
2.14 Findings

Wei Guiyin ran away as fast as she could until she arrived at the mansion's door. It was opened by the workers and rows of butlers as maids were waiting.

"Good Afternoon, Mistress"

Wei Guiyin just ignored all of that and went almost running to her room, before Ya Zhouyue could catch her.

'What is happening to you me?! I know that we are still virgins up till this date, but that doesn't mean that we need to find each and every opportunity to just jump to our man, do we?'

Wei Guiyin was having a little of a conflict with herself as she pressed her body against the closed door.

'Anyway, right now I need to begin doing the painting for the gallery. If I don't begin now, I would not have enough time in a month to finish what I want to create.'

She pushed herself from the door and proceeded to search for her sketch pad to continue working on her sketch and began to wonder what she could really represent for a word as simple as 'pallet'.

'Well, a pallet is where you put the pain for easier access while you paint and don't bother to go one by one color of paint, but that is not just that. It had become something that was now irreplaceable for painters to have, so its more like our flesh as painters like our blood is paint, our fingers paint brushes, and the canvas our eyes.'

[Host, why are you thinking over it so much? You can just do the painting that the original did and continue to focus on the main story]

'…Moon, did you really pay attention when I was thinking before?'


'Ok, I will take that as a no. This painting is crucial since with it I will begin to make a name out of me, and if the FL were to steal my painting people will already know that that is my style'

[But Host, the FL is blessed by the heavens, even though it was a mistake, but I don't think that she is as dumb to try to steal a painting from someone that is known]

'And who said that she needed to be the one to be directed involved in the crime?"


"She did so much damage to the original owner of this body. The least I can do is ruin her reputation to the point in which she would not be able to appear to the public ever again, and while I am at it, I can ruin her father's company since I am pretty sure she learned that kind of schemes from somewhere, so he might not be so clean himself"


{Host thought of so much ahead while she was flirting with the ML? How does she do it?}

While Wei Guiyin and Little Moon were lost in their conversation and modifications to the sketch in her hands, a person entered the room after knocking at the door for a couple of times without response, and who else could that person be if not Ya Zhouyue?

Ya Zhouyue was seeing his muse in deep concentration and million of ideas for new paintings were bursting in his mind but he decided to ignore all of that and focus on the person that was in front of him.

She seemed like a mirage-like something that could not be part of this world, something that could disappear even in front of him like a puff of smoke that even if he guarded her in an iron fortress it could disappear without him knowing, and that terrified him, but he did not want to get too near and touch her since 'what if she is not real and when he touches her, she disappears?'.

However; his fear won and proceeded to touch her soft and warm check, and when he felt she was indeed there and was real, he felt that he could breathe again. He also noticed that there are times that she just doesn't pay attention to what is happening around her like she is in another place without care of what is happening to her physical body that worried him and a lot.

'What could happen if she were to be lost in thought while outside? She is the most beautiful creation in existence. There should be a lot of dirty things thinking about impure thoughts about her and since she was not able to perceive her surroundings, she is taken advantage?'

Let's not forget that a certain man possessed impure thought towards our MC and took advantage while she was talking with Moon not too long ago, but since he is the ML, we shall let this slide.

After eating some more of her tofu, he left the room with a thoughtful mind.

'I need to do something, and it needs to be quick. She needs to be mine, and she will be, but I need her as much as breath is needed to live, but what about her?'

Ya Zhouyue had never been like this before, so insecure. He had never felt much for that matter, but know that he is able, sometimes it scares him since he doesn't know what he could be capable of doing if he gets wrapped up in his emotions.

'What if I do something, and she begins to not like me anymore?'

Ya Zhouyue eyes darkened to the point of complete darkness, his face devoid of emotions, and his aura was so oppressing that this besides him began to vibrate and shatter.

'That will never be possible.'

'I will not let her'

'And if someone were to interfere...'

Ya Zhouyue began to walk down the hall and entered his room without looking back. Once he reached his room, he just entered. As to what he did after that, it is unknown.

Ummm how long has it been since I released a chapter?

XiaoYuFucreators' thoughts