
Transfer Student

Young mistress please wake up yelled my maid Sakura it time for breakfast miss knocking at the door "ok Sakura then I started to walk out of my bed to open the door" good morning miss said Sakura good morning Sakura "miss are u ready for breakfast yeah I'll be out in another 5 minuets

Alright miss then Sakura started to walk out of my bedroom. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brash my teeth after I finished I walk out down the stairs to the dining room I sat down to eat my breakfast it was egg and beacon and the side dish was salad miss I shall get the car ready then Sakura went to get the car ready after I finished I walk out have a good day young mistress said all of the maids. I went in the car there I saw Sakura in it too "miss it will be your first day" why did my parents put me into a All girl school "miss because u said u wanted to" when i said "last time when u came home crying because the guy was bullying u at school for being rich" oh ok then oh we here said Sakura.

It pretty big for a girl school "alright miss have a good day" then of goes the car. I started to walk inside there was someone standing there it was a woman teacher she said "welcome to this school" she look like a nice person so I followed her inside I followed her up to the principle office. I went inside there I saw another woman she look young for her age but she was the principal she also said "welcome to this school Alice now then let get u all sorted out she will be your homeroom teacher" "sorry for not introduce myself earlier u can call me miss Shiki then miss Shiki walk me out the principal office to a room. "This will be your homeroom A-2"ok guy we have a new student with us today lets welcome her u can come in" I walk in there was a lot of girls of course there was this is a girl school after all "how bout u introduce your self" hi everyone my name is Kiroshira Alice u can all call me Alice nice to meet u all then everyone clap and there face expression was like wow "ok your seat will be next to kei" then I walk to a seat near the window then there was a girl she introduce herself "hi my name is Sakamoto Kei u can call me kei" ok Kei-san I said.

Ding dong!!! the bell went it was lunch time the Everyone in my class came over to my table and they ask all sort of things lucky Kei-san told everyone to move "can't u see your all frightening her then everyone went away "how bout I show u around here" ok then I said "now this is the cafeteria and this is the clubs u can join interested in any" I like sport an ..d oh hey

Watch out there a ball coming your way What said Kei then lucky I court the ball in time but end up hugging her too it was really awkward oh yeah are u ok kei-san "yeah I'm ok thanks for that" why your face all red are u really ok do u need to go to the nurse office or something "no I'm really fine I just go get some water and I'll be ok well u can go first see u in class k bye" ok then we'll that was quick I wonder if she really ok. Ding dong!!! That the bell to go inside I better go when I went inside I saw Kei she was still flustered then I sat down then after awhile I fell asleep. Ha I woke up looking around but saw nobody it must be hometime well then better go then I hurried to get my stuff and went out side then I saw Kei-san just standing there just leaning on something I said hey Kei-san why are u still here then she walk to me hey ke..i then she hug me for some reason hey Kei what are u doing then she said "Alice I think I have feelings for u.