
Sasuke Uchiha's guide to an unhealthy ninja life

A guy who operates on an orange and blue morality system is isekai'd in Naruto as Sasuke Uchiha. Expect chakra nonsense, restraining orders, jokes about fanfictions, failed therapy no jutsus, and geese.

Concerne · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

How to enjoy your vacations in Kumo (1)

There is a time in the life of any man when they look at the ever far away horizon and think ¨I want to see what is beyond¨. The same wanderlust that led Ulysses to his dead just after returning of that long legendary voyage that is known by any true traveler in earth. The call to adventure, that dormant desire to conquer the unknown and explore all that the world have to offer and more. This simple ¨I want to see it¨ was the cause for a lot feats and stories that to this day are remembered by the world either with admiration or pity. And now, this same desire has awakened inside the chest of a new traveler that in a future would have a new tale to tell.

"So, what do you think of this vacation so far?" Sasuke asked to his little group. After a few hours of flying on the back of a horse sized goose and enjoying the view, he decided that doing the rest of the journey on foot would be more memorable.

"I am having a lot of fun." A strangely energetic Hinata said, her eyes were practically sparkling. "The sights are breathtaking and seeing the sea with my own eyes have always been a dream of mine. It is a shame that Neji couldn't come with us."

His older Hyuuga friend was becoming excessively good at hiding from him, so the young had to comprise and bring Hinata instead.

Originally, Sasuke intended to visit the sound village and learn about their culture and music. But since he was bringing Hinata along, he decided that the lighting country would be more thematically appropriated, if only as a form of shock therapy for the younger Hyuuga. If it didn't work, then a Yamanaka therapist would become a rich man once they come back to Konoha.

"I still can't believe that they just let us leave Konoha like that." The other kid he forcibly invited to come along, Kiba, was concurrently reading the rulebook that the Sandaime has given to them before their departure from the village. "I'm pretty damn sure that something this dangerous and retarded must be illegal."

And it was.

This adventure was like, at least ten times more illegal than the whole deal with Orochimaru and yet nobody tried to stop them. Heck, most of the villagers were very supportive of him taking these vacations far away from the village. The Sandaime even told them to take it easy and enjoy their travel for as long as they wanted.

"Don't think too hard about it. The four of us should focus on enjoying this vacation without having to worry about silly things such as being the pariahs of our village."

Hinata tilted her head..


And that is when Sasuke opened his eyes wide in realization.



Somewhere in Konoha, a little kid was standing outside the village's gates with his luggage at his side.


It has been only five hours since he arrived, so there was still a bit of hope that they would come back for him.


It took the Uchiha nearly thirty seconds to get over his guilt and continue his travel with the ONLY TWO kids he invited.

"Isn't this a beautiful sight? Who does want to relax and appreciate how minuscule is a man when compared to the sheer size and primordial power of mother nature?" He asked.

They were at the edges of Kumogakure, the land of rap, NTR doujinshi and rescuing children with bloodlimits from their abusive families. The place was somewhat less cozier than Konoha, but nobody could deny it has his own charm.

"There is one too many cats here to be beautiful."

Kiba was still grumpy over the fact one of the legendary chakra beasts living in Kumo was a giant fire cat. The Inuzuka even proposed that they should show it who was the boss, but David Bowie forbid them if they were to allow Kiba to pee inside a jinchuuriki's house…again.

"What is the word for the feeling that make you believe that maybe some people wouldn't be good friends?" Hinata wondered aloud after a few seconds of staring the horizon with a peace that resembled an old and wise monk meditating on the nature of the universe.

"Common sense?" Kiba offered.

"I think that the word you are looking for is anger."

"Oh, so this is how being angry feels like." She said after finally reaching the always far away enlightenment after years of repressing. "Can I curse?"

They both shrugged in response.

"Fuck them." Hinata stated, glaring at the horizon with cold white eyes.

Maybe they should had been more worried about their nicest friend developing killing intent, but being in of the proximity of a cruel army of geese planning to conquer the world with extreme prejudice made them grow desensitized to such silly things. But before the two boy could even began to think about all the implications of this little emotional awakening, the sound of a nice beatbox promptly interrupted the moment.

A tall muscled man walked toward the kids. His dark skinned contrasted with his white silver hair but the most striking thing about the man he his musical ability. The upbeat melody could only be described as a masterpiece produced by a master of the craft. The rhythm, the flow, the energy; Sasuke almost teared up in the presence of such inspiring art.

♫ Yo, they call me killer, the Kumo's pillar.

I bring the lighting. I go with the flow as a cloud, so better go hiding. ♫​

The Uchiha's hands moved by themselves and he found himself myself clapping at the rhythm of the rapping. That was the moment that Sasuke replaced Guy as his role model of how a functional adult should act.

♫ I am the guy th...Holy molly kid. Is that girl alright?" The legendary ninja rapper, Killer B, stopped his beat and pointed at Hinata who was in a catatonic state since the song started.

Sasuke waved off their concerns with an unconcern shurg.

"She is just having a flashblack. She should be fine in a moment."

Killer B didn't look convinced. Neither did Kiba, who started to poke Hinata's puffy cheeks with his index finger.

"Maybe give her two moments."

The kumo ninja (Sasuke didn't assume this because B was black, the man did in fact wear a band) looked a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation, but after a moment taking a deep breath, he spoke once again.

"Ok, Let's go to business, you brought a Hyuuga to my abode but, messing with kids is just…no. Tell you what, you start running to your forest and I will turn a blind eye just this time."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said-"

"Did you just assume that Hinata here is a Hyuuga only because of her white eyes? She is blind, you unconsidered swine." The kid was now fuming.

The kumo nin raised a finger, clearly unsure if he should be feeling sorry or being offended.

"Ok. I am ninety percent sure that you fucking with me here."

"Next thing I know; you will accuse me of being a freaking tree hugger just because I have white skin and black hair."

At least B had the decency of looking abashed.

Sasuke nodded very slowly. "Oh. Oh, I see. This is how it is."

"Ptss, Gouki, throw me a line." The kumo ninja whispered.

"I could throw you the whole boat and you would still drown. You are on your own." A deep voice answered.

"Kiba, Hinata, we are leaving. There is only so much disrespect I can take on one day."

"Wait, wait. I am sorry. It is just I am Kumogakure's great protector." B tried to apoligize in a hurry as the kid sturned to leave.

"Yeah, yeah. I know the lecture. "

"That is a nice one." The man started to write that rhyme down in his notebook.

Credits were they are due, he was able to appreciate talent for freestyle, but that wasn't enough for Sasuke to forget his previous transgression.

"I can see that you are a cool dude, but you've just attacked my honor. I can't let that slip, man."

The Uchiha could saw the regret on the man's face, but also resignation.

"Are you sure about this? You won't be able to escape unscratched." His tone was grimm, as it should.

"I am." The kid confirmed.

"Well, as the challenger, you have the right of the first move. Make good use of it."

Sasuke snapped his fingers, letting Kiba know that this was the time. The Inuzuka groaned for a moment before he reluctantly started beatboxed in the background as well as he could, it wasn't great, but it filled the Uchiha's chest with determination. This was without an ounce of doubt, his greatest challenge to the date.

♫ I may as well start spitting fire, so you do at least have something to aspire.

Dude, look at my eyes and I'll show you what a fight is really like.

You thought of me as an Uchiha failure, and expected me to forget this misbehavior?

You are the freaking lighting? Then go down without me even trying. ♫​

When the figurative microphone was dropped, B offered a nod of respect to the young challenger. It wasn't empty flattery, at that moment he was a warrior acknowledging a worthy opponent. In an instant, the mood changed. As soon as B packed away his pencil, Sasuke instinctively shuddered, feeling that a catastrophe was approaching.

…He was right.

♫ So kid, who are you trying to bite? I'll show domination, thanks to a combination, of skills and my write.

Which us of us will succeed? You better ask around.

Did you hear it? They are chanting B in the background

Make yourself a favor and bow for your braver. ♫​

That was without a doubt a fierce blow, but Sasuke was still confident in his capacity to make a good came back. However, he got the chance to think about his next lines, the kumo killer smirked and continued.

♫ Try to rap battle me? Here is tip

You should all try to flee, before I go for the kill.

I am on the hunt, you have five seconds head start,

Better run.

I am juggernaut, I will never stop

Even if you're not Uchiha, you better drop. ♫​

The air became heavier, making it hard for Sasuke to breathe, there was just too much fire on those lines. It was just as if someone decided to throw a giant fireball directly to his face, only that this caused more burns.

♫ Let me drop a bomb, I only take you on so I could spend some time with your mom.

You are a terrible rapper, a complete disgrace.

Please stop your chatter, before I smack you in the face. ♫​

" Aaaaaahhh." Sasuke screamed in agony.

"Dude, are you ok?" Kiba tapped his shoulder after he fell on his knees.

The Uchiha barely managed to shoot a glare at B. He has never being so soundly beaten before; not even after a youthful training session with Gai. He knew that the kumo nin was stronger than him by a decent margin, but he didn't expect the difference to be this big.

"Don't take it too hard on yourself, it was a good performance. I can even see you kicking my ass in a few years." The man chuckled good-naturedly.

Sadly, Sasuke wasn't listening anymore as negative thoughts were eating his mind. Was this it? All his training, all his talent, they were useless against this opponent. This was the first time in all his life that he felt so weak. He...was weak.

He opened his mouth.


Sasuke blinked. That wasn't his voice.

Confused, he lifted his head and saw Hinata standing menacingly in front of B. Gone was the meek girl that trailed behind him as a shy gosling, this was a brave warrior standing at the face of death and spitting on it.

"You shouldn't stick your nose, kid; it won't be pretty." B warned.

"It won't become worse than your face."

"Ha, she got you there." Was the helpful commentary from Kiba who had given up on trying to make sense of what was happening.

There were no words to describe all the confusing emotions that Sasuke was feeling at that moment. One thing was clear though, he couldn't just sit down and leave Hinata fight alone. Gathering all the strength left in him, he started to beatboxing like no one has ever beatboxing before.

With her middle finger raised, Hinata attacked.

♫ Better tell you straight-forward

Hear you at all feels a bit awkward

Even without eyes, I smell you shitting like a coward.​

How could you even hope to won this duel? All I hear is you being such an incompetent fool.

You might have survived a one against two, but this time you are screw. ♫

"Well, I-" B started only to be interrupted.

♫ Think yourself a man perhaps? Bitch, I can see tentacles coming out of your ass.

You have no class, pack no sass, we did little and you still got outclass

Oh, you disagree? Ninja please, you are the worst shinobi I've ever seen.

You couldn't even hide if I ask, so make us all a favor and wear a blank mask.

Maybe you're feeling lucky, but you need stop talking.

After all, you are just a dead man walking. ♫​

The legends say in the face of defeat, the great Killer B cried.

What the legends don't tell is that those were tears of joy.