
the meet

after landing Amy came out of airport and as soon as she came out she start finding a cab after waiting for a while a cab stop by :

hello mam do you need a cab

yes I do , says Amy and she get in the cab by showing florince university address to driver

driver :hey girl are you new here

Amy answered yes I am t driver replied ohhhh and then he get quite

after crossing some street Amy found that the cab driver was continuously staring at her through mirror of the car and suddenly she start feeling uncomfortable she asked the driver to stop the car on the coming stop

Amy : can you please stop the car nearby

driver: why

Amy: I want to get off here

as the driver intentions were not so good he was declining to stop the car but Amy saw some police officers

Amy:please stop here otherwise I will start shouting for help

as driver saw the police he got little scared and he stopped the car and Amy gets out take her luggage and start moving from there but since Amy don't now the direction she opened google map and start following the map but it's already 8 at night Amy was very scared and she end up getting lost then she saw some stairs outside someones house and sits there as Amy was sitting on the stairs she start feeling hungry Amy talking to herself

oh god what a bad luck I am having today is there more to come and as soon as she speaks it's start raining Amy: not this god please she start getting wet

she was sitting outside someones house being all wet but suddenly something happened she saw a guy covering her head with an umbrella as she looked up the guy was wearing a cyan colored sweat shirt with black jeans and a long grey cort over it by face he was really handsome having brownish golden hair with a muscular body in shot Amy feel like he is so handsome that man asked

excuse me miss what are doing here in rain Amy gets up and answered why are you asking that man replied because you are sitting outside my house like this ( pointing towards her) she was shocked listening to this that man further speaks you don't look like you are from here you must be a foreigner Amy replied yes I am that guy ones again ask why are you sitting here now Amy don't have any option except trusting him she told him all the situation she is going through from airport and that she was lost there after listening to her the guy gives her a offer

he :oh miss if you want I can drop you at florince but let me tell you that door of dorm must be closed by know so you can't go there if you want for now you can get in my home and even you can stay here for night tomorrow morning you can take a subway to the university

Amy thinking(by appearance this guy is looking like a good man but Ia can't trust him )then she said no need until you allowed me to sit here for night I am okay

handsome guy: miss it's raining here you can trust me if you want you can take a look inside I promise I will enter first and won't Lock the doors

Amy after thinking for a while she agreed as they both were entering he opened the doors and then after him Amy entered as she get in she found a beautiful lounge but the guy asked her to stay at gate Amy was so confused then a lady came by and speaks hello mam please come this way she was servant of the house Julie and after seeing her Amy feeled relaxed and she get in with her that lady takes Amy to guest room and asked her to take shower and get relaxed she also told her that boss has asked us to make food for you mam please after getting fresh come down and then Julie left .

Amy was all alone in a luxurious bedroom she opened her luggage and went to take shower

after coming out she went down to thank that guy but he was not there she asked servant about him they replied he must be in his room

then the server asked her to have dinner she went with him to dinning room and then she saw a lot of food on the table but she was asked alone to eat there she asked Julie

Amy: your boss won't have dinner

Julie: no he said he had already eaten

Amy: so I am the only one eating here

Julie: yes

Amy : but why there is so much food if I am eating alone

Julie: you are the first guest which our boss had bring here so you must be well treated

listening this Amy was confused

Amy: okay but you can have it with me

Julie: no we all have already eaten

she gets more confused

then after having food she start walking towards her room and she meet that guy

he: I hope you are comfortable here

Amy: (smiling) yes I am thankyou thankyou for helping me

he : no need to thank you were sitting outside my house so I have to help you

Amy: you are really a good guy mr mr hmmm( Amy gets quite as she don't even know his name )

he : Eric I am Eric george

Amy: ohh thank you Mr Eric nice to meet you

Eric : nice to meet you too okay its getting late please take rest and don't leave tomorrow before having breakfast .

Amy: ohh okay

Amy went to her room so do Eric

Amy in her room thinking about Eric Amy: he is really a kind hearted guy thank God I meet him otherwise I don't know what happened and she fell asleep while laying there

next morning: