
Running from Lucifer

All it took was for her to kill Lucifer which she didn’t want to because he was her biggest nightmare. She was the abused demon girl, he was Lucifer whose very whisper of name was enough to put fear in the people’s mind. After Nina’s parents got killed by some demons, they took her away and trained her as a weapon to take down Lucifer. But her plan is quick to destroy when she was set up by the Elder demons to be Lucifer’s arranged bride. Chaos and challenges would arose as both persons are great rivals. ...Lucifer watched as Nina shook her body profusely on the bed. She has been unconscious for a month now and he was afraid that if he wake up her memory would wipe completely. The only people who could help her now was the Angels. Picking up the dagger from the table, he cut his palm open “I SACRIFICE MY BLOOD TO ANGELS UP IN THE SKY. I ASK TO SUMMON THE ANGEL, GABRIEL, IN HEAVEN. I CALL YE THEE NOW!” Immediately as the words left his mouth, wind swept passed them. It swirled faster and harder almost sweeping Lucifer from ground. After about five minutes later, Gabriel appeared. Standing in it’s place was the leader of Archangels, Gabriel. “How dare you try to summon me even after what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel was fuming with anger. “It’s my wife. She’s hurt and only you can help her.” Lucifer rushed to Nina’s side. “Why do you think I would help you. Do you think I would easily forget what happened between us years ago?” Gabriel closed the distance between them. “How you pushed me from heaven and took away my powers. Listen we can discuss that later but my wife is in danger.” Gabriel observed Nina carefully. “What happened to her?” “There is this man named Talon who has been trying to kill her. Even when I tried to kill him, he hid himself from me completely. Please help her.” Lucifer was surprised at himself that he was the one begging. He was always the prideful Angel. Gabriel studied her from head to toe. He closed his eyes and when he opened them it was completely white. His iris was gone. “The only way is either she kills him herself or, Kira, her daughter enters her mind and kill him completely” Gabriel declared.

Gift_candy · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Rotting in hell

Hannah rubbed her eyes before getting up from bed. She looked around the room and saw the cross which was upside down. There were photo frames hung on the wall.

When she walked closer to one, she saw that it was a photo of a young girl about Willy's age and she was in a crooked environment. Her hair fell onto her face covering some part of her face and she was holding a doll just like Willy.

The picture reminded her of Willy and she shook her head sadly.

"Why did you stopped finding me and allowed the monster possessed me? Now I'm rotting in hell." She heard Willy said.

"No!" Hannah screamed.

"No what?" Nina came inside the room with a tray of food.

"Nothing. We should eat." She smiled and sat down close to Nina. She glanced at the photo frame one last time before eating the food on her plate.

"You never told me about your past. You have siblings?" Nina asked.

Hannah shook her head with her eyes closed. "N....o."

The photo frame of the young girl fell down and Nina stood up to pick it.

"Why are you ignoring the red flags of this church? I feel like this is not a church." Hannah spoke.

"There are no red flags Hannah. This is just a normal church with Father Daniel teaching us in the right way." Nina went back to her seat and continued drinking from the soup.

"The only way I would believe you is when we do a proper research on the history of this church." She took a spoonful of the soup and dropped her spoon.

"I'm full now." She said. "Goodnight."

She tucked herself inside the blanket and closed her eyes to sleep. Nina joined her in bed and the both of them slept off.

In the middle of the night, Hannah woke up sweating. She put on her slippers and walked out of the room down the stairs. She saw a Nun kneeling down facing the upside down cross hung on the wall.

She was speaking in a language Hannah did not understand. Taking a step closer, Hannah walked to her. As she was about to touch the Nun, someone stopped her and pulled her away.

"Don't do that." Rose whispered to her.

"Why?" Hannah asked.

"Because she's dead." Rose replied and Hannah widened her eyes before turning to look the Nun who was still praying.

"Dead? Like she died?"

"Yes. It is a norm here that when the Nuns dies, they say their last prayer here before their soul goes to heaven." Rose muttered.

"And you know of what killed her?" Hannah asked.

"Nobody knows. The Nuns here dies on their own and we believe God takes their soul to heaven." Rose explained. "All of us believe our own deaths would come at the given time."

"This does not feels right." Hannah shook her head. Turning her head back to the Nun, she saw her stood up and was walking to them.

"We need to leave here now to give enough space for her before her body leaves here." Rose said before walking away.

Hannah on the other hand couldn't remove her eyes from the Nun. But when the Nun got close enough, she ran upstairs to the room and locked the door before going to bed.

The next day all the Nuns gathered downstairs for a few minutes silence for the dead one.

Hannah opened the door to the room and climbed the stairs leading to the last floor. Rose warned her earlier today not to go upstairs since only the priest is allowed to go there.

But to clear her suspicious about this place, she decided to find something about the history of the church. When she reached the last floor, she saw that there were so many rooms here.

Opening one of them, she saw it was a library with lots of books in the room.

She walked to the shelf and one of the books caught her attention but her hand could not reach it. She took a stool at the corner and climbed on it to pick the book.

She stretched her hand and grabbed the book but just as she was about to step down, dozens of book fell down.

She gasped before picking the books one after the other and placing them back on the shelf.

She quickly arranged them back and left the room with the book she took in her hand.

She sat down on the ground and placed the book before her. When she opened the first page, her eyes widened to see the picture of the girl which was hung in the room.

'What does this mean?' Hannah asked herself before flipping through