After the decisive battle against Naruto, Sasuke Uchiha finds himself at the brink of life and death, torn between his desire for redemption and his troubled past. When he encounters Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths, a new opportunity presents itself : a chance to be reborn in another world, a world where magic is dominant, and where conflicts take on a different form. World : Fairy Tail (main), (maybe another later) Timeline : 775, Tower of Heaven. 2k~3k words, nerfed Sasuke at beginning (he will regain his power really quickly) Not a slow or fast pacing, I would say normal. Harem but just 3-4 not more than that : Sasuke / Erza (confirmed), Sasuke / ????? English is not my native language, I am using translation.