3 Chapter 3

“I often wonder if this was what the other two felt,but they could act on it much sooner,” Sasuke said softly.

“I don't think it is,” Cissi said as she tilted her head. “My sisters have the ability to turn heads and knew it at the time.”

“And you think you don't?” Sasuke asked with a laugh,“Cissi,you are the one most like Kit. You do realize your mother is gorgeous,and your dad is a lucky man,right?”

“I never saw it other than the science aspect. She loves science,and I took after that way. I mean,Rin did too ,but not as much.” Cissi said softly.

“Rin is Rin,and Gabby is Gabby. Cissi,you are special in your own way,as well.” Sasuke said as he looked her over.

“And you have to be the one to tell me that?” She chuckled.

“Yes,I believe I do have to be the one to tell you that. “He replied. “I believe that I am the only one who can tell you that. We have all watched the four of you go through a lot. What happened to Rin also changed us as well,along with all of you. It was something that added more people to our circle,and we got to act like family members to a point. Never in the history of our color scheme before has there been so many interchangeable aspects of a family. We have two brothers-in-law and their father in law on the same team. That has never happened before,ever. Things are different with all of us.”

“Did Mitsunari check that?” Cissi asked with a laugh knowing that the other man probably did the whole research of the team.

“Probably.” Sasuke said as he looked at her,“Then to throw your mom into the mix. She holds rank above all of us.”

“She does?” Cissi asked.

“You didn't know that?” Sasuke asked.

“No.” Cissi smiled at the answer.

“Well,things between her and Mitsuhide had to be watched closely for favoritism for a while,but she never favored him over everyone else at work. If anything,she didn't change at all. He was the one who changed.” Sasuke said.

“Mom is like that. When she says she has no favorites,she means it. I mean,she has ten kids. Dad,on the other hand.” Cissi said.

“Your father has no favorite either,” Sasuke said.

“I know,” Cissi said with a laugh. “He really was a one of a kind fill in dad. He became the missing piece and filled the void for all of us,even Rin.”

“Cissi,while it is nice to talk for once,don't you think we should be talking about this,between us instead of going on about your family?” He asked.

“Sasuke,as far as I can tell,we already know what we both want. Why do we have to talk about it?” Cissi asked.

“Well,because there are a lot of things that we will have to overcome,” Sasuke said.

“Such as?” Cissi asked.

“Your father,mother,sisters,and then their husbands,” Sasuke said with a laugh. “Then,the social part of this. I am a lot older than you are. People will look down on this,you know.”

“Sasuke,no one in my family will say a thing. You know this,and so do I. The other part since when do you care about what people think?” Cissi asked.

“I have always cared Cissi. The fact is,I do know your family might not say anything,but others will. I want you to know that people will say something,and there will be people trying to get in between us.” Sasuke said.

“No,there will not be,” Cissi said. “I mean,I am already passed over by everyone.”

“Not everyone,” Sasuke said as he looked her in the eye.

“Well,this won't be like Rin and Gabby where one weekend they move their lives around,” Cissi said.

“I did figure that you would need a bit more time,” Sasuke said with a chuckle. “Cissi,just remember I have been waiting for nine years. What is new for you is not new for me.”

“Well,I still have a paper to write.” She said with a smile.

“Cissi,are you still planning on going off to get your masters?” Sasuke asked.

“I have to think about that.” She replied with a bigger smile,“I may have something right in front of me that is slightly more important.”

“I don't want you giving up your dreams because of me,” Sasuke said.

“I won't be giving up anything,Sasuke,” Cissi said. “I said I would thinking on it. Look,they offer a program here as well. It is not as acclaimed as some of the other ones,but it is right here.”

“You should go where you want,” Sasuke said as he slid closer to her.

“Say one thing do another,yes Sasuke,you really are a guy,” Cissi said as she stood up and went over to the table she placed her computer. She started digging it out. She turned when she heard him laughing at the window. “What?”

“You can take your time on the paper,princess.” He said as his brown eyes turned on her and left her speechless for a moment.

“What do you mean?” Cissi asked.

“You won't be leaving anytime soon.” He laughed as he pointed outside. “Even my awesome ninja skills won't be able to make that disappear.”

“What the hell?” Cissi asked as she looked out the window. “I didn't know it was going to snow.”

“Neither did I,” he said as he looked down to her. In an instant,he brushed her hair back with both of his hands and cupped her face as he brought his lips to touch hers softly.

“Well,this should be interesting. I think that nine years is a rather long time.” Cissi said as she looked up and was completely lost in the depths in the abyss of his eyes. Her green ones held his as they looked at each other. “I should probably call mom.”

“You should just to let her know you are here and safe,” Sasuke said.

“Safe,huh?” Cissi asked as she looked at him,and he could see the devilish look in her eyes.

“Well. Safe enough from the storm outside,at least.” Sasuke said.

“What about the one inside?” Cissi asked.

“That,my sweet princess,remains to be seen. I don't have all the data needed to make an accurate conclusion on that one.” Sasuke said.

“And now you finally sound like yourself,” Cissi said as she went to fish out her phone. She called her mother and waited for her to answer. “Hey,I am at Sasuke's. Have you seen outside?”

“No,why?” Kit asked.

“Well,it is snowing like frozen cats and dogs,” Cissi said.

“Well,that explains why everyone here has gone crazy.” Kit said as she sighed. “Are you planning on staying there?”

“Yes,mom,” Cissi said.

“Well,that is a good decision.” Kit said.

“Who are you,and what have you done with my mom?” Cissi asked.

“Ciss,You are a grown woman now. It is fine. I know Sasuke will make sure you are taking care of yourself.” Kit said,“Otherwise,he will have to deal with dad.”

“What does that mean?” Cissi asked.

“Your father has been chomping at the bit for something like this to happen.” Kit said,laughing.

“Meaning?” Cissi asked.

“Ask your father.” Kit said as she hung up the phone.

“What was that about?” Sasuke asked as he neared.

“Mom says dad has been chomping at the bit about something like this happening,” Cissi said as she looked up and saw Sasuke trying to smile again.

“He probably has.” Sasuke said,“Sometimes I really hate that mans perceptive abilities.”

Kit walked into the main room to see her two younger daughters sitting on each side of their father as one was brushing his unruly hair and the other painting his nails. Kit almost let out a huge bark of laughter,but instead,she stood there trying to keep a straight face. When Mitsuhide looked up to her and saw her struggle he grinned in the way that would often make her stop breathing and her heart. This man no one would ever have thought would be with someone was the same who had no problem letting his youngest daughters paint his nails and redo his hair often with clips and bows.

“What's up,sweetheart?” he asked as his voice filled the room and went over the two little girls who thought nothing of what they were doing to their father.

“Cissi is trapped at Sasuke's for at least the night.” Kit said.

“Oh,really?” Mitsuhide asked as he looked at his wife.

“You finally get your wish.” Kit said.

“I didn't wish for this. I just knew it would happen,” Mitsuhide said as he looked at her. “But why tonight?”

“Apparently,it is snowing rather hard.” Kit said.

“That explains the wildness of the zoo,then,” Mitsuhide said.

“Well,you got the Flowers to behave.” Kit said.

“Flower one and Flower two are you behaving?” Mitsuhide asked as he looked at the two little girls on either side of him.

“Yes,Daddy.” They both said.

“Well,these two think they are behaving,” Mitsuhide said.

“Sakura and Jasmine,it is time for bed.” Kit said with a smile.

“Okay,Mommy.” They both answered,and they started to pack up their stuff. They went to the stairs and said their goodnights. As the first set of children,the easiest went into their room Kit smiled at him.

“You did want this on some level. I know you did.” Kit said.

“I want my daughter to be happy with someone who understands her and her hard work,” Mitsuhide said as he stood up and walked over to her.

“I can't believe I am having this conversation with you.” Kit said as she looked up at him and started to laugh,“You look ridiculous.”

“I look like a father who loves his kids.” Mitsuhide said,“All ten of them. Even my grandson.”

“Well,you did call that one.” Kit said.

“Rin and Yukimura will have one soon enough,and then I think Masamune and Gabbie are already planning on another.” He said with a smirk. “I know how that part of the mind works.”

“You mean,of course,because you had six kids and adopted four?” Kit said as she looked up to him. “Well Gabbie's business is taking off. Rin is learning from one of the best in her field. Cissi is next to find her heart.”

“She already found it,” Mitsuhide said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Sasuke was always there in front of her face; she just needed a snowstorm to give her the push.”

“You knew it was going to snow?” Kit asked.

“When do I not know the weather?” Mitsuhide asked with a sly grin.

“Another pair of them together. I am glad Boogs is in the middle and a boy.” Kit said with a laugh.

“I wouldn't think the pairing itself is anything to remark on,” Mitsuhide said.

“What do you mean?” Kit asked.

“I have a feeling our boy there is going to meet his match,” Mitsuhide said with his grin reappearing.

“Again,what do you mean?” Kit asked.

“You will see soon enough,” Mitsuhide said with a chuckle.

“Not one of the guys?” Kit asked as she tilted her head.

“No,not one of the guys. A few of them have some of their nieces and nephews coming for the holidays,though.” Mitsuhide said.

“Stop playing matchmaker.” Kit said as she looked up to him.

“Kit,I couldn't stop that train if I wanted too. I know what the boy likes and trust me; she will through him for a loop at every chance.” Mitsuhide said with a chuckle.

“And does this girl have a name?” Kit asked.

“She does. I believe it is Morgana.” Mitsuhide said.

“Morgana,what,Mitsuhide Akechi?” Kit said as she glared at her husband.

“Morgana Uesugi.” Mitsuhide said as Kit sighed.
