to the dead.

Jxisenberg · สยองขวัญ
9 Chs


The night was shattered by the wailing sirens of police cars. I couldn't move, frozen by the sight of blood and death. Nick's house was swarmed by cops, their faces grim and serious. They looked at me with suspicion, as if I was the killer.

They dragged me to the interrogation room, where they bombarded me with questions. Where was I? What was I doing? Did I know the victim? Did I have a motive? I tried to tell them the truth, but they didn't believe me. Lisa had escaped, leaving me to take the blame. I was innocent, but they treated me like a criminal.

They kept me there for hours, until they had no more evidence to hold me. They let me go, but not without a warning. They said they would keep an eye on me, and that I was not off the hook. I felt their eyes on me, judging me, doubting me.

I went back to my house, hoping to find some peace. But what I found was worse than anything I had seen. Jane was crying, her eyes wide with terror. She pointed at Lisa, who was laughing maniacally. She was banging her head against the wall, blood dripping from her forehead. She looked at me with a twisted smile, and said, "Welcome home, bro."

I felt a chill run down my spine. I realized that the Seance ritual had gone wrong. We had summoned something evil, something that had possessed Lisa. It was too late to save her, too late to undo what we had done.

I grabbed Jane by the hand, and ran out of the house. I locked the door behind me, hoping to trap the thing inside. Jane was shaking, her face pale and scared. She clung to me, as if I was her only hope.

I drove her to her place, trying to calm her down. She said she wanted to stay with me, that she didn't want to be alone. I wanted to stay with her too, but I knew I had to do something. I had to find a way to stop the evil, to clear my name, to save Lisa.

I knew a priest at the church, he used to exorcise demons and ghosts. He was my last chance, my only hope. I called him, begging him for help. He said he would meet me at the church, and that he had some answers for me.

I hung up the phone, feeling a glimmer of hope. Maybe there was a way out of this nightmare, maybe there was a way to end this madness. I looked at Jane, who was still crying. I hugged her, and said, "Don't worry, everything will be okay. I'll be back soon, I promise."

I kissed her goodbye, and drove to the church. I prayed that the priest would be there, that he would know what to do. I prayed that I would make it in time, before it was too late.