
Achievement Space

Hearing the mysterious voice in his head, Ronan gasped. "What!? Is this... a second cheat?!"

Ronan already considered being a saiyan a cheat, how could it not be? Just their ability to transform into giant apes is damn unfair! Just being any of the z fighters from the db verse, even yamcha would be considered winning the lottery in life, let alone an actual saiyan.

He quickly chanted the password in his mind. 'Shenron!'

Suddenly his vision blurred and he found himself floating in a black void.

A string of words appeared before him.

-Welcome to the dragon ball achievement space. Here you can see your current tasks and receive the rewards for completed tasks. This space can also be used for training. Various features can be unlocked such as new arena's, dragon ball opponents and new functions. You can also record opponents you have defeated outside of the achievement space. To leave the achievement space simply recite [Porunga] in your mind-

Ronan's eyes sparkled. "This is amazing! Kinda like the mental training the Z fighters use but even better."

He clenched his fists and did a few jabs, it felt exactly as if he just punched for real. He could feel the wind brushing against his fist and the shock on his joints. There was practically no difference between here in the mental space and reality.

Ronan browsed the last sentence and then instantly panicked.

-Please note that the achievement space is active in real time so make sure your body is in a safe place before opening as it shall stand unconscious until you leave the achievement space.

He felt his heart drop. "Oh no! I have to leave!"

Quickly chanting Porunga, Ronan felt his vision spin and then he was back to reality staring at the fiendwolf's corpse. Seeing that he was not in any danger, he breathed a sigh of relief. 'I thought another mutant dog might come and gobble me up!'

"Better find somewhere safe." He muttered.

He looked around for a hiding spot. Ronan didn't like the idea of squatting in a bush and he couldn't see a cave anywhere. Eventually he decided it was safest on the huge branches above.

They were easily wider than his body so he could comfortably hide up there.

With a powerful jump, Ronan settled down on a sturdy branch and then opened the achievement space again.

"I wonder what that reward was.."

Ronan brought up the tasks with a quick thought.

The words before him changed.

-Task Level: 1

-Current Tasks

-Hunt a demon beast: Raditz Skill Mastery [COMPLETE]

-Defeat a cultivator: Senzu Bean

-Learn the common language: Saiyan Battle Armor

-Improve your Ki control to the basic level: Small Capsule Storage

-Create your own technique: Hyper Explosive Demon Wave

Ronan looked at the task he completed. "Hunt a demon beast?" He was surprised. "That dog must have been summoned from hell!"

Ronan smacked his forehead. "I should of thought it was some kind demon spawn. I mean the horns and red color do give it away."

He felt a surge of righteousness swell up within him. "I've saved many lives today by sending that dog back to the pits of hell! I definitely deserve a reward!"

He rubbed his hands gleefully and looked at the reward.

"Raditz skill mastery? Will it teach me Raditz's skills? His attacks were pretty cool."

Ronan was especially fond of one of his techniques in particular, it had a few names but his favorite was "Keep your eye on the birdie" Truly, it was quite the badass attack.

There was also "Double Sunday" and "Saturday Crush" The first took away piccolo's arm and destroyed a mountain range, the other was lightning fast and really knocked the wind out of Goku's sails.

He couldn't wait! He received the reward and instantly felt a burst of information in his mind.

It wasn't as he expected. Ronan wasn't just taught Raditz's skills, in the span of a few seconds he experienced his life.

He felt every scar inflicted and every battle won and lost.

From the moment Raditz could stand he fought alien races and even his own kind in savage conflict. There was no specific training like what the z fighters experienced, no, it was more instinct and live combat experience that moulded Raditz.

The reality was that the saiyans were a brutal warrior race and they had no patience for martial arts or diligent training. They honed their skills in battle constantly. Every movement or action that was useless would be discarded while the opposite was retained and burned into their flesh becoming almost instinctual.

The weak would quickly die while the strong would survive and prosper.

Raditz unfortunately was quite unlucky.

He had actually reached his max power level that would stay the same till his adulthood quite early in his childhood. He definitely had room for more growth but the moment he teamed up with Vegeta and Nappa, his growth was stunted like a baby strangled in his crib.

Vegeta and Nappa, both who were already far stronger than him killed all the enemies who could pose him a challenge leaving him to deal with all the weak cannon fodder.

He never really experienced any real challenges in his life and near death experiences were practically non-existent.

As such, Raditz could not grow any stronger through battle. It was not like he didn't want his situation to change but he was quickly put down for his efforts, that was more so for Nappa who treated him like a low class when he was in fact mid class just like him.

Raditz eventually grew lazy and comfortable, resigned to his role as a mere weakling under Vegeta and Nappa.

Ronan lamented Raditz's snuffed out potential for a moment then quickly grew excited as he learned new abilities.

Raditz's skills had now become his own and he could now mobilize his inner Ki properly. It was as easy as breathing.

Reaching out with his palm forward, Ronan moved his Ki and then came a flash of light!

A yellow blast the size of a soccer ball burst from his hand and quickly disappeared into the distant void.

"Whoa!" Ronan exclaimed loudly with his mouth agape. "Haha this is fun!" He kept firing off multiple Ki blasts with a wide grin.

"Now for something a little more complicated." Ronan bit his lip and raised his other hand.

With a bit of focus, Ronan felt an electric sensation in his arms as he gathered tremendous amounts of Ki and then he shouted. "Double Sunday!"

Two huge pink beams shot forth into the darkness with blinding speed and power. The counter force produced was surprisingly strong!

Ronan whistled. "Damn.."

He wanted to test out Raditz's most powerful attack but held back. Ronan would use it to surprise the next thing foolish enough to attack him, who knows what he could encounter in this strange forest. It could be another demon beast or a cannibal hillbilly for all he knew.

With the novelty of firing Ki blasts wearing off, Ronan turned his attention towards the other tasks.

"Defeat a cultivator? Really? So I have to go beat up some poor sob who grows plants? What the hell.." Ronan couldn't believe it, what kind of shameless task was that?

"Hmm.. learn the common language." Ronan frowned. "I already speak english though... wait, maybe I have to learn spanish? It is the most popular language in my part of the city, especially my rundown neighborhood." He nodded his head and then had a strange thought. 'Those troublemakers always call me pendejo whenever they see me.. I wonder what that means?'

"Pendejo ...pend.. pendulum?" Ronan chuckled and shook his head.

"Next task is Ki control." He cupped his chin in while thinking what level basic was considering he had already grasped Raditz's life experience.

'Shouldn't I already be at the basic level since I could now fire off Ki blasts? Doesn't that mean Raditz wasn't even at the level of basic Ki control? Man.. that's sad.' He sighed.

"If Raditz wasn't at the basic level than what would qualify for basic Ki control?" Ronan scoured his dragon ball knowledge for a moment until he remembered something.

"That's right! Wasn't Raditz surprised when Goku and Piccolo charged up their attacks against him? Why was he surprised? Hmm... that's it!"

Ronan remembered it clearly now. The reason why Raditz was surprised was because Goku and Piccolo could raise their attacks power way beyond their strength levels which was shown on his scouter. As an example, Goku's power level was detected to be around 400 but with his Ki control, he could increase his kamehameha's power level to over 900! A tremendous increase.

This could only mean that Raditz was capped at his base power of 1500 and unlike Goku and Piccolo, he could not increase his attacks power beyond that but Ki control could change that! He would just have to investigate its uses and train for a bit. The only other option was to complete all his current tasks and then see if any of the new tasks give a reward for one of the z fighters life experience.

'Lastly, I have to create my own technique. Sounds simple enough, I'll give it a go now.'

Ronan reached out with his hand and gathered a bit of Ki. "What should it be called? Maybe I should stick with the Raditz theme."

After thinking for a while, his eyes lit up as if a lightbulb had appeared above his head. He shouted with a serious expression. "Thunder... Thursday!"

A yellow Ki blast slightly larger than the one he first fired burst forth and in the blink of an eye disappeared into the void.

Ronan waited a few seconds for the task completion notification but it never came. He clicked his tongue. "Didn't think it would be easy but it was worth a try anyway." He sighed. "It looks like I have to really put some investment into a new technique and not just name a random ki blast..."

"So of all the tasks I have left, I can't complete any at the moment... damn, I really wanted that saiyan battle armor." Ronan looked at his naked self with a slight embarrassment. He really didn't want travel in his birthday suit like a nudist, he had to maintain some semblance of dignity but there were no clothes out in the middle of the forest.

"I'll just have to be sneaky. Right now, I can move faster than the human eyes can perceive and I'll appear like a blur to cameras. I'll just have to find a clothes line and snatch me some threads." Ronan chuckled with a mischievous light in his eyes.

He exited the achievement space and took a breath of the fresh forest air. "Now.. which way should I go?" Ronan looked around for a moment and then suddenly as if remembering something, his face lit up with excitement.

"That's right! I can fly now! Haha!" Ronan had experienced Raditz's life so flying was no novelty to him.

Summoning his Ki, he hovered off the ground and then flew up past the dense treetop.

What greeted him was a magnificent blue sky with barely a cloud in sight. As he hovered in the air, Ronan inspected the vast forest below, looking for any landmarks or signs of human activity but he was sorely disappointed. There was nothing but trees and mountains for miles around.

"Where the hell am I?" Ronan spat in frustration.

'Guess I should pick a direction then...hmm..I'll follow the wind.' Ronan wet his finger and felt the breeze indicating he should go left.


A deafening noise startled Ronan. He immediately turned towards its direction and saw a cloud of smoke burst through the treeline several miles away.

'What happened over there?' Ronan wondered.

He was curious so he decided to investigate, it wasn't far away anyway. The wind blasted in his ears as he flew towards the pillar of smoke rising from the forest.

When he got there, the smoke had long cleared and what was left was a smouldering crater about 8 meters wide and 2 deep. The nearby trees had been overturned with their roots exposed, it looked like a meteor impact.

Ronan peered into the crater and saw something surprising, two people laid atop one another, it was strange to say the least, especially the fact that one of them was impaled by what looked to be a sword.

He audibly gasped and pointed with shock on his face. "Someone's been murdered!"
