
The birth of a sad teen

There were a very beautiful couple in this village called Mzilela. They met in high school (Ndhambi High School) early years ago.The male was Ephraim and the Female was Lucia, Ephraim was from a very wealthy family and Lucia was from a very poor background. Everything was just fine until Ephraim impregnated Lucia. They planned a meet up and so they met in the woods in the evening. Lucia was shivering and Ephraim asked "What's wrong?why are you shivering? What's the problem?" Lucia kept quiet for some time and then she said "Ephraim I'm PREGNANT!" She said stuttering with a low voice and low confidence. Ephraim was surprised, Angry and Disappointed so he told her to terminate the pregnancy but she refused. She rushed back home and told her mom about it and her mother chose to support her with the opinion of not terminating the pregnancy. Everything went fine until her parents decided to take her to Ephraim's parents to tell them about the pregnancy. When they got there Ephraim tried to deny the pregnancy but his brother (Elia) reminded him of how he used to chase Lucia around and it became so hard for Ephraim to deny the pregnancy so he accepted it anyways.