

-: Foreword: -

This life struggle begins with sunrise for everyone and ends with darkness, but her life struggle begins with this darkness and merges into that darkness.

# Prostitute


Anthony: - LET'S SET GO .....


Date: -1985-12-02

My name is "Anthony" and I work as an article writer for the Times of India News. I have been interviewed by many great greats and it is annoying that I have not even once been recognized as the Best Article Writer who has gotten a good reputation as an article writer on top of them even more great about the wall.

If that is the case then maybe our supervisor Ranganath today asked me whose name I should never hear in my life, whose name makes my tears tremble when I hear the interview about those filthy lives. For the first time I was furious with God for bringing me into this situation. Also the anger that came over our supervisor was not so much. That anger, this anger all mixed up and broke my burr.

To reduce the anger I went to the tea batter next to the office and said a good strong tea. Wondering who to go to to find out about writing that #Prostitute article by the time it's ready. The heat was hot ... Ramayana gave tea.

Pouring the tea in the saucer and squeezing it with your lips ... I do not enjoy the tea. Then my headache disappeared for once. OK I asked Ramayana about those prostitutes.

Ramayana smiles at me, looking up and down.

(Hey .... Ramaiah who got married twice. I used to think in my mind that he was ashamed to be used there.)

Ramayana then told me the address of a prostitution ring.

I took that address and left.

All in all it looks like a dilapidated bungalow when you reach the abode where the prostitutes are staying. Everyone is laughing at me. I always understood when I looked at myself why everyone was laughing at me. Like on poor jabba, tojar, face glasses, leather sandals for legs, book pen in hand in sankalo, maybe looking at my dress .... Unexpectedly I laughed and went inside looking at it.

There is a 40-50 year old man with big jewelry, eczema fringed silk, hair and scented belly jasmine on his head.

He noticed me coming and invited me inside and seated me in a chair. She handed him a glass of alcohol and called out a few names. Girls of all ages arrived wrapped in colorful costumes. I picked up one of the girls and went into a room.

The girl also came into the room and said in a hurry.

Prostitute: - If you do not work quickly I have to go and ask her if I can go a little ... She took off all the top clothes like her and lay on the bed except the jacket on her breast.

She rushed, looking at her I rolled my eyes and turned my head.

Anthony: - You must forgive me ...

I did not come to experience you here I am an article writer in the Times of India newspaper. I came to interview you to write an article called "Whore" I want you to help me answer the questions I ask.

She smiled a small smile as if she had found something soothing to a life tired of hearing it ....

Prostitute: - It makes me laugh to burn papers about burnt lives. So no one will read about our lives that you have written. (Says with a laugh) Well our lives somehow did not bring us a name I would say I asked you to come up with a good name for yourself who wrote about us. Ask .... !!!

Anthony: - Thank you for agreeing ....

First of all ... what is your name Andy .... ???

Prostitute: - My name is Sita .....

(Surprised ...)

Anthony: - Come up with such a great response !! This is working as well as what is the reason for how you got into this work .. ???

Sita: - In fact my name is "Mary". At first these castes also prevented me from satisfying my stomach hunger .... I was of a lower caste and told me that it would not work even for a prostitution profession. I put a blob in front of it and changed from Mary to Sita La.

In a country that recognizes the uniqueness of names, any name is being given to the life of a living being ... yet how can I enter into this life ... !!

One day a small village called Siripuram in our coastal area was hit by a cyclone in the sea due to low pressure in the Bay of Bengal and the whole of Mauri was washed away in which our whole family died and I was the last one left. Then I came to this town not knowing exactly what to do with my hunger at the age of 15. When I came here, I was deceived into believing that someone was going to marry me and sell me here.

Anthony: - It is said that your life as a prostitute breaks the bonds of another. How can you support that statement .... ???

Sita is smiling .....

Sita: - Pitch between bonds means, what you are saying is about the bond between husband and wife ... !!

One girl has to look like a prostitute, which means another girl has to look like a prostitute (s **). This would not be possible without us.

Conflicts between husband and wife do not occur as long as the woman's right face is within the proper range.

Husbands like you, let's treat our wives in their bedroom in the same way that Madhamekkina Valu treats us with safety, every wife who says we are great counter news knows our badhento.

Anthony: - Do you mean to say that those who have spoiled you are great ..... ??

Sita: - Yes we are spoiled ...! Our bodies that are spoiled are not only our minds.

Anthony: - What message do you give to the society through the whole life of a prostitute ..... ???

Sita: - See prostitution as a profession and not as a profession. If girls are just for money then do not look towards this profession, unless you have passion ...!

OK Andy ..! I have work to do near home where I have to go.

(Anthony noticed bleeding near the breast as he went on to say.)

Anthony: - What ..! Sita told you to get blood near the breast.

Sita smiled at that ....

Sita: - That ... !! As I told you, Magadi is more vulnerable, three days ago your Times of India Supervisor Ranganath came and reminded me of this singer who was cruel to me, and that day I was saddened to see my child crying because he could not breastfeed for that blow. Can't take off my jacket with fear when you say the same name again Can't I see my Babu crying with hunger again ....

You see, everyone has proved that there is no monster even in Mogul.

I have to breastfeed my baby right now, go see this baby photo how cute it is ....

(Shows a photo of her baby.)

Anthony Edo, who heard all these words, cried like a remembered Vadila and ran home.



He comes home from the lab and pulls out an old photon from an old safe in the store and touches its heart and cries.

Then he took the photo with pain and put it in the mandapam of God in the house

In that photo is Sita

Anthony Valamma Mary

Date: - 2035 - 12 - 02


Anthony is a scientist who starts a mission to find out what happened in the last 50 YEARS of this P.C.C.T.M mission.

This mission has some drawbacks.

They are ...!

$: - Anyone who types in this mission and installs a photo of Wala will go to Wala Life.

$ -: In which time travelers go into the past and live as a new character but do not remember anything about the future.

$: - In a thousand past, when you meet and see your future, in the past you will come out as a mission file that remembers the future to the web.

While that is going on Anthony decides why someone else should go myself. But while thinking that into someone's life

Anthony decides to go find out about what these people have seen of him since he was a child (Valamma sees Anthony as a prostitute since childhood).

So Anthony types in the mission as Mary and installs a photo of her

So Future Anthony goes to find out about Wala Amma, the article writer.

And prepares to go into the past ....


Anthony: - LET'S SET GO .....!