

Early morning just as the sky lit up a petite figure of a boy stood in fear near a well-built middle aged man dressed in military outfit who scanned over the children that had pale face. Copper-toned skin covered his powerful body, and black hair scattered down his shoulders named Redmond. He was currently giving out instructions with a stern voice. "Kill every one of them"

"Got you" said one of his followers and start to transform in big black bear in aim to slaughter all survived.

In this world people train their bodies and bloodlines which can gift them with power to overturn the world.

After ten minutes there were a lot of dead bodies few hours ago this was one of the promising gangs in Poter town "Bloodfung" but after their head ofended very reach and powerful noble from the capital of this little kingdom which called "Numenor" in this world even a remote and peaceful kingdom like this had quite the history, and despite being small and weak its people respected experts and disdained the weak.

So they got to the point when every police officer, military personnel and mercenary start to search for them because of big award given by nobleman.

After looting all belongings of gangsters and corpse of their head they started to go out of the city to the capital for their payment.

Redmond grabbed the boy sit on the horse and go after his team. When the sun get to the highest point they neared forest which was one of dangerous zones of Numenor kingdom and started making camp.

Boy start begging to let him go he knew he will become slave as soon as they get to the capital. But Redmond was unemotional just slap him and said "From now you our property so we can do whenever we want you better shut your mouth"

Boy's name is Arthur nine years old an orphan who was begging by demand of the gang this day he brought money he earned begging but as soon as he come to the gangsters headquarter he stumbled upon Redmond and saw that mercenaries was killing his "employeres".

He is very smart for his age.His skin was white and tender, and his eyes were large and strangely red because of which pears call him "Diablo". After hearing Redmonds words he start thinking how to get out of this situation because of street life he never lose head so after some thoughts he decided to run in forest.

He will wait for them to get distracted and do as he planed.

Late night mercenaries were drunk after celebrating successful mission Arthur start running in forest when one of somber mercenaries noticed he yelled him to stop and start to chase after Arthur what greatly terrified him but he has gone in forest already and Redmond said "He isn't worse to go after let drink some bear"

Powerful, primitive life forms dwelled within the forest. Occasionally, huge wings that covered the sky would pass over, casting big shadows on the ground. There were also desolate beasts who stood on mountain peaks, howling as they absorbed the world's essence. Of course, the various poisonous insects that moved about could not be forgotten, as they were also abnormally terrifying. Even small ants can kill grown man.

But this time everything was different that time after running for 5 minutes he didn't meet any living creatures so he stopped to catch a breath suddenly wilde wolf appears after the tree and bark at him Arthur start to escape but wolf was clothing to him and hit his back after this Arthur rolled down the hill stand up with a lot of effort loke around and find out that wolf had vanished he decided to go to some hiden place to treat his injured back. He went left from the hill he rolled but after few hundred meters he stood stupidly.

Several powerful and vicious beasts were tearing at each other. There were over a hundred vicious birds beating their wings in the air as well. Nothing was left unharmed, and even the mountain boulders were damaged. It was absolute chaos.

The beasts roared, and the cries of birds echoed throughout the mountains. Blood splashed all over the ground. There were many enormous beasts that collapsed. Their corpses were all over the mountain. This area was a bloody mess!

Terrifying creatures crowded together in front of the damaged mountain, fighting madly against each other. They all pushed and shoved about, trying to dig out the enormous stones to find something.

There was big rhinoceros that was several meters long. The powerful creature had a horn on its head. This bloodthirsty and crazy rhino could tear apart the body of an enormous beast with a single attack. The rhino's legs were incomparably big and could crush everything every his attack was reinforced with frost, ice spikes were shot from his horn. Each time cold light flashed past, there would inevitably be blood that splashed outwards.

An especially large monkey with a human face released a thunderous roar. Its huge body measured an enormous twenty meters, making it look like a small mountain. Its weapon were the powerful sound waves it could release, and wherever it rippled past, ferocious beasts were knocked.

An eight or nine meter long silver ox with a large and sharp horns on its head appeared. It was incredibly powerful, and whenever it leapt up, the mountain rock below him would become dent down. It directly made its way over towards that mountain.

There were too many different species. These were powerful fighter, because if they didn't have enough power, they wouldn't have dared to come here. They were all powerful people who awoke their bloodlines.

Because one of the clashes Arthur was blowed by aftermath and blanked. When he got up he saw old man near whose face was filled with wrinkles, like a dried up fruit. Arthur come closer to the old man and make sure that he died decided to robe him just as he got to his knees to take old man's bag he jumped grabbed Arthur and ask "What do you want to do young man "

Not thinking much Arthur said "I saw you lying on the ground injured and come to help"

"Get lost from there" said old man letting Arthur go

"WAIT great master help me please I got lost in this forest and don't know how to get out of it I will die for sure if stay there"

"I sincerely hope you will help me so I can become your subordinate and do everything you say"

Ahhahahaa old man laught "I like you and have a very good mood so I will save you but if I came across you sometime this will be the day of your deth"

He whistled and in seconds giant bird landed near him "Get on it he will bring you to the nearest city" said old man

Arthur get up hastily in few seconds they were hight in the sky and after few minutes he saw town nearing very fast he was afraid to fall down so he grabbed bird's feathers strongly.They landed very smoothly then bird dropped him an flew away. So Arthur was left alone with no one to even talk near big city "Winterfell".
