
Sanctuary God

( ON BREAK TILL FURTHER NOTICE ) “Protect, what needs to be protected. Help those you find worthy of help. Don’t let anger take over you, fight through sorrow, and rise a victor. Destiny did not choose you, you chose it, learn from what you’ve lost, and adapt right afterward, that's what it means to be a Martial Artist”

Sin_KG08 · แฟนตาซี
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381 Chs

Finally a bit of strength

Raven jumped into the air clapping his hands together, causing his energy to burst into an aura that surrounded his entire body

" Dio! "

He yelled as he pointed his feet toward Dio who jumped toward him, turning his own feet to his older brother, making contact, which made his aura even bigger but also sent him higher into the air.

Once there he tugged himself into a human ball, whilst Dio appeared behind him, with a trail of energy behind him; his fists were entangled together with his fingers

" Get him "

Dio would then slam his fists against Raven, sending him flying toward Lenmio who just watched the entire thing

" What is that supposed to.. "

Lenmio widened his eyes a little, feeling a strong energy coming from the boy as he unraveled himself and flew head first to the man who's fear to get hit continued grow as the boy got closer.

At the very last second Lenmio took a step back, feeling the tip of Raven's middle knuckle sliding through his left cheek, opening up his skin before crashing against the ground, creating a crater which Lenmio dashed out of

" Dammit, he dodged it "

Dio said as he came down from the sky, landing beside the crater which Raven had walked out of

" It's fine though, we got more attacks? "

Raven said as he patted his clothes, getting rid of the dirt he had gathered when crashing

" Well I guess you're right, plus—you made him bleed—anyway, let's step up the speed a little "

Dio whispered as he would then spread his legs a little, tugging his pants up a bit whilst resting his arms on his thighs.

Raven would then lower his upper body placing his hands on the ground whilst stretching his left leg out

" I don't understand how children can be this strong, but— "

Lenmio slid his right hand across his cheek, making his wound heal

" You guys aren't as fast as those women "

As soon as those words came out of Lenmio's mouth the two boys were already in front of him, flying toward him with a huge smile on their faces; their arms and hands spread out as if they wanted to slash the man.

Lenmio took a step back, dodging one of Dio's back to then grab Raven's right arm, proceeding to thrust his fist forward; punching the kid right in his stomach, taking the boy's breath out of his lungs for a few seconds, just to be uppercutted by Dio who would then grab onto his brother's shirt, dashing backwards; landing on the ground as the man simply shook his head dashing after them.

The boys simply smiled as Dio then hurled Raven toward Lenmio; Raven charged his right fist with sanctuary energy, just to be punched right on the side of his abdomen, sending him flying to a side; but that action gave Dio enough time to get close to Lenmio

" Gotcha "

Dio would then spread his leg out whilst moving his head to a side, dodging Lenmio's punch and attempt to stop him, but Dio simply replied with a punch of his own, and then another, and another more, each lifting the man higher into the air; after landing three punches on him, Dio jumped into the air, doing a few spins as if to build up a bit of speed, whilst charging his right leg with sanctuary energy.

The boy would land a strong kick on Lenmio's chest, sending him flying toward Raven who had gotten up seconds before, just to jump into the air grabbing Lenmio by his hair, gripping it tightly just to slam the man's face against the ground, running forward all whilst dragging Lenmio's face on the ground, hurling him back to Dio once he was done.

" Muscle Tearing—-"

Dio whispered whilst jumping toward Lenmio, grabbing onto his clothes turning the man's back toward the air, to then use the strength on his legs to push Lenmio into the sky; letting go of his shirt so he wouldn't be dragged along, but of course crashing against the ground.

" Bone destroying— "

Raven added as he jumped into the air, punching Lenmio on every single one of his points as fast as he could, focusing more energy mostly on the Man's knees and elbows

" Annihilating attack!! "

Dio yelled, finishing both of their sentences whilst jumping toward Lenmio with all the possible strength he could build up on his legs, flying to the man with both of his fists charged up and engulfed in sanctuary energy.

Dio landed both of his fist right on the man's abdomen, causing a gigantic burst of air which made all the leaves on the trees shake, and lifting Lenmio higher into the air whilst pushing Dio back to the ground

" That should have done it "

Raven said as he would then place his hands on his hip, looking up at the air whilst his brother landed next to him, smiling a little as he crossed his arms together, but unfortunately for them, they wouldn't be celebrating for much longer

" Why is it that I can't feel pain from you boys.. "

Lenmio said as he appeared behind the two brothers in a blur of speed, bringing a gust of wind which caused the two boys to take a step back from how strong it was

" I can see your movements too, unlike with your father "

Lenmio whispered; now standing directly behind the boy's who slowly turned to look back up at the man, but Lenmio started to walk; they couldn't see these footsteps as they were too fast to perceive, for them it was just a mere moment, but for Lenmio, he took three steps forward before placing his hands behind the two children's heads, slamming them down straight to the ground, burying their heads in the ground

" Do I finally have the strength to go back to my planet? "

Lenmio asked himself as he looked down at his hands, seeing his sanctuary energy slowly sip out of his finger tips