
Chapter 2

"Sagana, Andrew, what are the two of you doing here?"

Sagana stiffened as she heard that voice again. The owner of that voice tormented her mentality as she couldn't accept her betrayal.

The person she trusted the most in the world because of the thought that she's an orphan and she was abandoned.

That's why she was in the orphanage fighting against the other children for food.

The only light she thought that it will continue to bring warmth and light to her lonely and dimmed world.

However, she couldn't believe that the light she treasured the most was the sole reason of her bad luck and death.

She clenched her fist that was hidden behind her. She as restraining herself and didn't look up at Aryanna's countenance.

"Ohh. I brought her here" Andrew said like he was defending Sagana subconsciously and his voice sounded coldly.

Aryanna suddenly narrowed her eyes as she looked back and forth between Sagana and Andrew.

Her heart felt a sudden crisis.

'No! Andrew is mine! He's mine!' her thought screamed loudly like a demon in hell that almost broke up its chains just to strangle the two in front.

Sagana peeked at Aryanna as she felt a released of hot energy aiming towards her silently.

Sagana had an ugly look as she finally woke up from her delusions that Aryanna treated her like a sister before the Santo Family discovered the truth.

Although she was no longer expecting Aryanna to treat her like a sister after their 'identity exchanged' incident but she realized that Aryanna never treated her as a best friend or a sister.

It made feel uncomfortable but at the same time comfortable.


She's uncomfortable because she still thought that Aryanna was truly treating her like a sister before while also felt comfortable because it means their friendship ended.

At least on the deeper level of their heart, but still maintained a plastic and toxic friendship on the surface.

Sagana looked at Andrew and waited if he ever found out of what Aryanna was doing.

If Sagana was not an ordinary person, certainly she will die silently after an hour or two because of red energy's invasion on her body.

Fortunately, she awakened the Santo Family's supernatural power called Divine Energy and white represented its color.

Her Divine Energy surged out and became an invisible armor on her skin in order to prevent the red energy on contaminating her body.

Andrew and Aryanna hadn't feel any fluctuations out of Sagana's energy. Like... as if nothing happens.

Sagana's lips went upward slightly and noted down this present grievance with the previous grievance.

"I'm sorry, Sagana. I don't have the power to go against others. After all, it's not only I and Andrew can enter and exit this garden. There are also other people and they are from wealthy family"

Aryanna showed concern, pity and helpless on her face and her voice sounded affectionate and her eyes seemed like indulging her that a best friend or like a sister should have but...

her words contained hidden message saying that,

'We are all from wealthy family. You are not included here so please go back to where you are, poor girl'

Even Andrew felt something wrong on Aryanna's words but because of Aryanna's helpless voice and indulging eyes he couldn't pick on if any wrong from her.

"Oh. I'm fine. There's no need to disturb others" Sagana shook her hands on them as a rejection to Andrew's invitation and Aryanna's worries.

Aryanna's lips slightly turned upward and her confidence bursted out which made Sagana looked up at her again and raised her eyebrows.

'Savor your life right now, Aryanna. It will not last long' she thought and let Aryanna be complacent and smug.

"So, I need to go now. Bye~" she said as she waved her arms to them energetically which affected Andrew and waved back.

However, Aryanna clenched her fist as she saw Andrew's reaction to Sagana.

Aryanna had never see him so enthusiastically responding to her and others like how he did to Sagana.

"Sagana... Sagana... Sagana... It's you again" Aryanna murmured Sagana's name to herself and couldn't stop her jealousy.

Even her family always praised Sagana's uniqueness which she didn't see of what they have meant.

"Hmm! A pheasant will never be a phoenix" Aryanna flashed her eyes and loosened her clenched fist.


At night, Sagana panted heavily because of extreme exhaustion as she reached her destination.

"Is this the place?" she asked herself as she tried to recall those memories in her previous life.

She and Aryanna always celebrated their birthdays on the same day - October 2. So, Aryanna always invited Sagana to celebrate their birthdays together.

Of course, Sagana felt happy because Aryanna didn't forget her and always attended the party.

In every celebration of their birthdays, all decorations were all about Aryanna. Even the cakes had one cute avatar on top that looked so much alike of Aryanna.

Sagana hadn't thought that Aryanna would show off her wealth in front of Sagana in every celebration of their birthdays

Sagana realized how naive and innocent she was in her previous life. She's being manipulated by Aryanna step by step until she reached her doom.

"Aryanna... Oh! Aryanna! You shouldn't have awakened a sleeping dragon" she murmured to herself as she walked towards the darkness.


Sagana was stunned to see a sculpture inside the cave. It was muscular sculpture of a man. Every muscles showed its vitality and strength.

However those muscles couldn't compare to the glowing jade on the sculpture's forehead.

Sagana felt all different kinds of energy around her being absorbed by the glowing jade.

Those energies became an obedient babies despite having a different properties.

If it was a person who absorbed all different energies, all energies will turn against each other.

Especially those with opposite energy such as water and fire energies.

This cave was not yet discovered by Santo Family, not until Aryanna was tested of how much superpowers of Santo Family she awakened on her bloodline during Aryanna's 18th birthday.

This sculpture was dedicated for the Bisaya Creation God - Kaptan. He was the Supreme being of the Bisaya.

"Come, my descendant" a hoarse man's voice sounded in her ears and she knew that it come from the sculpture.

"Do you know me?" Sagana asked as she scrutinized the sculpture's forehead where the jade was because the voice came from that jade!
