
Sealed Omnipotency

I kinda forgot the account of my book and started rewriting it

Gokage_sensei · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 14

"Why don't you tell me where your soul had wandered off to boy?"

"Eh?", Alex was confused, 'what does he mean?'.

Seeing the look of confusion on his grandson's face, grandfather James decided to elaborate, "I was present the day you were born. You didn't cry as a normal baby would even after getting your baby butt spanked which made us almost think you were dead", He sighed as if relieved by something and continued, "But after using the life machine, we saw that you were alive and healthy..."

Alex was confused, 'Where is this old man getting to? 'he wondered.

Seeing the look of confusion on his grandson's face, grandfather James then went straight to the point:

"I have a special ability that can make me capable of seeing a being's soul and when you were born, I could not see anything within you.

Almost like you were just an empty shell being run (empowered) by the core in the body. I tried to check some more but the result was still the same

But now, though I can't see past your skin, I'm sure that you are complete, so mind telling your grandfather where you've been all this time? you can also choose not to, I do not mind. In the end, what matters is that you are safe"

Alex understood what the old man was talking about. To put it simply, the old man used his ability and saw Alex's soul missing when he was born but when he returned from the forest he got a feeling that it had returned.

He did not want to hide anything from such a caring family, in fact, he had even planned to tell them before the masked but forgot about it when he was busy being too emotional.....*Ahem*.

"Well, After leaving... "

He then started telling his story to grandfather James but he made sure to keep the part about him being 'omnipotent' a secret, rather, he just told him that he had a lot of power that he can not control.

Grandfather James's expression changed several times as he listened to Alex, Pity, Sadness, happiness, etc.

After telling the story, Alex just looked at grandfather James. "Well, what do you think? "



"I am happy that you experienced mother's love and learned a lot "The old man just gave a short reply making Alex dumbfounded.

"That's it?"

"grandfather James looked confused for a few seconds and his expression brightened when he thought of something:

"If it's about magic and combat skills, I can teach you. May not look it but I'm actually strong.., "He showed an arrogant smile and then continued, "Plus, after you reach 15 years which is 1 year from now, I get you enrolled at the 'Belgium Magic Academy' where you can learn further"


Alex was truly stunned, the old man completely ignored the fact that he was married in his past life and other important things he told. He only reacted when he told him about his mother, his pathetic death, and his power.

What about the other things?

Isn't he curious or surprised that there are other worlds apart from this one?


Since the old man ignored it, he must have deemed it unimportant so Alex decided to keep quiet.

"Now let us talk about the real reason I asked you to stay"The old man spoke and Alex listened.

"The real reason I asked you to stay is that we, me and you, are going to pay a visit to his Majesty "


Alex developed cold sweat hearing the old man's words. 'I just arrived in this new world and this old man wants him to meet the king? "

Despite not wanting to go, he did not refute the old man and agreed.

"Ok, we'll go in the afternoon, "Grandfather James said giving something which resembled a peach to Alex.

"Thank you" Alex received the fruit and took a bite.


The fruit was juicy and tasted heavenly and Alex held his cheeks with a dreamy look on his face.

"What is this fruit? "He asked grandfather James the name of the fruit. He wanted to go and find more in his free time.

"It's a normal peach that absorbed magic and mana which enriched its taste, it all that magic peach, Only know where it can be found"grandfather James started boasting about the fruit and how he was the only person who knew where to find it.

Alex got off the chair and said goodbye to his grandfather and left the dining room.

"I must give some to Lily, I'm sure she'll like it too"He started walking around searching for his beautiful blonde maid.


As he was busy searching for Lily, he walked into Lyla and immediately hid the fruit behind him.

"Hey Alex, where are you going, and what smells so good? "She started sniffing the air while trying to peek behind him.

"O-Oh, I w-was searching for little Lily" He was sweating buckets as he tried his best to cover the fruit while also trying not to squash it.

"You call her 'little' but she is 3years older than you"

"Ohh, with a face like hers, I never suspected it"He tried to make a shocked expression but Lyla saw past it.

"Whatever. So, why do you want to see her? "

"O-Oh I have a present for her, she 's very hard working"

"Ohh" she made a face that seemed to say, 'I understand ' and opened her mouth saying:

"Lily is in the garden with grandma"

"Thank you"Alex was relieved to know where Lily was and tried to walk past Lyla but the girl blocked his path.

"May I see what the present is? "She was literary drooling as she spoke and Alex knew that if he showed it to her, she might make a request like, 'Can I have a bite? 'next.

"Well you see, I..... "He was about to give an excuse but Levi suddenly showed up and pulled the drooling girl.

"The gift is for Lily and if you want to see it so bad, wait until Lily sees it first" Levi scolded his sister a little.


She looked to the side with a cute pout on her face which made Alex almost give in. 'No, this is for Lily'

Levi nodded to Alex telling him to go.

"Thank you"

Alex started looking for the garden.


"So, what do you think of Alex," Hilda asked the beautiful blonde maid who was busy watering tomatoes with water that seemed to be coming out of her own body.

"W-what? "The maid's face turned a little red when she heard Alex's name.

"I mean, Do you have any romantic feelings for him? "

"Well, I d... "

She was about to give her answer when suddenly, someone yelled:


Grandmother Helena and Lily looked at the source of the voice and saw her grandson waving his hand approaching them.

"Hey Alex"

"H-Hello m-master"

The two ladies greeted him and Alex returned their greetings.

"What do you have there? "Grandmother Helena curiously asked when she saw him hiding his hand.

"It's a small gift for Lily" Mike replied as he looked at Lily whose face had turned red like a tomato.

"Oh" Grandmother Helena gave Lily a meaningful smile and started walking to the mansion, "I'll leave you two alone then"

"Wha..."Lily was about to say something but grandmother Helena whispered something in her ear which immediately made her blush even more.

Alex was curious about what grandma had said to Lily but, he swallowed his curiosity thinking that it was a girls' thing.

"Tada!" Alex handed the fruit to Lily who immediately received it.

"W-What is...."

"It's a magical peach, I got it from grandfather and wanted to share it with you"

"O-Ok, thank you "She bit the fruit on the same spot Alex had bitten and reacted the same way he did.

"Ahh~" She made a moaning sound and unlike Alex who controlled himself and stopped, she devoured the fruit.

Alex looked at his maid enjoying the fruit with satisfaction. 'No matter what, I'll make sure to find more for her

After seeing how happy she was to eat the fruit, he promised to find more for her soon.

After Lily gained her composure, she saw Alex looking at her with a smile on his face. Remembering the expression she made and the way she ate the fruit, her face turned red and.....

.....She ran away


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