
The Beginning

The world that we thought was created for peace and happiness was twisted and cruel. Everyone would go about their days living the way they were expected to. None of them knew what was happening in their very midst without a clue. Who would've thought that lives like ours existed.

It felt like weeks since she had arrived. She had no knowledge of where she was, but one thing was for certain: it wasn't safe. Only a short time ago she lived with Sister Hanna and the other sisters and brothers at the orphanage. That was all she knew.

One day a man showed up and he made the decision to adopt her. Why? She wasn't anything special. If anything, she was older than the majority of the other children. This made her a last decision for any families that had dared come to their doors.

That same day her took her. He shoved her delicately but forcefully into the car and slammed the door behind him. That was the last time she saw them. Everything after that was a blur. She couldn't remember anything about arriving to where she was now or where it was located.

"103... 103! Hey, wake up!" she felt a rough shake to her body, jerking her to attention. Her eyes gave a sleepy blink before she focused on the source of the noise. "They are coming! Hurry!"

Without a thought, she snapped out of bed and smoothed out her hair the best she could. The one thing she learned in this place. Always be awake, alert, and ready.

The person who roused her from her sleep beckoned her to stand with her along the wall. Although half-asleep, she observed her behavior and mimicked her. They both cast their eyes down to the floor to stare directly at their feet with their hands at their sides.

Shortly after, the door beeped and slid open. Shuffling was heard as people entered. She wanted to look up from her feet, but she knew better than that. Already nursing a bruise to the ribs she did not want to test her luck again.

"We have a new specimen that you may have an interest in. She is coded 103. We are still working with her temperament, but I can promise you that she will yield great results." one man commented to the rest of the group. His voice was familiar.

"Where did you guys find her?" another man answered, curiosity peaking in his tone.

The sound of shuffling papers was heard before a reply came, a third voice, "From an orphanage." a hum came out in thought, "...from Galegrove."

The other girl standing next to her remained silent and at attention. She didn't understand any of this. Who were they? Why were they here? Where was this place? Why did they take her away? Code 103? What did it all mean? Her thoughts raced as she focused on staring at her bare toes.

"The last few from there have proven interesting." the second voice commented.

"Indeed. Let's see how she fares with the preliminary tests. We will make our decision from there." the third man confirmed.

"I will make sure she is ready for when you are prepared to proceed. Gentlemen, if you would follow me to the next room..." The first voice spoke again. This time, however, she could hear his voice fading around the corner as they ushered out of the room. With a hushed slide of the door, the locked clicked back into place.
