

It was a cloudy day. The day was like every other. Scientists concluding there last tests, and Mobile Task forces securing and safely patrolling dangerous areas of sectors ██ through ███. Dr ████, had just finished testing SCP 035 when the alarms started. This is where the largest containment breach the SCP foundation ever had started. At the time, it was only a level 1 breach, probably only a Euclid, who escaped containment in a different sector. I continued my notes on the SCP when I heard a knock on the door. I look at my watch. "Holy! its been 3 hours!" I opened the door with my level 5 key card, I was a head scientists. I was greeted with the sight of MTF soldiers rushing me out of the room. It had gone so fast. I saw containment doors burst open. Alarms flared. A level 10 containment breach..... SCP 096 and 173 were running havoc across the grounds underneath me. "sir! We have to go!" Said an MTF member. I hear another say on the radio, "This is MTF squad Alpha 13! Sector 3 has fallen! I repeat sector 13 has fallen! Site 19 is prepared for full evacuation! "

I was rushed out of Sector 3 in a hail of gunfire. We ran through sectors, listening on the radio as sectors fell. It was terrible..... All there was was screaming... so much blood..... I recall hearing the calls for help from others, but we took no notice. It was over for site 19. We reach outside where I took my first breath of non-potential toxic air, took a breath of air that dint smell of blood and ooze. "This is MTF squad Alpha 32, we have escaped the facility with Dr. ████. over" "Copy that commander. Site 19 has failed. Global oscillation is begin called to eliminate all threats in Site 19 before they reach the world". We continued to walk. Farther and farther till we reached the parking lot. I got into my car, which was a black van with the insignia of site 19. I jumped in and finally had the time to think. Site 19 was down. And supposedly so was Site 34, and Site 15. I finally had the chance to ask, "how did the breach start?". "Caos insurgents entered through the front doors, the place that was no protected, we didn't notice it. They released SCP's in all sectors..... havoc and blood..... so much blood..... recalled a commander who had needed type 15 medicine, and had trauma situation. Many recalled of recruits who had died here. That's where we had come up the saying of the Mobile task force: "We die in the dark so you may live in the light"

And that's how the largest containment breach started. The story itself is too long, but comment if you want to hear the whole story.
