
That Gum

Two days after the tragic rejection of love, Angga is determined to bury his feelings deep. For him, staying with Alexa is more important than being concerned with his feelings at the risk of losing Alexa -- even if it's only as a friend.

And for the past two days, Alexa has been staying at Angga's house. It occurred to him, why are they alone, where are the friends who previously stayed? Alexa didn't bother with the question. Thankfully, she can stay at Angga's house safely and of course away from Ben's reach.

"Alex, I'm going first. You're at home today right?"

Angga is ready to go to campus. Yesterday he received a message saying he had to repeat the Anatomy course he left the other day.

"I don't know, maybe I'll just stay at home," said Alexa.

"That's good then. Don't forget to lock all the doors after I leave, and don't open the door for anyone including the package courier. Just stay inside," Angga said protectively.

"Yeah, I know," Alexa said, pursing her lips.

'Is that protective Angga take care of me? I feel more and more guilty for him,' Alexa thought.

"After class, I'll go straight home. If you're hungry, I've prepared some makeshift snacks in the fridge. You don't have to go out looking for food. Wait for me to come home."

Once again Angga advised like a mother who scolds his child.

After getting a nod from Alexa's head, then Angga was sure to leave Alexa alone at home.



A notification entered Alexa's cellphone while she was cleaning her room. She then sat on the edge of the bed after reaching for the cellphone that was lying on the nightstand.

"Ah, apparently a message from Rifda's doctor," Alexa muttered.

She opened the message from doctor Rifda. Her eyes sparkled. The content of the message says that today Alexa can visit her mother.

Alexa suddenly got up and pranced without realizing it. Then the next minute is pressing Angga's number. But only one ring tone, she canceled again. She momentarily forgot that Angga was attending lectures.

"Should I go to the hospital alone?" mumbled Alexa.

If he does that, it means that she is violating Angga's order which does not allow her to leave the house without him. Alexa sighed, confused.

In the confusion that plagued her mind, suddenly her cell phone rang.

"Angga ... "

Alexa hastily picked up the phone from Angga.

"Nothing. Oh, okay."

"Hiss ... So panicked Angga realized my pending call from me," Alexa muttered.

Yes! Angga had just finished his lecture, his cell phone rang while he was packing his bag. He hastily checked his cell phone. And that's right! A call from Alexa, but not long after one ring. His heart immediately beat fast. He was worried about Alexa. Bad thoughts immediately invaded his mind.

No more waiting. He immediately called back Alexa's number.

"Alex! What's wrong? Are you okay? I'm going home right now!" said Angga.

He didn't analyze the voice of Alexa who answered calmly because he was too panicked and worried. With lightning speed, he exited the classroom and dashed as best he could. Running down the long campus hallway became a sight for the students he passed. Angga don't care!

Sound "blam!" the loud sound from the car door that he slammed he didn't even care about. Hurriedly stepping on the gas pedal to get home on time.

"Alex! Where are you? You still inside?!"

Angga shouted upon arrival in front of his magnificent house. The car, he parked carelessly in front of the house.

Alexa gasped. Shocked to hear Angga's screams.

"Haish... why did he have to scream like that?" Alexa hissed. She then opened the door.

Unexpectedly, Angga immediately hugged Alexa tightly. He was so scared. In his mind, Alexa disappeared kidnapped by Ben.

Alexa gasped. "Angga, you ... "

"Ah, I'm sorry. I just ... thought you called me because there was something dangerous that threatened your life. Sorry I hugged you right away."

Angga realized his mistake. He hastily released his grip.

"I'm fine. There's nothing you need to worry about. Earlier, I missed contacting you because I got a message from doctor Rifda."

"Doctor Rifda? What's in the message?" asked Angga curiously.

Angga suspects that Rifda's message must be related to Alexa's mother.

"She said, if mommy can be visited," Alexa answered excitedly.

"Then? What are you waiting for? Let's go to the hospital now. We'll meet your mother," said Angga no less enthusiastically.

Alexa's happiness is Angga's happiness too. The two of them rushed out of the house and immediately rushed to the hospital.


"Look, Miss Alexa... With great compulsion, I will explain to you about Mrs. Renata's condition."

Alexa's heart raced. She saw the look on Rifda's face which was very serious which made her heart flutter. Maybe her mother should go into the observation room again? If that's true, of course she will be sad again because automatically her mother cannot be found again.

Yesterday, the results of the chewing gum test you gave were out. So this is the result," said doctor Rifda, handing her a piece of paper with medical writings on it.

"The chewing gum contained a high dose of sedative that should not be given to Mrs. Renata. Seeing the symptoms that Mrs. Renata was experiencing while she was in the observation room, I suspect that Mrs. Renata had been consuming this candy for a long time, so when you let go of Mrs. Renata's routine At that time, Mrs. Renata's medication was added to the medicine from Dr. Agung, which caused Mrs. Renata's system to be rejected. If the results of Dr. Agung's analysis are correct, then Mrs. Renata is clearly categorized ... sorry, a mental disorder."

Doctor Rifda paused her last sentence. She herself did not have the heart to sentence her patient by saying the category of mental disorder.

Alexa was taken aback. "My mom... no way!"

Alexa dismissed the doctor's explanation, but after seeing the examination paper, she couldn't deny it. Obviously, as a medical student, she understands very well what LSD is.

LSD or the abbreviation of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is one of the most powerful types of drugs that affect the mood and thoughts of the wearer.

Alexa was crying and furious. She really cursed Ben who had given the drug to her mother. That's how Angga feels. In her heart was furious. It was like throwing a million raw bombs on Ben's face. But one question popped up in her mind. 'For what, Ben gave drugs to Mrs. Renata? Hadn't he loved Mrs. Renata from a long time ago? Weird!'

Angga who was sitting next to her tried to strengthen by holding Alexa's hand. He knew what Alexa was dealing with was very strange. The side effects of illegal drugs are terrible for the user.

Similar to other drugs, this type of drug will cause a sense of comfort and happiness for those who consume it. Not only that, the wearer will also feel that they have a connected sense of taste. The wearer seems to hear or see something that is not visible to others. Excessive hallucinations. For students, it will make it difficult for him to concentrate, as well as confusion.

Angga thinks, what happened to Mrs. Renata has clearly led to a severe intensity. Alexa once told her that her mother once wanted to -- consciously -- about something that made her panic and fear.

If it is related to every symptom that Alexa has told, that her mother also often has headaches, nausea and vomiting and then sweats a lot, then it is clear that this is a side effect of the cursed drug.

Angga supports Alexa's body, which feels weak. Her crying hasn't stopped since she left doctor Rifda's room.

"I'm by your side. Don't be sad anymore, okay. We'll face it all, together."

That was the only sentence that Angga could say as a consolation for Alexa.