
Ren and Nora (Edited)

Inside in the forest a boar in a size of beetle car, it has strong tusk has a muscle in its legs. Its running fast like it was chasing a pray but looking closer it has injuries and its bleeding and it eyes is not of a beast but like a scared child. Behind it a shadow jumping tree to tree chasing the boar. This shadow has size of a child but its agilely jumping from trees and closely chasing the boar. Then the shadow throw something towards the boar.

The boar felt its death, it tried to move towards the left but its to late as something sharp embedded in its head. The boar started to slow down then fall down dead. A kunai sticking at the head of the boar killed it. The shadow then jumps down and walks toward the dead boar. And its our own MC

"Whew! you gave me a hard time chasing you buddy well its your fault for attacking me first while i was trying hunt that rabbit. Heh, looks like i'll have a bacon tonight." He started to cut the boar and putting the meat inside the bag he made.

"Its been a week since I've been staying in this forest an I've grown stronger too i can jump towards the tree pretty easily and get out of this forest. I hope i'm near the place where ruby and yang live i can't even remember where their place is. Its been years since i last watch the show and the shock when i know this is where that god put me in. well its not so bad."

"It really gave me quiet a shock when i saw the moon in the 2nd day since I've transmigrated or reborn, here. I was eating a rabbit that i hunted i look up the sky, there to see a broken moon. At first i was surprised what happened to the moon then when i look closely it looks familiar. Then that's where i realized where i really am. Grimms huntsmen and huntresses, hot queen of grimms, semblance filled inside my head."

"When i snap out of it first thing i thought is hot queen of grimms.... No not that... First thing is that i need to get stronger and get out of this forest, the god may have said the this place is safe but for how long. I don't know what timeline i am right now or i might be same age as ruby or yang."

"I started to realize how dangerous my situation was and started to train hard. good thing i can do shadow clone at the 4th day to speed up my training. Though i can only make 2 clones but i still cant handle the backlash and though i have big chakra its only enough for 2 clones."

Snapping out of his flash back. He pick up his bag full of boar meat started to go back towards his camp. "I'll rest up first and tomorrow morning i'll start to head out of this forest. I hope i wont encounter too many grimms and not encountering grimms is much better too."

Arriving at his camp where he first woke up. Ian started to organize his things prepare to cook for tonight meal then study fuinjutsu. But he still cant practice since he doesn't have a paper and ink to write. Ian also discovered a piece of paper inside the book and its the paper to know what element he will have. He haven't used it and keep it inside the book.

"I don't even have a jutsu to learn anyway except rasengan. Though i remembered the hand sign of fire released use by Sasuke when he's still learning the uchiha signature jutsu of fire release."

When the meat done cooking Ian started eating it, after eating he prepared to sleep early since he'll be going out of this forest tomorrow. He sleep at the tree branch thick enough for him to lay down and sleep. Since the day Ian realized this forest might be infested of grimms he started to sleep up in tree. He lay down before going to sleep he look up at the moon first then held his kunai in his chest and started to sleep.

Morning, Ian pack up the things he needs well not that many but enough food and water for travelling he don't know how far he needs to travel for him to get out of this forest. Ian don't know where to start but just pick up randomly then started to walk.

Ian don't know how long he's been walking 2 hours? 3? but the longer he walk the less the animals he see. "Looks like i might encounter grimms." He put his guard up while walking feeling his surroundings.

then Ian heard a sounds, its faint but he thought he heard a scream. Ian didn't hesitate to run towards that direction. Jumping tree to tree to get a better view even though he might get ambushed be a flying grimms or snake grimms.

Ian can see a fire in the distance and can hear screams clearly. Screams of calling for help he started to sped up.

when he got there. He see grimms, and people running, others are fighting he saw many dead people already. Ian frown from disgust he can limbs everywhere but seeing this kind of thing is not really new to him. Since he is part of the army at his previous life before he was sent here. But seeing this creature killing people still sickens Ian.

the village looks like a Chinese village or Japanese the design looks same to Ian. He started to observe first if he can help. Then at the corner of his eyes he saw 2 children same age as him.

When he look closer they look so familiar. But he doesn't have time to think about since a grimm is chasing them. Without hesitation Ian ran towards them fast, kunai ready. The two children saw him running towards them. Ian shouted them to duck and they did and he jump towards the grimm.

its bigger than him but he can follow its movement. The grimm pounce on Ian but he move to the side and slashing its ribs. the grimm roared then it pounce on him again. Ian rolled below it and slash its stomach it fall down and the grimm stopped moving. Clearly dead.

With no time to waste Ian told them to fellow him and hide below the house. He may have killed a grimm but that doesn't mean he can fight that many. And he know's there's an elite grimm here Ian saw it killing a lot of people it looks like a centaur kind of grimm.

Ian told them to be quiet, when he look closer Ian realize who they are. But he till ask their names.

"whats your name?" Ian asked, they were silent first. Well they are still kids and he can see they are still scared the girl though her expression is from being scared then turning to awe and scared again. It keeps repeating like that

when Ian thought they won't respond the boy spoke.

"My name is Lie Ren." Ren said introducing himself, "and i'm Nora Valkyrie." Said Nora

After introducing themselves to Ian. They then heard a heavy footsteps.

i know that ren and nora werent being by a grim and they already hidden themselves under some random person house. but hey its my fanfic so yeah i gotta do what i gotta do to add our MC here.

Aagnuscreators' thoughts