
Psychic Training

Amidst the growing anticipation of the psykers, Bann, flanked by the enigmatic Urocain, took center stage to address the crowd. The atmosphere hummed with palpable excitement, and Urocain's aura exuded an ancient wisdom, his authoritative voice carrying an undertone that evoked the stern guidance of a seasoned mentor.

As Urocain commenced his guidance, Bann served as a bridge between the warlock's arcane knowledge and the eager audience. "Listen, seekers of the psychic path. We stand on the precipice, surrounded by the turbulent currents of the warp. To navigate these treacherous waters, you must attune your minds to the subtle harmonies of the immaterium. Today, I shall guide you through essential techniques to safeguard your sanity and resist the encroaching shadows."

The countenance of Urocain then transformed, adopting a more cautious tone as he issued a stern warning, "As you embark on this journey, remember: the path of the psyker is perilous, but it is also a gateway to untold power. Walk it with respect, for the warp echoes with both the sublime and the malevolent. May your minds remain steadfast amidst the swirling maelstrom. Now, let the training begin," punctuating his words with a resonant clap that echoed through the eager crowd.

Following Urocain's lead, Bann orchestrated the psykers into rows, creating a disciplined yet eager assembly. The trio, featuring Urocain, Anáeth, and Bann, assumed their positions in the center of the square, creating a striking tableau that drew the gaze of the assembled audience.

Cielo, under Bann's directive, took her place near the trio, her serene presence a calming influence amidst the growing anticipation. Bann's eyes lingered on her for a moment, sensing a unique quality within her that set her apart from the rest.

With the stage set, Bann's deep voice reverberated through the square, carrying his next command with a certain weight. "We should start by calming your minds. Breathe deeply, feel the ebb and flow of your own essence. Inhale the essence of the material world, exhale the discord of the warp. Let tranquility be your anchor." Though the warlock's words seemed enigmatic, Bann translated them with a sense of authority, ushering in the commencement of their psychic training.

Amidst the throng of participants, some seemed adrift in the sea of instructions, their brows furrowed with confusion. It was this subset that caught Bann's discerning eye, prompting him to augment Urocain's teachings with his own practical advice. Addressing them directly, he urged, "Count to six in your mind while inhaling air. Hold the air in your lungs for seven seconds, then release it over eight seconds. Repeat this process several times. You have three minutes."

The crowd, like a coordinated symphony, embraced Bann's directive. Slowly but perceptibly, the collective tension began to unravel. The tight knots constricting their chests eased, and the once-stiff muscles began to relinquish their grip. Each rhythmic breath became a cadence, an incantation of serenity against the backdrop of psychic anticipation.

"Stay awake, maintain vigilance, yet keep yourselves in a state of relaxed awareness," Bann cautioned, his stern voice cutting through the stillness. Those who had teetered on the precipice of slumber jolted back to consciousness, heeding Bann's directive with renewed focus.

As Bann's wisdom resonated within the minds of the crowd, Urocain, sensing the mental restraints loosening, decided to augment the spiritual atmosphere. Channeling the warp around him, he extended ethereal energy towards the assembly. His voice, now a melodic intonation, guided them through the metaphysical realm. "Visualize a serene lake within your mind – its surface reflects only tranquility. With each breath, create ripples of calm, soothing the tumultuous waters of your thoughts. In this state of inner stillness, you become a beacon of balance amidst the chaos."

In response to Urocain's esoteric guidance, the atmosphere within the square underwent a subtle transformation. The participants, once tethered to the physical world, now navigated the unseen currents of the warp with a burgeoning sense of control.

Yet, within this metaphysical journey, Bann detected a peculiar undercurrent, a harmonic dissonance that intrigued him. A resonance with the warp unexpectedly intermingled with his Saiyan ki, creating an unforeseen synchronicity. It was amidst this revelation that the trio – Bann, Urocain, and Anáeth – shifted their focus towards an unexpected source.

Cielo, seated with the assembly, began to manifest an enigmatic radiance. Her clothing became imbued with a golden glow, and a delicate wisp of light emanated from her eyelashes. This extraordinary phenomenon extended beyond mere visual spectacle; it seemed to punctuate a deeper connection with the warp that was unfolding in ways both mysterious and awe-inspiring. The trio's gaze lingered on Cielo, marking an unexpected turn in the unfolding psychic training session.

In the solemn expanse of the training ground, Urocain's words resonated, commanding the attention of the assembled psykers. With a tone both instructive and sagely, he directed, "Extend your hands before you, palms facing outward. Envision ethereal threads emanating from your fingertips, weaving a shimmering tapestry. This tapestry is your psychic shield, a flexible yet impenetrable barrier. As you mold the threads with your intent, feel the resonance of your will infusing the construct. Picture it as an extension of yourself, a guardian born from the fabric of your psychic essence. Allow it to envelop you, repelling external influences while maintaining transparency. Mastery of this shield is the foundation upon which your psychic resilience shall stand."

As Urocain's guidance flowed into the minds of the gathered, Bann keenly observed the participants. The manifestation of ethereal threads became apparent as the psykers weaved their psychic tapestries. Though their efforts were noticeable, Bann's Saiyan senses perceived the feeble attempts against his own energy. Nevertheless, the majority demonstrated an admirable grasp of Urocain's teachings, effortlessly translating his words into tangible psychic defenses.

For those who struggled with the concept, Urocain, embodying the role of a mentor, approached with deliberate grace. Harnessing his own warp-infused abilities, he facilitated the attenuation of warp currents around the perplexed individuals, granting them respite and guidance. The warlock's interventions underscored the importance of fostering a supportive environment for the psykers.

Crucially, the essence of this exercise lay in the psykers' ability to envision and enact their psychic defense—a critical element in their safeguarding against the unpredictable forces of the immaterium.

After allowing the psykers ample time to engage with the task, Urocain seamlessly transitioned to the next phase of instruction. "Open your senses beyond the confines of physical perception. Picture tendrils of awareness extending from your mind, reaching out into the unseen realms. As you attune yourself to the warp's symphony, discern the various frequencies of psychic presence. Feel the distinct signatures, akin to melodies in a cosmic orchestra. With practice, you'll differentiate the warp's currents from the harmonies of fellow psykers. Trust your instincts and embrace the kaleidoscope of sensations. Remember, the warp is a realm of sensation – learn to dance with its ever-shifting cadence."

With these profound words hanging in the air, Urocain enlisted Bann's assistance for the challenging step that awaited the psykers. Together, they moved among the participants, offering guidance and support to those grappling with the intricate dance of attuning themselves to the warp's enigmatic currents. The collective journey into the arcane realm continued, a delicate ballet between mentor and mentee in the pursuit of psychic mastery.

In the mystical realm of psychic exploration, Anáeth's keen perception discerned a peculiar correlation. Those struggling with the arcane teachings found solace and ease when in proximity to Cielo, the golden-haired woman whose radiant soul cast a warm and comforting glow over the assembly. Anáeth herself couldn't help but be enveloped by the pious and comforting aura that emanated from Cielo's presence.

"In the turbulent currents of psychic energies, there may come moments when you feel adrift, teetering on the precipice of overwhelming power. In these critical junctures, mastering the emergency grounding technique is paramount. Picture roots extending from the soles of your feet, plunging deep into the bedrock of reality. Feel the solidity of the Earth beneath you, its grounding force anchoring you amidst the storm of warp energies. As you exhale, release any excess energy downward, letting it flow through the roots into the stabilizing embrace of the Earth. This simple yet potent technique swiftly restores equilibrium, preventing the unchecked surge of psychic forces. Practice this grounding ritual regularly, so it becomes an instinctive response, a lifeline in the tempestuous sea of psychic potential." Bann's authoritative voice resonated, his translation of Urocain's words imbuing them with an air of solemn command.

The ambient energy shifted, humming with a harmonious cadence as the psykers diligently followed Bann's instructions. The once-tense atmosphere began to soften, and those who had grappled with the esoteric teachings now discovered a channel to release their pent-up energies.

Cielo's luminous soul expanded, radiating like a beacon within the square. Her awakening seemed to ripple through the crowd, offering a shared moment of respite and connection.

Urocain, attuned to the intricate nuances of psychic potential, couldn't withhold his observation. He commented to Bann, "She'll be a formidable psyker, one that is rarely seen." Bann's gaze lingered upon the radiant Sister Superior, recognizing the profound depth of power that lay within her burgeoning abilities. The mysterious interplay between the psykers, their mentor Urocain, and the ethereal presence of Cielo wove a tapestry of mysticism, furthering the enigma of their shared journey into the warp's arcane realms.

As the minutes unfolded like an ancient scroll, Urocain once again took the metaphysical stage, his words resonating with an otherworldly authority. "In the crucible of psychic awakening, there are times when the warp's touch lingers, leaving traces of unwanted energies within." Each syllable carried the weight of eons, the Warlock's voice a vessel for the arcane wisdom he imparted. The air, thick with anticipation, hummed with the psychic energies stirred by Urocain's teachings.

"To cleanse your being, master the technique of psychic purge." Bann translated the arcane guidance with a grandiosity befitting the grimdark nature of their cosmic journey. The mental imagery of a cascade of pure, cleansing light, drawn from the font of one's psychic essence, took root in the minds of the psykers. They closed their eyes, embarking on a metaphysical journey guided by Urocain's sagacious words.

As the psykers immersed themselves in the ritual, the square transformed into a canvas of unseen energies. The radiant cascade of purifying light enveloped them, a celestial dance of ethereal forces at play. Urocain, Bann, and Anáeth observed the psychic phenomena unfolding around the practitioners. The air, charged with the harmonious resonance of psychic presence, felt as though reality itself granted a momentary respite.

Even Bann, the pragmatic Saiyan, sensed a newfound easiness in maintaining his ki around the square. The strategic deployment of his energy, designed to counter the psychic interference caused by the Tyranids, became more fluid. The lessened constraints on his psychic senses offered a welcome reprieve, aligning the cosmic forces for a brief respite amidst the impending challenges that loomed over Faradras.

In the sacred crucible of psychic awakening, where the warp's touch lingered like ancient whispers, Urocain seized the opportune moment. With the final assistance of Bann, he declared, "Telepathy, the silent language of the mind, transcends the limitations of spoken words." His proclamation echoed with the gravitas of arcane knowledge, the very essence of their existence pulsating in harmony with his words.

"To harness this ability, envision an ethereal bridge connecting your consciousness with that of another." The Warlock's voice wove a tapestry of unseen forces, guiding the eager minds of the psykers through the intricate dance of telepathy. Delicate threads of light, shimmering with ethereal energy, materialized in their collective imagination. The warp, that boundless canvas of consciousness, resonated with the subtle nuances of their shared intentions.

"Begin by establishing a mental rapport, a shared space where your intentions can unfold." As Urocain's guidance unfolded, the silent language of the mind started to manifest around the square. The air, once humming with anticipation, now bore witness to the emergence of ethereal bridges uniting the thoughts of many. Clarity and sincerity became the guiding beacons in this realm where truth resonated most profoundly.

"With mastery, telepathy becomes a bridge that unites minds, fostering understanding beyond the constraints of spoken language." The resonance of Urocain's words seemed to linger in the psychic atmosphere, entwining with the newfound telepathic connections forming among the psykers. The square, once a bastion of silence, now echoed with the silent voices of minds interweaving, celebrating the awakening of their latent abilities.

Simple words, expressions of joy, and jubilant celebrations danced across the mental symphony, filling the trio's minds with the lively echoes of psychic communion. The grim atmosphere, once draped in the weight of the unknown, now pulsated with the vibrant energy of minds united through the warp's silent language.

In the resonant echoes of psychic connection, Urocain's voice once again surged through their minds, unveiling the next teaching. "In unity, strength blossoms. Collaborative psychic shielding is an art that transcends individual boundaries, weaving the collective will into an impenetrable tapestry." His words carried the weight of ages, a solemn incantation that beckoned the trainees to explore the depths of collective power.

"Envision threads of energy intertwining between the minds of all present, forming a seamless shield that harmonizes the strengths of each individual." Urocain's guidance sparked a cascade of mental images, as threads of ethereal energy wove together, creating a tapestry of shared protection. The air shimmered with the collaborative efforts, and the psykers felt the resonance of unity taking root.

"As you attune your thoughts to those around you, recognize the unique signatures of each psyche, forging a bond that enhances the shield's resilience." The trainees, under the Eldar Warlock's tutelage, immersed themselves in this psychic dance. The recognition of individual strengths became a cornerstone, elevating the collective shield beyond the sum of its parts. The atmosphere thrummed with the pulse of interconnected minds, forming a bastion that defied the warp's intrusion.

"This collaborative effort taps into the warp's communal nature, where the combined will of many becomes a force to be reckoned with." Urocain's wisdom resonated with the trainees as they harnessed the warp's communal essence. The shared will of the group, now bound together, created a formidable force against the looming shadows of the immaterium.

"Regular practice fosters not only individual growth but also the cohesion necessary for effective group defense." The Eldar Warlock's guidance laid the groundwork for the trainees' ongoing development. The psychic tapestry, now alive with intertwined energies, bore testament to their evolving capabilities and the strength derived from collective discipline.

"Embrace the interconnectedness of minds, for in unity lies the impervious shield against the warp's myriad influences." Urocain's final words echoed with a profound truth. The trainees, their minds now united, stood amidst a psychic fortress, a testament to the potential that lay within their collaborative efforts.

As the trainees delved into this collective endeavor, Cielo's golden beacon ascended to new heights. Fueled by the consciousness of hundreds, it radiated a golden ray that swept through the reality and the immaterium alike. The entire square, nay, the entire Redentia, descended into a reverent silence. A blinding light of warmth emanated, calming the tormented minds of the people within the city.

For those haunted by the constant chittering, respite emerged within the soothing glow. Unseen psykers, unwilling to reveal themselves yet strong enough to endure the Shadow in the Warp, found solace in the radiant light. Gulping down his awe, Urocain began to understand the ancient tales surrounding the Emperor of humanity. Cielo's light, akin to the Farseer Naer-Lyoc, bore the hallmark of an awakening psyker—a realization that sent chills down the Warlock's spine, prompting him to gather his resolve and press on.

In the crucible of their collective efforts, Urocain's voice pierced through the golden light that bathed the square, bringing forth the next teaching that resonated with both urgency and importance. "And while this shield you created is a testament of what you can achieve, In the face of the warp's darker denizens, daemonic warding becomes a shield of paramount importance." The Eldar Warlock's words, laden with the weight of ancient wisdom, prompted the psykers to focus their minds on a new challenge—an ethereal fortress that stood guard against the malevolent entities lurking within the warp's shadows.

"Envision a barrier, an ethereal fortress forged from the strength of your will, alongside the ongoing collaborative shield." Urocain's instruction carried a sense of gravitas, guiding the trainees to visualize a new layer of protection within their psychic arsenal. The air, already charged with the energies of their collaborative shield, now shimmered with the added resonance of a formidable fortress, one that would repel the chaotic energies of the daemonic realm.

"As you extend your awareness, recognize the unique resonance of warp entities." The Warlock's guidance urged the psykers to attune their senses to the subtle nuances of the warp, identifying the telltale signatures of daemonic entities. The collective effort to create the ward took shape as they pictured the barrier—an impenetrable defense that stood as a bulwark against the insidious whispers of the warp.

"Picture the ward taking shape, an impenetrable barrier that repels the chaotic energies of the daemonic realm." Urocain's words invoked vivid imagery as the trainees, immersed in their psychic communion, conjured forth the ethereal fortress in their minds. The psychic tapestry, now enriched with the additional layer of protection, emitted a palpable energy—a testament to their growing mastery over the warp.

"Fortify your mental defenses, infusing the ward with the essence of purity and resilience." The Warlock's instructions delved into the essence of the psychic fortress, guiding the psykers to strengthen their mental defenses and imbue the ward with qualities of purity and resilience. The psychic energies in the square surged as each individual contributed to the collective fortification, forging an indomitable shield against the encroaching darkness.

"The warp twists and churns, seeking entry, but your ward stands resolute." Urocain's words echoed with an ominous truth, painting a vivid picture of the warp's relentless attempts to breach their defenses. Yet, in the minds of the psykers, the ethereal fortress remained steadfast, a testament to their unwavering resolve against the malevolent forces that sought entry.

"Regularly reinforce this barrier, ensuring its efficacy against the insidious whispers of the warp." The Eldar Warlock's counsel emphasized the importance of diligence in maintaining the daemonic ward—a constant vigilance to uphold the integrity of their psychic sanctum. The trainees, now fully immersed in their shared mission, embraced the responsibility of regularly reinforcing the barrier, knowing that its efficacy depended on their collective efforts.

"Remember, daemonic entities thrive on vulnerability – the unwavering strength of your ward denies them foothold, preserving the sanctity of your psychic sanctum." Urocain's final words lingered in the air, a solemn reminder of the perpetual struggle against the warp's insidious influence. The psykers, empowered by the radiant light of Cielo and guided by the wisdom of Urocain, stood united, their psychic tapestry now intricately woven with layers of collaborative defense against the malevolent forces that sought to infiltrate their minds and souls.

As the collective psyche of the trainees resonated with the wisdom of Urocain, the Eldar Warlock recognized the need for a moment of respite. With the square immersed in the harmonious aftermath of their collaborative efforts, Urocain chose to instill a paramount habit among them. "In the ever-shifting currents of the warp, a still mind is a bastion of clarity." His voice, a gentle guide through the psychic landscapes, echoed across the tranquil square.

"Mind-cleansing meditation is a gateway to serenity amidst the tumultuous psychic landscapes." Urocain's words beckoned the trainees to embark on a journey within, seeking a mental sanctuary free from the echoes of external influences. The Eldar Warlock's guidance led them to close their eyes and breathe deeply, drawing in tranquility with each inhalation and expelling discordant energies with each exhalation.

"Visualize a serene pool within your consciousness, its waters reflecting the purity of your untainted essence." The trainees, in their meditative state, conjured mental images of serene pools, their reflective waters capturing the essence of inner purity. As the ripples of calm expanded, the residual imprints of warp disturbances were washed away, leaving behind a profound sense of peace.

"As you delve into this meditative state, let the ripples of calm expand, washing away the residual imprints of warp disturbances.Urocain's guidance extended beyond mere meditation, emphasizing its transformative impact on the psyche. The ambient energies in the square resonated with the harmonious rhythm of inner serenity, creating a mental haven amid the psychic storms that often raged within.

The trainees, now attuned to their surroundings, manifested unique expressions of their psychic connection to the warp. Some floated, demonstrating a mastery over gravity, while others harnessed elemental energies, creating wisps of fire, water, and air around them. The square, once charged with the intensity of psychic training, was now enveloped in a profound peace as the Warlock continued with his teachings.

Observing the tranquil scene he helped foster, Bann decided his presence was no longer needed. He gracefully stepped away from the place, casting a glance at Urocain, whose telepathic instructions kept the psykers focused on their mental journey.

'I don't know how things will unfold, but I hope this scene can be replayed everywhere on this planet.' Bann's thoughts echoed as he walked resolutely towards the palace. A meeting with the Strategic Command awaited—a pivotal moment to assess the planet's defense against the impending swarm.

Tumultuous times, it seemed, had a way of bringing people together. The sight of inhabitants, once influenced by the Ecclesiarchy's doctrines, attentively listening to a Xeno was a testament to the extraordinary circumstances. Holding onto the newfound strength from their psychic unity, Bann proceeded with resolute steps, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. The impending swarm would test not only the psykers but also those who lacked such abilities, and Bann was determined to see how well they would defend themselves in the face of adversity.


14 chapters in advance on my Patreon.


hey there, this week the chapter schedule will return to normalcy.

So you can expect them everyday at the same hour!

If you are enjoying the novel, please give it those power stones!

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts