
Ruthless Love With The Mysterious You

Lynn saw the remaining residual power from Luke's hand injury. "Damn, He was hurt by the Awakened One. But how the hell did he meet this guy?" Lynn said to Qirin as she was checking the wounds. Despite her suspicions, she took off Luke's shirt first. He also has many other injuries to his stomach. Lynn looked worriedly at the unconscious Luke. "Anyway, let's give him a potion first. I'll take care of the rest." Qirin immediately went to Lynn’s apartment using his super speed to get the potion. Qirin came back and gave the potion to Lynn and helped Lynn to pull Luke up, holding his shoulders and laying him on the headboard. She opened Like’s jaw and poured her potion carefully and slowly. After putting Luke to bed, Lynn picks up the phone and calls Luke's grandpa after discussing it with Qirin. She said, "I think we need to make sure. We found some residual power in Luke's injuries. These injuries weren't due to an accident." Lynn said with a severe look on her face. "I'm coming," Luke's grandpa answered over the phone. ... "Why do I feel this way?" When Lynn looked in the mirror in front of her, she could see that her cheeks were dyed bright red. 'Crap. Why does my heart beat faster when I get closer to him, what is happening to me? This has never happened in the past few years. ” …. What happens when a person is suddenly thrown into a whole new world? After the "accident", Luke's whole world suddenly changed. His loved ones become new to him. He had more power than he thought. The person who disappeared without a reason has such a huge situation behind her. New mysteries are revealed, and Lynn,Luke and Qirin’s strained relationship takes a new turn. I don't know who made the book cover. Sorry for using it without permission, but I think it's a very suitable for my book. I will delete it if requested by the creator or others.

Shrihitha_Kumbum · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Secret

Amanda and Lily make plans to meet in the mall.

shopping center

As soon as Lynn exited the vehicle, she noticed Amanda waving and Luke reading something in a small book beside her.

Lynn rushed to Luke right away.

When Lynn noticed that Luke was not paying attention to her, she got a little cheeky and yelled, "Boo."

Luke just gave her an eyeroll rather than flinching.

"What are you doing?"Luke questioned Lynn, who was grinning sheepishly at him.

With a smile, Lynn continued, "Trying to scare you."

"Stop it. Let's leave."Luke muttered as he pulled Lynn by his small hand.

"Boring,"Lynn said although she was following Luke inside the mall following their parents.

Prior to their meeting, Lily and Amanda were both a little eager because they used to visit this location frequently before Amanda left for another country.

The top families built this mall together for their own enjoyment, and you can just grab a random person who visits it and they can be considered as a millionaire.

One of the shareholders of Montiff School also has shares in this mall, so the school uniforms can be purchased in it.

The shopping center where they went actually only allows some people inside and there are many brands there that some of the Public don't even know because they don't publicize themselves.

Both of their eyes were glowing, they will make sure to buy a lot today and fill up a truck full of items.

Even though all of them were a bit excited but first things first and Lily took all of them to School uniform shop.

When Lynn and Luke entered the uniform shop, they discovered that it also has a cafe.

"Welcome Mrs.Grey,I see you are here with another person, what can I do for both of you today?."

A shopping assistant in professional attire came as soon as they entered the shop. She asked Mrs. Grey, a frequent visitor, politely and didn't dare to belittle Amanda because she knew someone who could accompany Mrs. Grey wouldn't be a random person.

Lily simply gave her a kind nod before introducing Amanda.

"We're here to buy a uniform for her daughter, this is Amanda Dameon.My close friend."

Amanda couldn't help but give out a smile at Lily's introduction.

"I'm glad to have you here. Please feel free to ask me anything; I'll be happy to help ", the assistant responded with a respectful bow.

'Indeed, she was a member of the Dameon family; I had heard that they had returned. I really would like to leave a positive impression on her'. The shop assistant thought.

"I'd like to get my daughter Lynn a uniform."said Amanda.

The shopping assistant said, "Pls come this way with your daughter mam, we need to measure her and the uniform will be sent to your house by this evening."

When Luke was with Lynn, Amanda called her.

"Let's enter, Lynn.she will take your measurements. "

"Yes, mom."

When her mother called, Lynn was also glancing at the book that Luke was reading.She felt it was interesting and was about to check it out.

She told Luke, who was seated on a table outdoors, "I'll be back shortly," and left the area.


Luke also stopped reading the book since he wants to read it together with Lynn and wantedly brought it with him to show her.

While Lily waited outside with her son, the store assistant led the two of them inside.

"Miss, Please stand here."

The Shop assistant made Lynn Stanton top of a round table and Quickly took the measurements, the store assistant attached a VIP tag on it and dispatched it to the tailor inside .

Lily and Luke were outside while they were both having Lynn's measurements taken.

As Lynn entered, Lily heard her son's voice behind her, and she couldn't believe her ears.

"Bring me some pastries in every flavor, please."

He was giving instructions to a shop employee.

"You want p-pastries, Luke?" Lily questioned in disbelief. He wouldn't eat pastries at home saying they were greasy and he literally hate sweet things.

"These are for Lynn, not for me. " He said, his lips pressed as he spoke.

He didn't want to make the same embarrassing mistake again as he did last time at his home, so he ordered the pastries under the assumption that Lynn would be hungry.

They could carry them with them while they went shopping, and Lynn could eat them if she became tired.

With a chuckle and a sigh, Lily admitted that she felt a strong fondness for Lynn.

She is overjoyed at the friendship that is developing between Luke and Lynn and hopes that the relationship will be like this forever.

She wants Luke to have at least one friend that he can be comfortable with.

They waited outside together.

Lynn and Amanda just emerged from the room when the pastries arrived.

Lily excitedly called Lynn over.

"Look at what Luke ordered for you, Lynn."

When Lynn arrived at the table, she discovered a delicate box with numerous exquisite desserts.

Lynn smiled at Luke and said, "Thank you, Luke."

"I was just ordering for myself but you can have them if you want." Luke replied.

Once more in disbelief, Lily realized that Luke might be a tsundere because she didn't anticipate him to say this even in her dreams without even changing his face.

'Son, Lynn will misunderstand you if you do this; why can't you just say it? ' Lily couldn't help but grasp her little heart. She muttered slowly to Luke in a slow voice, "You'll lose a friend this way," but when she turned to face Lynn, she noticed that she didn't seem to mind and was enthusiastically digging into the plate.

Amanda giggled when she saw Lily's expression and realized what was happening.

After Lynn had finished one dessert, Amanda interrupted her.

"You can eat the remaining if you are hungry later. That is all You can have for now. "

Lynn pouted but didn't say anything and saw Luke and grinned at him saying thanks.

They started visiting different stores, first heading to the children's department to buy clothes for Luke and Lynn.

After two hours.

"Mom, No more, I'm exhausted."

While shoving the dress Amanda handed to her away, she said.

Luke was in the same situation as Lynn's, but if Lynns could be described as whining at her mother, Luke might be described as directly blackmailing Lily.

"If you don't stop right away, I'll go back home and make sure to show him the paintings you brought."

"Y-you unfaithful son, where is this fair? I only want to have you try on clothes, but you want to make your mother cry."

Lily made a loud exclamation.

"Only you will believe it."

Luke said faintly.

Lily stopped her acting and let out a pout .

"Okay,I'll stop."

She enjoys buying paintings so much that her entire house is covered in them. However, she prefers the creepy and spooky-looking variety; this is a small hobby of hers.

One time, she placed a very spooky-looking painting in front of the bed without telling her husband first. When he returned and fell asleep in the bed, he nearly peed his pants after taking a look at the glowing painting of a real life sized woman in white with all the hairs leaved.

So she was banned from buying the paintings.

From the side, Amanda cast her an astonished gaze and spoke.

"You still didn't stop buying them."

"Why would I ? They are so cute." Lily said to Amanda.

Lily's small interest caused so many incidents when they were at university, and Amanda stared at her in bewilderment.

"After you were married, I thought you stopped doing this", remarked Amanda.

Lily just gave her an sheepish smile.

"When I saw them, I couldn't help but buy them.

You guys leave that alone, okay?"

Lily said while instructing the employees to pack their stuff.

"You'll never change", Amanda murmured, shaking her head.

But, she still gave a nostalgic smile to Lily.

When Amanda was still checking out the clothes, Lynn started to become interested in this subject and went to Lily covertly.

Lily felt her dress being pulled slightly and saw Lynn who was tugging her dress.

"What's wrong, darling?"

Lily squatted down and asked this.

"Can I see the paintings, Aunt?" Lynn whispered in her ear.

"Absolutely, sweetheart, I'll show them to you the next time you come home." Lily whispered back to Lynn.

Luke was the only one who witnessed this exchange, and he couldn't help but be curious about what they were muttering about.

"What are you talking about?"

Luke went to Lynn and inquired.

The abrupt voice startled both Lynn and Lily, and Lily remarked, "It's a secret between us. We won't share this information with you.Hmph"

Lily winked slyly at Lynn as she spoke.

He gave his mother a eyeroll and asked Lynn , "What were you two talking about?".

Lynn gave him a smirk and said with a finger on her lips,"It's a s-e-c-r-e-t between me and Aunt Lily."

Luke went silent hearing this but there was a small ball of fire ignited somewhere in his heart and he couldn't help but give his mother a gloomy glance.

His mother just gave him a smirk and ignored him.