
RWBY- Daughter of the immortal reincarnator, ruby rose

What if when a reincarnator has experienced most of life plans on settling down in the world of remnant and takes Ruby as his adopted daughter? The immortal monarch known by everyone in his world as the Azure immortal was the strongest known cultivator of the myriads races. Many tales of him were told to children, inspiring many to become the best they can in life. He had many friends and many lovers but never had a child. As a rouge immortal, he roamed the nine realms by himself, helping those in need and righting wrongs through the lands. But what people knew not of him, was that the Azure immortal was a reincarnator whom reincarnated from a planet known as earth. For eons he lived life to the fullest and saw the world as he would be to his heart. Neither evil or good, the Azure immortal travelled many realms and universes doing all that he wanted and needed. But after so long, he has finally grown weary of his travels and plans on settling down in one of the universes he found to be a good place to settle. In the world of remnant. However when exiting dimensional travel, he stumbles upon a dying woman known as Summer Rose in a remote alley. In her embrace was a silver eyed child. This child was Ruby Rose when she was 3. "A cruel world, a cruel life that is the truth of the universe but through our own, can we live a wholesome life. A child that is innocent should not be thrown into such a world at a young age. I shall take you in as my own and as of today your name shall be Kiana Rose. Eyes representing the Moon and Rose a name given by your mother." This is a story of how a reincarnator adopts Ruby as his own daughter. Note all arts and works are not mine with the exception of many things inside.

Azure_god_monarch · อื่นๆ
46 Chs

Chap 30) The Dance part 3

Holding onto one another, they entered the ball.

Releasing their aura, they looked like a couple made in heavens. The many who saw them could not help but be in awe as they felt like a king and queen of a kingdom.

Awe, reverence and honor that was what the students saw when the pair entered. Although they knew not of whom Kiana's partner was, it mattered not. Through their eyes, they saw the vague image 2 dragons coiling around them. Although mystical, the image seemed real enough that many felt as if they saw the most wisest of dragons.

Walking down the red carpet, they soon arrived to the front of the ballroom and stood next to Coco and Yatsuhashi.

Looking at the red head male hunk next to Kiana, Coco could not help but ask whom he was.

"Hey Kiana whose this muscle of a man, is he your lover?" (Coco)

Hearing this, instead of Kiana replying, the male replied instead while raising his hand for a handshake.

"Hello there Ms Adel. My names Draig, Y Ddraig Goch partner of Kiana Rose." (Draig)

"Oh hello there Mr Draig. I thought Jaune was Kiana's partner. Why does she have 2 partners?" (Coco) said while shaking his hand and giving a puzzling look.

"Hahaha yes even if Jaune Arc is rather bad, he is still Kianas partner. As for me, i am her combat partner. We help one another during combat." (Draig)

"Oh so the two of you train with one another then?" (Coco)

Hearing her response, Draig could not help but chuckle.

"Heh i guess you can say something like that." (Draig)

While both Draig and Coco were happily having a chat, Jaune on the other hand was thinking to himself. When Kiana and Draig first entered the ballroom, all Jaune felt was inferiority. At first he thought that he might have a chance to ask Kiana out, but seeing how perfect Draig was with Kiana, all he felt was inferiority as he knew only those at Draigs level were worthy of her.

However this feeling soon went away as he felt the grips of the twins grew tighter. Looking at the 2 of them, he knew what they were thinking and gave them a smile.

...20 minutes after the dance started.....

Dancing around, many of the males alongside their female partners started to dance with the music while some pairs sat nearer to the edge of the place where the drinks and snacks were located.

As one of the only males with 2 dance partners, Jaune had a hard time keping up with the twins as they continued to dance.

Music went on as many people were having fun including the strict Glynda Goodwitch whom was enjoying her dance with Ironwood. However much to the contrary of the fun, there were a few people whom did not enjoy themselves.

Standing at the balcony, Pyrrha looked up to the skies wondering why was she here. She unlike most others had no partners to pair with, a lone wolf. Her fame too much of a burdened caused many to look at her differently. Many who heard her fame, isolated her as they knew that she was too good for them, a hurdle too high to reach. Many times she wished o be like a girl, to be asked out to dates, to live a simple and normal life. Yet such dreams were always the hardest to reach.

"What are you doing out here?" (Kiana)

Hearing the voice, Pyrrha looked behind only to see Kiana approaching.

"Oh nothing just looking at the stars." (Pyrrha) said in a assuring tone.

"....." (Kiana)

With nothing much to say, Kiana leaned on the balcony edge next to Pyrrha. Looking to the night sky and the moon.

"...I know what you thinking and honestly sometimes it does not work." (Kiana)

".......You know i just wish to be normal, like a girl to fall in love, start a family and live a honest and simple life. Yet me being a champion has weighed down on me for awhile now. I can never have a simple life." (Pyrrha)

".....Pyrrha... you know sometimes living in your dreams is never a good idea.... Sometimes the things you wish for can never be obtained or easily taken away. If you want to have a wish fufilled, you must have courage to first face the difficulties ahead." (Kiana)

"I know that Kiana but what do you think i should do? Many times its because of my identity that i am rejected. This identity that i have created for myself, is something that will forever be remembered." (Pyrrha)

"...Pyrrha you know having a identity you made for yourself is much better. It represents your goal and achievments, you should appreciate it.... sigh Pyrrha, you must know, where you are right now can be considered a blessing." (Kiana)

"How is it a blessing if it pulls me further away from my dreams?" (Pyrrha) asking with some anger in her voice.

".....Strength Pyrrh, you have the strength to protect your dreams. Unlike me, you worked your way towards your current position without much problems.

As for me, when i was young i had all i could ever want. A caring father, a home and people to see me through my life. But i did not have enough strength, one day i left my home. With little to no strength, i was killed by the grimm and my father barely managed to bring me back to life.

Still even though i was back, i lost most of my memories and that was when i realised. To live the dream you want, you must first have the strength to protect it. That is why is say you are lucky, for you already have the strength to protect it."

Hearing what Kiana said, Pyrrha took a step back as she felt sadness well up inside of her. She did not know that Kiana had such a past.

".....Kiana i... i did not know....." (Pyrrha) said with a sad tone

Looking at Pyrrha, Kiana just smiled as she walked back towards the ballroom.

"It is alright Pyrrha. Just remember, if you want your dreams to come true, approach it with courage and not fear." (Kiana)

Leaving Pyrrha alone on the balcony, she looked back to the skies, pondering over her words.