
Runic System

A world that runs with the power of runes. Cultivation to immortality is possible. Legends are possible. A world of martial arts, where survival of the fittest is supreme.

Fragtastic · ตะวันออก
62 Chs

Chapter 49

╓ The individual known as 'Anthony Hall' has made a deal with a 4th-dimensional being, which resulted in an increase in strength and a drastic decrease in life span. ╖

Rui tilted his head slightly at those words, his bright blue eyes glowing in an eerie light.

"Will killing this individual enrage the 4th-dimensional being?"

╓ Negative. ╖

Rui smiled lightly at the affirmation. Runic energy suddenly burst out of his body, causing the ground beneath him to compress, creating a crater.

"Then, shall we test out some more skills?"

[Heaven's wrath]

[An increase in the user's strength and runic energy for a short period of time, having the counter effect of reducing the users potential in the future]

[Heaven's rebirth]

[An increase in the user's potential and longevity

Slowly nurtures user's soul, making it stronger.

Used in tandem with 'heaven's wrath' skill, 'Heaven's wrath' side-affects will be removed.]

[Heavenly Runic Energy]

[A variant of the Heavenly Demon energy, being converted into a natural energy from a demonic one. 

Gives the user sharper but harder to control attacks.]

[Heavenly Aura]

[The ability to coat weapons and body with the heavenly runic energy, making them stronger.]

One skill after another was activated, causing his energy to skyrocket, making the three supremes apprehensive.

Even the transformed Anthony opened his eyes wide in surprise, his guard completely up.

Rui grinned at their reactions, activating a skill he hadn't used in battle before.

[Void Breaker]

Energy poured into [Sun Cutter] at an astonishing speed. Rui still remembered the first time he tried to activate this skill. However, now things were different.

The blade that was previously glowing with all sorts of colors suddenly got engulfed in complete darkness. Soon, the black energy around the blade condensed, covering the entire sword in a pitch-black, writhing mass.

Similarly, Rui's scleras also turned black, reflecting the skill use of [Void Breaker].

Space around the sword and Rui's body began distorting, his figure vanishing.

Anthony was taken aback by Rui's sudden disappearance, his figure manifesting a pair of ominous, shadowy wings as he shot to the sky.

Anthony felt an incredible sense of danger as soon as he saw the black energy.

Suddenly, while in midair, Anthony felt pain coming from his lower half. Looking down, his lower half was nowhere to be seen, his internal organs falling soon after, as if they were stopped in time.

His eyes opened wide in disbelief as he spat out a mouthful of blood. He instantly began using his [Hyper Regeneration] skill, but he suddenly felt pain coming from his neck.

In the next moment, his head came flying off, ending his life in a swift motion.

Anthony Hall had died without even understanding how.

While Anthony didn't know how he had died, the three supremes below had seen everything, causing them to shake in fear.

"What the fuck is that monster?"

Cursed Ali, dread gripped his heart. He lowered his body to the ground, scared out of his wits, praying for forgiveness.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes, cold sweat covering his back. He was barely keeping a brave image, but in reality, he was ready to plead for his life at any moment.

Tsetsegmaa, on the other hand, was already sitting on the ground, her eyes blank and her breathing heavy. She was having a mental breakdown.

The reason these supremes were so shocked was due to Rui's sudden outburst of power.

In the swift moment he had disappeared, they saw as the space behind Anthony had opened up, a sword attack completely cutting Anthony's lower half without him even realizing it.

And as Anthony flew above with only his upper half, they saw the same rift appear, cutting off his head as if Anthony were just a vegetable.

As the lifeless body of Anthony Hall was about to fall from the sky, a few more sword strikes were launched, completely decimating Anthony. What was left was only a pile of mush. The other three Supremes were left in a state of shock.

Rui reappeared, his form wreathed in an eerie aura of dark energy, his bright blue eyes exuding an otherworldly presence.

"Pathetic, You dared to challenge me, and this is the outcome."

Rui's voice echoed, laden with power and menace.

Ali, Yamamoto, and Tsetsegmaa couldn't find their voices; fear had a stranglehold on their throats. The sight of Anthony's gruesome death had shattered their resolve.

With a mischievous grin, Rui continued.

"You've witnessed the fate of your comrade. Now, what shall we do with the rest of you?"

Yamamoto, clinging to his heroic demeanor, clenched his sword tightly and shouted.

"We won't beg for mercy, not from the likes of you!"

Rui laughed out loud when he heard Yamamoto's remark.

"Honestly, I don't want to kill the three of you, nor do I intend to humiliate you. Compared to the rat who made a deal with the devil, you three look like innocent puppies."

Rui's words echoed in the canyon, his voice resonating with an eerie, otherworldly power that sent shivers down the spines of the three remaining supremes. They had witnessed the horrifying fate of Anthony, and their courage was rapidly eroding.

Tsetsegmaa, still in a state of shock, could hardly bring herself to move. The traumatic sight of Anthony's demise had paralyzed her with fear.

Yamamoto, though determined not to beg for mercy, couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. Rui's powers far exceeded what he had ever encountered. It was evident that this was not a fight they could win.

Ali, though trembling with terror, managed to speak, albeit in a shaky voice.

"What do you want from us?"

Rui tilted his head slightly, his glowing blue eyes narrowing.

"What do I want? Your intentions were quite clear, weren't they? You tried to assassinate me."

Ali stammered, "We were desperate. I'm sure you already know about the system mission from Nayeli! Please just spare us; we won't ever come near you."

Yamamoto chimed in, "It's true. We only did this because we were desperate, not wanting a system downgrade."

Tsetsegmaa, tears in her eyes, nodded in agreement. "We were just pawns in a much larger scheme. We had no choice."

Rui clicked his tongue, dissatisfied with their pleas and apologies. Sighing heavily, he deactivated all of his skills, returning to his normal state.

A relaxed smile soon appeared on his face as his gaze faced the sky, prompting the three supremes to look up in bewilderment.

"I didn't expect more visitors at a time like this... From the looks of it, you two are at least more powerful than that Anthony guy."

As soon as he stopped speaking, two figures silently appeared floating in the sky using what looked like mirrors or glass fragments.

"See, I told you he would notice us! This guy isn't someone we can take lightly, sir."

She screamed at the figure on the right, his face full of dismay.

"Oh, come on, man, you are a regressor for fuck's sake; just sit there and be patient. I know you died to him more than a ten times at this point; that's why I'm here, isn't that right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have asked for my help."

Said the figure on the left.

Rui frowned lightly at their words, using his identification skills on them.

Although Rui was smiling leisurely, his eyes remained sharp, and [Sun Cutter] was still ready to strike at any moment.

[Silas Hayes (Clone), Age -

Rank: [EX-RANK]

Physique: True Mirror Body

Combat Power: 20000

Character Personality Path: Unpredictable Chaos

Spiritual Root: True Mirror Spiritual Root

Luck: 190 ]

[Maverick Guthrie, Age 22 (True age 125)

Rank: [EX-RANK]

Physique: Regressor's Soul Body

Combat Power: 200000

Character Personality Path: Indomitable warrior

Spiritual Root: Low-Level Man root

Luck: 160 ]

Rui became speechless when he saw the status window, wondering if he was seeing things. Not only were they powerful, one was a clone while the other had a regression-type physique. Not only that, they both had sky-high luck, though it was not that high when compared to the chosen young masters of runic empires.

For example, Arsalat Alsama's luck was a whopping 269 points, still the highest amount of luck Rui had ever seen. However, once Rui thought about Arsalat's status, his rune, and his future potential, it made sense why his luck was so high.

Arsalat was destined to reach at least the 8th rank of rune masters; comparing someone like that with earthlings who were barely on par with second-rank rune masters would be outrageous.

'Wait, something still doesn't add up. Since their luck is that high, if they were in the rune master world, they would be able to reach at least the 6th or 7th stage with ease.'

Rui already had some ideas in mind, so he decided to fish out some information.

"Wow, I didn't expect a clone and a regressor to approach me so freely. What, are you two looking for something?"

Silas smiled at Rui's words, while Maverick turned pale in fright. This was his twelfth time talking to Rui, and he could still feel all the deaths he had experienced.

"For you to be able to tell I'm a clone at a single glance must mean you are much more powerful than my original body. I'm surprised. Don't worry, originally this dude wanted to kill you to upgrade his system, but after failing so many times in a row, he gave up and asked for my help."

Silas spoke nonchalantly, unbothered by the situation. He didn't care in the least bit about exposing the fact that Maverick was someone who would go back in time once he died.

Although Maverick had helped him escape the "Ruins", he had already paid him back a long time ago.

Rui raised an eyebrow at Silas's words.

"You know, I wouldn't kill him unless he attacked me or my close ones, so why would you even bother coming here? If he didn't want to die, he should just stay as far away as possible."

Rui commented, his suspicions slowly getting confirmed.

"Honestly, after hearing about his previous experiences with you, I decided to take a gamble. Its not like he cannot regress again, since he was able to do so eleven times."

Said Silas, his eyes practically smiling.

'Well, he isn't wrong about that. Still, I feel like there is more to this.'

Rui thought, trying to comprehend the situation.

"So, what gamble are you going to take? I'm sure you know that you can't defeat me."

He asked, his eyes narrowing as runic energy began to rush out of his body in waves.

The three supremes were still near the vicinity, so they were still able to hear what was going on. Experiencing the sudden energy outburst from Rui made them shoot back a few meters.

Silas laughed nervously at Rui's energy outburst, his eyes shining.

"Why would I do something so stupid? No, what I'm after is information on where you came from... and also freedom."

Rui frowned, trying to understand what Silas was implying. Raising his hand, he began performing a runic hex, creating a sound and a probe-blocking barrier in the area.

"Quite smart, I see. I guess aliens like you are different from us earthlings, though your soul projection does seem to be that of a normal earthling. Let me guess, a reincarnation? How fortunate, if only I had such luck."

Commented Silas in envy, his eyes glowing with greed.

Suddenly, something clicked in Rui's head as he realized what Silas wanted from him.

"You want to escape the control of the federation, right?"

He asked with certainty.

"Bingo! You found it!"

Exclaimed Silas with a grin.

'I see, so fate was playing tricks on me from the start.'

Rui realized something as soon as he connected the dots. He felt like he was being manipulated by some higher power.

Clicking his tongue, he began messing up his hair to ease his anger. After taking a few deep breaths and staring at the ground for a few seconds, he returned [Sun Cutter] to the system inventory, shocking both Silas and Maverick in the process.


Asked Silas in disbelief as he stared daggers at Maverick.

However, Maverick didn't answer due to shock. He had his eyes wide open as he breathed in and out like a goldfish.

"That's enough."

Said Rui, his voice laced with runic energy. He unconsciously activated [Bloodline Suppression], making the two figures drop from the sky as they landed right in front of him, their bodies unable to move.

After Rui's bloodline evolved, [Bloodline Suppression]'s power increased drastically.

"I don't know how much you two know, but right now I'm feeling very angry, so just answer my question peacefully."

As he said so, he released the skill, freeing the two.

They both coughed up a mouthful of blood, and Silas's clone almost collapsed. The clone was made out of multiple glass fragments.

"Bring out your true body here."

Ordered Rui, his runic energy surging like a tide.

The clone bit its lip, soon collapsing into countless glass shards. Soon, the shards merged into a large mirror, reflecting Silas's figure. The mirror rose into the air as Silas's true body walked out, his pitch-black eyes and his prominent dark souls giving him an intimidating aura.

[Silas Hayes, Age 19

Rank: [Ex-Rank]

Physique: True Mirror Body

Combat Power: 150000

Character Personality Path: Unpredictable Chaos

Spiritual Root: True Mirror Spiritual Root

Luck: 190 ]

Although the true body wasn't as strong as Maverick's, Rui knew that Silas had somehow suppressed his true power.

"Much better. Now speak, how much do you know?"

He ordered as R.A.I.'s system prompt appeared before him.

╓ Successfully suppressed enemy systems for a short period of time. It will not report to the federation as long as you stay next to it. ╖

Rui nodded at R.A.I's support, thankful for not being exposed due to his recklessness, but right now he was extremely angry.

"It all began five years ago…"

Silas slowly spoke, his tall and lean figure bowing slightly in submission.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the large barrier covering the grand canyon vanished, leaving a single figure exiting it with furrowed brows.

The figure was Rui, who had just disabled the barrier, with Silas's and Maverick's figures nowhere to be seen.

The three supremes were still outside, too afraid to leave in case Rui chased after them.

After throwing them an irritated glare, he ignored them and made his way towards where Jane was waiting. He had already left her alone for far too long for his liking. He was worried for her well-being in this dangerous place.

Thankfully, Jane was fine, though she looked extremely worried.

Seeing Rui without a scratch, she sighed in relief.

"Is everything settled? What is the situation?"

She asked, not sure how things had gone. She had heard the sound of battle earlier, but it suddenly vanished for a long time. It had already been almost a day since the attack happened. It was to the point where she would've rushed out of the barrier if she could, though she doubted that she would be able to break it.

"Yes, everything is alright. It's just that some troublesome things happened that took longer to settle than I originally expected. Anyway, we should probably head back now; I want a good warm bath to settle my nerves."

Said Rui, cracking his neck in displeasure. He was honestly still pissed with how things had turned out, but he was holding back his anger due to how things had settled. All he could do was calm down at this point.

Jane chuckled at his remark, pinching his cheek in the process.

Rui pouted, not expecting her to do so in this situation.

"Honestly, why do you always have to pinch my cheeks?"

He remarked, his anger lowering drastically due to the absurd situation.

"It's your fault for having such smooth and delicate skin; I still can't get enough of this dough-like texture."

She said it mischievously, pinching both of his cheeks with fervor. Rui could only resign to his fate, his anger completely fading.

Six months passed in the blink of an eye, and Rui found himself staring blankly into a mirror, adjusting his clothes in an absentminded manner.

He was wearing a high-quality tuxedo that he could only dream of wearing before, adorned with countless precious gems. The suit was perfectly crafted for the frame, showcasing his tall and lean physique. His long, dark blue hair was styled in a unique way so as not to get in the way.

Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door, and before Rui could answer, someone entered the room without asking.

The person that entered was a middle-aged man with sharp and aggressive features. He had an angular face with sharp, dark gray eyes. He was exuding an aura of confidence and superiority, and his messy hair gave him a thuggish impression.

Seeing Rui still fixing his attire, the man clicked his tongue and came forward, helping out Rui, who seemed to be out of it.

Rui stood there, stunned.

"Honestly, I didn't expect you to still be alive, Albert... Though I did tell my little girl not to get too close to you due to the status difference, in the end, you two are getting married anyway. Well, it's not like I can say anything; you are one strong bastard, you know that. I don't want to give my daughter to you, but I can't defeat you no matter what I use, since I'm only an A-rank hunter. Well, at least I can expect strong children from the two of you, right? What? Cat caught your tongue? Why aren't you talking? … You know, when I was... "

The man began talking and didn't seem to be able to stop. Rui had already blanked out after the first few minutes, causing the man to chuckle. The man in front of Rui was Johan Owen, Jane's father.

Johan patted Rui on the back, causing him to come back to his senses.

"Anyway, all I have to say is don't worry. Today is a special day for both of you, so just enjoy yourself."

Rui nodded absentmindedly, agreeing with him, but at the same time, he still felt out of it. He was getting cold feet for no reason, despite having gone through hell and back. He didn't expect a situation like this would bring him so much trouble.

At that moment, another knock was heard at the door as a young man and a middle-aged woman walked in.

The young man had messy black hair and sharp gray eyes, resembling a young version of Johan. This was George Owen, Jane's older brother. The woman, on the other hand, had long, tied-up black hair and bright brown eyes. Unlike Johan, who was Caucasian, she was of Korean descent, being George's and Jane's mother.

Her name was Park Ji-hu, and she was also an employee of the Owen Company. Surprisingly, all four family members had awakened, possessing at least A-rank. This was surprising, no matter how one saw it.

"Stop reprimanding the kid and let go; the ceremony is ready. You know how much Jane wanted this, don't you?"

Said Ji-hu, making Johan freeze on the spot.

Soon, the trio exited the room, leaving Rui alone once again.

Sighing heavily, Rui opened his status window to recollect his thoughts.

[Name: Guang Rui

Race: Ancient Human, Age 20]

[System Level: 15]

[Perception: 2371

Constitution: 952

Charisma: 720

Luck: 10.0984

Free Attribute Points: 0

Combat Power: 420000]

[Spiritual Root]

Heaven Rune Spiritual Root


Extreme Rune Physique

[Cultivation Stage]

Peak Rune Sea Stage

[Character Personality Path]

Society Born Demon

[Innate Skills]

[Clairvoyance/ Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the truth of the world. +500 Perception]

[Gives absolute defense over any illusions or brainwashing]

[Gives the ability of understanding]

[Scales with Perception]

[Parallel Thinking / Mastery: Adept]

[Passive: the innate ability to process multiple streams of thought simultaneously, +200 Perception]

[Divine Synthesis / Mastery: beginner]

[Passive: The blending of bloodlines to create stronger power. +300 Perception, +100 Charisma]

[Enhances the user's ability to influence and persuade others, drawing from their divine heritage]

[Scales with Perception and charisma]

Although his combat power had steadily increased due to his increase in skill proficiency, Rui had fallen behind when it came to cultivation. For some reason, he was unable to break through and reach the third rank, no matter how hard he tried. It was as if the energy on earth was denying him the opportunity.

Rui could only continue to increase his energy purity at this point, which wasn't a bad thing, as he would have much stronger runic energy than those of the same level, but such a process wasn't necessarily good. Overworking on your foundation was just as bad as underworking it. It required a great balance so as not to strain the body, causing a collapse of one's foundation.

Just like advancing in a hurry, one needed to consolidate their cultivation step by step.

Since Rui had already reached the peak of his rank, his energy purification had to be done in a very slow and tedious manner, since it was already very pure to begin with. In reality, what he was doing wasn't purifying his energy but rather compressing it and making it more potent.