
Running Home To Him

In a world where humans prey on creatures, harvesting them for parts to serve their frivolous wants, the Monster Hunter Coalition was formed. They hunt and capture creatures to do experiments and use their parts, or even keep them as slaves. Azaria is among the rarest of creatures, a hybrid of two species on the brink of extinction, fallen into the M.H.C.'s hands. But only one member knows what she truly is and his obsession with collecting creatures has turned his sights on her. But, she has escaped! now the chase begins! Will she evade his clutches or fall into his his grasp again?

GameNerdMom_Garden · แฟนตาซี
102 Chs



I sat in the private section with Bella at her study table with Ada the librarian helping out and Azaria in my lap asleep 

" Now please explain what we are doing again. Are you sure it's safe?" She shrugged. 

" I'm not going to lie and say it is risk free....but from what I've read she needs to be charged, her magic must have been preserving her from withering away as she should be if she were anyone else but that cost her because it was so long...her magical battery is too depleted for her not to be drained from things that should be easy for her kind. Think of it like your phone. Right now, she is in battery saver mode." He frowned. 

"So, she has to charge like this every time she uses magic?" Bella and Ada shook their heads in unison. 

"Nope! Once she is charged up, she will be ok to use magic as she sees fit now that she has proper meals and her mate. her magic won't have to overcompensate to feed her body." I nodded.