

Girl becomes a spiritual fairy to the high school quarterback while he struggles to remember himself. Tyler the creator-running out of time All rights remain in my domain. Signed: Author

DaoistCsxy1c · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


Beyoncé -Love drought


She softly grabbed his hand and looked up at him before stepping out. The party was already loud. She recognized the cheerleaders at the front playing beer pond on a table. They turned to watch her, they stopped the game and their angry faces changes to a smile to greet Jayke.

"Hi Jaykie."

Woah if only she knew what just happened in the car.

Oya waited for Jayke to finish talking but he didn't even say much to her when she tried to grab his arm and act happy. She tugged as if to pull him away.

"Yeah sorry Madison I'm here with someone."

He grabbed my hand and started walking past the people outside. I tried to scurry behind him. His steps big in stead. 

"Hey I'm in a long dress would you please slow down."

"Sorry I'm trying to ding a good spot to hang now before people start making out in random spots, trust me it's not attractive."

"Well I wouldn't look, I'd give them their privacy still." Jayke laughed before opening the door revealing a rather big mansion. Her turned around under a chandelier and Jayke still held her hand as she spun. She held his arm laughing after spinning.

"So what do you think." He loved seeing her smile.

"This is my first party I I do not regret coming."

"Your first? Stop lying"

"No I'm serious, and I kinda snuck out tonight but that's for me to deal later."

He brought her to the back patio where the more chill part of the party was, low conversations and a beautiful swinging chair under solar panel lights that lit the whole backyard.

"You seem to have a thing for lights too."

"Well yeah they just make the moment better. She turned and sat on the swinging chair facing a pond and tapped beside her so he'd come.

He followed and sat there the moonlight reflected in the water in a dark blue tone which reflected onto them. 

They made small conversation and sat close to each other. Oya' leg found itself on top on his thighs. A friend of his gave us drinks and they were amazing. With freezees and rhum in them and tropical juice. She found herself having five so much that they were good. Jayke only had one since we was the designated driver of the night. 

"So I wanted to ask you-" He laid back his hand behind his head and looked at her.

"Where and when did you learn how to kiss like that."

It seemed personal, she couldn't tell him right off the bat that the porn she watched thought her everything she ever knew. 

"Well." She became red though she wanted to remain silent the words just slipped. "Porn."

"Naaaah~." He started laughing himself to the floor.

"Whaaat at least." She started balancing of key. "At least I'm being honest." They both looked at each other quietly then laughed.

He sat back down and took a deep breath shaking his head. "Well I'm glad you told me and not someone else."

She nodded and grabbed a blunt from her bag. "Do you smoke?"

"Your asking a athlete to smoke at a party, ts ts ts bad influence." He joked with her.

"Right. I can't ask you for that. Do you have a game tomorrow?"

He nodded. "It's away though."

"You were really amazing I just needed to say that, you were amazing that night. You were like woosh woosh with the ball." She impersonated him.

"Ha, you're crazy."

"Yeah, I know."

"But I like it, you know getting to know you at that level of being."

"Does level of being mean dating?"

He turned and got close to her face to touch noses. "Yes." 

Her heart dropped so deep that she felt nauseous. She put her blunt to the side to not burn him.

"Ok." Was all she could say about his agreeing.

"Give me a sec I'm going to the washroom." He left quickly to get back to her. 

She looked at the scenery happily. She was about to have or already had a boyfriend.

Lost in thought a person stood before her.

"Ever done shrooms." He waved a big bag in front of her.

"Yeah once with a friend." She seemed unimpressed. 

"Well take some for free it's for the party."

She was pretty inhibriated from the other stuff and free drugs at a party seemed crazy."

He grabbed her hand and grabbed a handful from him bag and placed it in his hand. He was definitely already gone off the shrooms the way he just gave it to her.

The both laughed historically. "I'm Kal call me if you need more." She took down his number down anyways and with that he left.

Jayke came back and pointed at her handful of drugs. "Party gift."

"The fuck, that much as a gift. Ya Cal throw stupidly big parties like this in the beginning of the school year. You caught him being stupid didn't you. Acting like the drug man.."

"She laughed I mean this is a real good amount to have someone keep coming back to the party."

"Ye nice advertisement but he's mostly just selling his huge amount of drugs before his mom finds out."

"That stash I saw in his hands his mom will know. I mean at some point."

"Yeah, let me give you a paper to put that."

 He came back with a paper towel.

"Rip it in half for me please." He did it and she put a little in one and the rest in another and turned them. "Here, your portion for when you're not doing anything, and I really do mean anything."

"Haven't done shrooms in a long time."

They sat in silence enjoying the night until Oya felt like asking him.

"Jayke...do you believe in dreams."

"You mean like the joke of me making it into the NFL?"

Oya turned and looked at him quietly. "I guess not."

"It takes a lot to get into those type of things."

"I think you do a lot, your record it clean and you're always doing the most at games, every time." She said rubbing his shoulder.

"Yeah but they need someone above me with a story. I'm just some rando from Canada."

"Okay look at it this way, if you did make it if, what would you feel or say."

"Well first I'd actually be impressed b what I can do, because the others are also good I just push a little more."

"You can't bring the whole team on tir back."

She motioned holding something on her shoulder while laughing.

"Okay so then what's your dream." He faced her back.

"Don't laugh but free world so I can go smoke a blunt with someone in Bali one day."

"Not that hard."

"You think?" 

"Yeah just like shove it up your ass like they do in Mexico." He motioned it as well before they started laughing.

"Oh no don't even."

"Well Bali's a nice idea anyway."

"I mean imagine all the things you could do spiritually and all the food."

"I don't know if I see myself doing those type of things."

"Why not."

"It just seems a bit far fetched.

"Not true I've had spiritual experiences that only I could understand."

"I get that but how much work did it take even for you to get this way."

"A lot, a little bit of everything everyday and it makes myself whole."

"How about we FaceTime more often while you're doing you spiritual stuff, I'd like to see you more through the screen." 

Oya' heart started beating rapidly. "Ok."

They looked at each other in the quiet atmosphere. She decided to get close to his ear "I have a crazy suggestion."


"Yeah. Let's go into the pond." 

Jayke stayed quiet for a bit before standing up and removing his shirt.


He took of his shoes socks and everything in his pocket before grabbing Oya over his shoulder and running to the water. All that could be heard was her screeching all the way into the water. He when mid way and dropped her in. She rose back up and looked at his her hair curling under the water. 

"I can't believe you just did that!" She started laughing to herself.

He looked down at her curls and the water dripping from her dress. He couldn't think of any other thing but talking to Oya. It felt so on natural yet they never spoke like this. He gripped he hips and rubbed them a little each side.

He went in for a kiss even though Oya' face seemed even more shy then in the car. He lowered down and kissed her. He hands easily slipped up his body and onto his ne k resting as they made out in the pond. 

She pulled away to look at him. 

"Sorry I ruined your blowout." 

She laughed a little before walking out the water wobbling.

"Yeah I think it's time to bring you home."

"What already? No~" She whined. 

"Yes I just wanted to talk a little I don't want your parents to hate me." 


He got dressed and grabbed all their things putting her purse in his shoulder and grabbing the little drunk lady' hand leading her to the car. 

Oya slowly started falling asleep in the car not knowing what really was going on anymore. All she knew was that she was with Jayke.