
The power of the Gura Gura No Mi!

(AN: This chapter would switch from the 3rd view pov, to 1st view pov.)


Renzo's situation looked grim.

Not only was at lost in a strange place, but it seemed that problems were the first thing to reach at his doors after appearing in this place.

Not only was currently standing in front of a injured young person, but at his right, there were five armed people with sharp swords, axes, spears and a scary looking hammer. What's more, said people were bathed in blood, and judging from the horrified expression in the injured guy, it seemed that the people he was running away from have just reached him. (AN: no shit Sherlock)

"Hehe, you really have fast legs, why did you have to make so hard for us?" Said a tall and fierce looking chaser.

"Yeah, why didn't you accompanied the rest of your fellow villagers? Now with have to drag your body all the way there." Another chaser, slightly smaller than the previous one added.

"I say, he did a good job bringing us towards another one that escaped from the encirclement, let's make this quick a reward him with a quick death." Said a dirt-blond hair chaser, pointing his axe towards Renzo.

Still, this whole conversation was pointless, as not only the injured young man was unable to understand them, neither Renzo.

'What the hell this guy's just said? And what kind of language is that!?' Realizing the terrible situation he was currently in, he didn't have another choice but try his look, cursing himself for not signing up himself to more language classes back then.

"Uhm, Hello, can you understand what I say?" Renzo asked, however no one answered him as the injured guy quickly move himself in front of him and against the five chasers, with a weird stance.

"Looks like you finally made up your mind, at least you won't die alone here." Grinned a chaser as he raised his weapon and standed in position.

The rest of his companion quickly moved around and encircled both Renzo and the injured guy.

After reaching their position and raising their guards, nobody made a move for a few moments.

Silence prevailed in the air while Renzo's head was spinning around what he could do to salvage his situation.

'The diplomatic approach failed, change into violent curse of action' He quickly arranged his thoughts as he hold his breath.

However, such action seemed to be the indication for the parties to attack.

The chasers in front of the injured man quickly raised their weapons while making brute but forceful slashes towards their enemy.


The injured man at the same time quickly moved his hands, as a strange looking pattern flowed alongside his hand, enacting a glowing wall in front of him.

*Slash* *Slash*

The frontal attack of one the attackers was blocked, while a the same time the others feigned their attacks and changed course, quickly injuring the young man left arm and his right shoulder.

With a quick movement from his body, the same glowing wall engulfed his body while a the same time he moved his body in order to reduced the damage.

However, such actions only served to not lose his arm and have his life being saved, as the blood splashed all over the place.

At the same time, the two guys in front of Renzo didn't started their attacks. With one having a spear and the other two blades, the one wielding the spear quickly thrusted forward while the one wielding the blades made a close arc slashing towards Renzo body.

Renzo, knowing that he was unable to react correctly in such situation, quickly decide for the most rational course of actions in his current situation.

His body, on his own, followed his instinct and wish. The goal was simple, an attack that could not only blown away his enemies, but could also stop the incoming attack.


With a speed that even himself wasn't aware off, both of his hand formed a claw like pose while he cross crossed his arms, in the same pattern that he remembered White Beard using during a battle.

Pain quickly assaulted his arms, but luckily for him it wasn't due to grievous wounds on his body. With him eyes on his enemies, he quickly was able to see the destruction brought up to his attackers.


Both attackers were prepared by some kind of retaliation, as during their whole campaign in this land they were able to see and wondered many times by the power this seemingly pacific people wield off.

However, nothing prepared them for the attack that the seemingly harmless man in front of them throw at them.

The whole air around their bodies and weapons violently vibrated as a seemingly wall reached over them, both dropping their weapons as they felt their whole bodies tearing apart under it's might, while being blown away, crashing against the trees. Both of them quickly losing the vision as terrible pain engulfed their brains and eyes.

Due to the whole ordeal, quickly the young man and the three other attackers quickly stopped their fight as their attention was captured by Renzo.

'Holy shit! OH MY GOD, I CANT BELIEVE I'VE DONE IT' His head was a mess, his breath was ragged as both of his hands were shaking.

Anxiety and adrenaline quickly took lead of his body, as just a mere moment after seeing what he was capable off, he quickly turned around and moved towards the nearest enemy.

Crouching down and doing an uppercut, he activated once again his devil fruit power as this time he used more strength, to vibrate around his hand.


The whole terrain around his body started to shake at the extreme amount of energy around the air, however, the one who have it worst was the shocked attacker who received the full blown of the punch and the force behind the air.

It was just a moment that the whole punch made contact with his head, that his head was blown apart and the air blown over the leaf, branches and clouds above him.

The other two attackers regained their composure at the horrible sight of their companion's death, with both quickly putting Renzo as their priority in order to eliminate.

Both blinked away from their position as they reappeared quickly at Renzo's right and back side respectively.

Renzo, who was still retracting his punch from the uppercut position, was caught off guard due to the extreme disparity in speed between himself and the attackers.

While gritting his teeth, he prepared for the outcome, although he made his whole body vibrate at the highest speed posible for him, he knew quite well that If he didn't end up dying, a painful and tortuous death would await him later on due to the injuries.


However, said pain never came, as the young man casted over him the same barrier that he casted previously on himself.

With a quick glance around the shattering light around his body, he didn't doubt a moment to quickly make a foot work and change quickly his position to a more favorable one.

Using the boxing footwork that he was so accustomed, he disengage while lowering his right elbow and moving his left hand with all the strength that the small trajectory could reach in such close distance towards his enemy on the right.

With another iconic sound of the air vibrating at such high intensity, another enemy was quickly shred apart under the immense might and violence of his fist.

This time, the whole body was torned apart in different directions due to the nature of the attack.

If one where to look in anime vision, they would be able to see a circular arc around Renzo's hand, distorting the whole air around it while applying inmensa violence and friction.

With the powerful fist passing through and desintegrating his enemy body, he let himself complete the whole arc and moved his feet accordingly to the most basic way of footwork.

His poor enemy, that not only was in a bad position after his lethal attack being blocked and has to see the last of his companions dying in such gruesome way, wasn't even able to react at the incoming punch of Renzo.

The outcome was the same, although this time not as volent as the previous one. The enemy quickly was blown over, as his hole body started to rupture apart under the might of the vibrations running amok on his body, shredding his internal organs apart while making a pulp of his whole brain.

*BAM* The enemy body clashed over a nearby try with a terrible sound of bones breaking. A muffled groan escaping the lips of the attacker who didn't even knew how he died.

Renzo had to diminish the strength behind the punch in just a moment after hitting the initial enemy, as the young man was just three meters behind the previous enemy position who was attacking him on his back. In such a place, the wall made of vibrating air would have clearly hit him.

And God knows what would have become of that guy.

Still, due to Renzo clear unfamiliarity with his recently new adquired power, he wasn't able to completely nullify the force behind it.

As such the young man has to face the residual strength behind his punch.

"ARGGGH" With a groan escaping his lips, the man was pushed back a few meters as his whole body felt like was hit thousands of times in just a moment.

The young man quickly fell into the ground, as his whole body started to shake due to the pain.

'Crap, not good!'

Renzo, quickly moving his aching body, reached over him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't intend to hurt you!" He yelled over as his nervousness and anxiety quickly took over his normal clever headiness.

Just now, not only was he attacked, but he killed people. He knows it.

Although he lived in a violent country, and you could say that he was accustomed to heavy adrenaline situations, he was after all a pampered guy from a middle-upper class family. He never passed through such stressful situations.

And after all, he was a normal person.

And know, just after all of that, now he has to look after the person that saved his life after taking a hit from his punch.

He wasn't blaming himself though, since he knows that just know was an extreme situation in a uncomfortable position, as it didn't passed an hour since he first obtained his powers.

What's more, he was quite proud of himself as he did quite well, extremely well to be honest.

"@$)#)... ¥|√£π~..." The young man after spitting blood from his lips, smiled over Renzo, who was unable to understand the witchery of his words.

Still, seeing the guy smiling at him, he calmed himself a little bit, the last thing he wanted was panicking over, nor hyperventilating.

He stood alongside the guy for a few moments, as he didn't know what to say, it was clear that they didn't speak the same language, so anything on his side would be futile, he only knew after all Spanish, English, Portuguese and Romanian, and the guy in front of him didn't speak any of those.

'Maybe I could try to see where the hell I am with this guy help, well if you take aside that I don't understand a thing he say.' He glanced over the guy, then he carried his view towards the nearest body of the attackers.

The armours and the weapons they held, alongside the rare language was nothing he remembered.

Still, the crimson red colour in the enemy's clothes, alongside their grey dull looking armour was imprinted on his mind, there wasn't many fantasy works he remembered such armor being used on.

But even then, he didn't have a perfect memory nor have he read all the fictional works. So he couldn't blindly assume things.

'although is worrisome to arrive in such violent place, is good to know that I at least have some chance against such enemies.' Renzo couldn't help but think to himself.

He was lucky, not only in having receive such a gift as the Gura Gura No Mi, but also be able to receive such a help from the young man laying on in front of him.

If it wasn't for him, Renzo is sure that he would have died right there.

'I really owe this guy for saving my life like that, he could have just leave me be there and save himself.' Renzo thought.

"&$#+@... #+# @+)#/_ @-$ ∆£{`π÷" The young man after a few minutes resting, slowly moved to his feet, as he also speak at Renzo.

The latter, unable to understand him shook his head as he said.

"I can't understand you pal." After hearing his words, the young man in front of him finally realized that he was thanking and talking at the air.

With a chuckle, the guy pointed himself as he said "Zan Zhei"

Noticing that the guy was most likely presenting himself Renzo did the same.

With his thumb pointing himself, he doubted briefly to do a reference to a meme, but quickly said with a smile "Renzo"

Hearing him saying his name, the young man nodded to him. He then glanced over the direction he was running from as he moved his head to him.

'Does this madman want me to follow him back? Just a fight and he got cocky God damn it' Renzo couldn't help but curse him a little bit, with a dry laugh he raised his hand in a signal of stopping.

'There's still a bunch of devil fruits for me to grab after all.'

Raising over his feet he walked towards one of the enemies bodies, he has to do something before following the guy.

Tearing apart the clothes from the guy, after a small amount of effort and using their really heavy weapons, he cut a large enough patch of crimson clothes and grab over the devil fruits scattered over.

His eyes quickly fell over a painful sight, and it wasn't the bloody and gored body of His enemy, but a fruit splattered over the ground.

From what he could salvage, it was a white colour one. He grabbed a few pieces and still put it alongside the rest of the fruits, hoping to at least with a small piece of the entire body to still working.

After finishing over, he glanced once again at the surrounding. Gulping down the acid feeling on his throat he nodded at the young man as both of them moved away from the scene.

'I don't know what to expect after following this guy, but at least I know one thing, with the quake power, I still have a chance.' Renzo assured himself as he attentively followed behind the young man.

2.5k Words, half the length of the first one but I think this is a good end to the chapter.

If you have any question, suggestion or whatsoever, please don't doubt and leave a commentary!

Thank you for reading my crap, if you are enjoying it please don't doubt in leaving a stone and a cheer for me to keep writing!

Xerstorencreators' thoughts