
Chapter 01 - Arrival.

In an alley on the outskirts of Arlan , the capital of Ramand , a portal opened and a man emerged. Or would it be more accurate to say that a God came out of it?

Alain looked at his body. He was 1.92m, there was not a gram of fat on his muscular and defined body. He had straight black hair , eyes the color of milk chocolate, and a thick, well-groomed black beard. He was naked, but clothes materialized on his body. Black high boots, dark Jean trousers, a low-cut V-necked shirt and a leather jacket over it. An aviator-style sunglasses appeared in his right hand and he put it on his face.

" Yeah ..." Alain said as he ran a hand over his beard.

Alain came out of the alley and found himself on a very busy street, with vendors on all sides of the street, with their products on display on towels on the floor. They shouted to get the attention of people passing through the streets. But the person who stood out the most was Alain. The look and clothes he wore put him out of place, especially that thing he wore on his face. He knew it would get attention, but he didn't care. He had no intention of being discreet. Here people wore clothes very similar to clothes used in Renaissance Europe.

There were some men dressed in armor with swords at their hips, and they looked at Alain with curiosity and alertness.

Finally Alain found what he was looking for. A tavern. Outside, the tavern had a single floor, its facade was brown, very worn by the weather. Inside, the place was poorly lit by torches that were in the four corners. At the counter was a fat, old, bald man who was cleaning the inside of a glass with a dirty handkerchief.

The innkeeper looked at the newcomer for a few seconds, and without interest in what he saw, he wiped his glass again.

- Good morning mate! - Alain said with enthusiasm. - a glass of anything other than water, in any glass other than the one in your hand.

- There's only beer, and I only have this glass. - Said the man without looking at Alain.

- What if, as unlikely as it is, you have two customers at the same time?

- They share or wait for each other to end. - Lied the man. There were other glasses, of course.

The man filled the glass with beer from a barrel and served it to Alain. He looked at the dirty glass and in an instant the glass was shining as if it were new. Alain sipped his beer and made a face. It was too sour.

- Friend, you could very well fill that barrel with piss that I bet would attract more customers. - Said Alain still making a face.

The beer disappeared from the glass and was replaced by a better looking beer. The bar owner didn't notice. Alain drank it all at once, surprising the man.

Alain went directly to the point.

- I have an offer. I want to buy this bar. - Alain said, looking around. The place had three tall benches in front of the counter, there were also three tables very dirty with dust and four chairs on each one. It seemed that this man had no interest in making this business profitable. To be fair, Alain also had no interest in creating a profitable business. He was more interested in the interesting people he was going to attract. Alain wanted to meet people, hear their stories and have fun . And, of course, meet women.

The man looked Alain in the eye, but said nothing.

Alain pretended to take something from the pocket of his leather jacket, and from it he took out two bags full of gold coins. He opened the bags and dumped the coins on the counter. There were two thousand gold coins. The bar wasn't even worth ten.

The man looked at the coins, but did not take them.

- What would you do with the tavern? Open another goddamn pawn shop? - Said the old man, who for some reason seemed upset by the offer.

- Of course not, I'm going to renovate this tavern, and turns it into a bar and restaurant. - Alain said with enthusiasm.

- Bar? What is a bar? - Asked the old man.

- It's just another name for tavern. Forget it, what do you say, do you accept the offer?

- Do I look like an idiot by any chance? This tavern is not even worth five gold coins. Of course I accept.

- Great! - Said Alain.

- It will take a while to make the legal transfer of property, fees to pay, bureaucrats to bribe ... - Said the old man.

- Forget that nonsense, old man. Just take the money and get out, I'll take care of the rest.

The old man looked at Alain for the first time with interest.

- Of course, of course ... a man capable of paying for something dozens of times more than it is worth must certainly have many contacts in the government to speed up bureaucracy.

The old man took the coins and put them in the bags. He removed his apron, placed it on the table and left without saying another word.
