
Ruby system : Changing the Villain fate

You can't change evil by doing evil Min Jun became a trasmigrator due to the unlucky encounter and now he is traveling from world to world to change the horrible fate of villains Stay tune to find out more. Pic's aren't mine... It doesn't look any gay but fit's the ongoing storyline... I like it.

Lizbreaker1174 · LGBT+
33 Chs

1.1 Adopt you

Arc 1 : it's not easy to raise a disabled kid.


The atmosphere in the orphanage home was low suffocating and depressed . It was early in the morning and the the earth was dawned and cold like that of a typical autumn days.

A lot of children was infested with cold and was shivering due to the poor circumstances of the orphanage home. The society treated the orphans poorly and the government don't not consider them as important and the wardens are greedy as they spent the money for the children on their own selves .

Seven year old Shu gin sat on the cold floor in a dark room far away from the other , his blank eyes stare at the necklace in his skinny hands. It took him too long to realize that his parents his death and would never come back.

His world plunged into darkness at his birthday the day his parents died in a fetal accident . Layer of moist formed his eyes as his small shoulder gave a tremble as , he missed them so badly , his mother warm hugs and kisses his father jokes and their family fun day and the fragrant smell of his mother new recipes.

Tears slip down his cheek knowing everything is gone , they are gone and his life was not ever going to be the same.

Suddenly , a jug of cold water was pour on him wetting his underwear making him shiver due to the cold and anger behind him were three boys the same age as him which he recognized one of them as Shin min .

Shin min was a bully in the orphanage home and he was never punish by the staff or warden and get away with it , he was later adopted by a wealthy people and he would only visit the orphanage with his foster dad whenever he felt like humiliating someone.




Shu gin stare at blank at them with hiss puffy red eyes hoping for them to get a life and live him alone. His actions made Shin min furious because nobody have ever stare at at him with such eyes before the kind of eyes that is neither filled with respect / worship / fear made him feel his ego is been step on. His eye fell on Shu gin necklace and wanted it after all anything he wants he gets.

Shu gin hold his mother necklace tight with his tiny hands refusing to let go despite Shin min and his gang threat , this made Shin min more furious as he promised to make Shu gin pay for refusing to obey him, leaving Shu gin once again as the warden acted like nothing happened.

Shu gin was still staring at the direction where Shin min and his hanging in was standing , Suddenly a pair of black / polished and expensive shoe appeared before him as he raised his slowly staring at the man figure then his face .

So beautiful , as beautiful as the elves in his story books pictures his mom showed him .

Shu gin narrowed his eyes to have due to the imaginary light that was reflecting due to the man sliver hair and frost blue eyes stare down him making him feel like a dirty object.

Elegant , Overbearing , Calm , Beautiful and his presence scream danger.

Min Jun sighted as his cold eyes melted a little as he stretch his hand which only made little Gin tremble even more as he closes his eyes like he was expecting something to happen. Min Jun hand hang on the air for a moment as his eye-brown raised due to some reason , making everyone in the room looks at Little Gin with pity like he committed and unforgivable crime.

Min Jun was not raising his eyebrows due to what Shu gin did but due to another person ,no his system who haven't stopped talking ever since they got to the orphanage.

[ Ruby : Looks at how the villain is tremble so much ,he suffered so much after his parents death :... he got into and accident and lost his ability to walk and this wicked wardens didn't even get him a wheelchair , his body most have been sore , host do something (;ŏ﹏ŏ) ]

[ Would you just shut up, you are noisy ] as Min

Jun exclaimed as he rub in between his eyes browns [ he seem to be afraid of me am I that scary]

[ Ruby: Of course not, host his handsome and gentle like a hen ミ why would he be afraid of you , he must have thought you want to hit him for staring at you like the other but don't worry host I have a solution for these problem ,give me a second]

[ :...: ] sight, you are hopeless

Shu gin was waiting for the slap and insult but was surprised to feel a warm hand messing his hair , which made his eyes grew wide, only to raise his head to see the most beautiful as warm smile.

Even these smile of this strange uncle is elegant unlike dad.

Would you like to come with me Min Jun asked as this make the place strangely slient . Shu gin stare at at the strange uncle for a moment and he nodded before realizing what he did blush with embarrassment and uneasy .

Stupid! Shu gin how can you just agreed to these strange uncle request what if he becomes like aunty and abandon you again , these thoughts keep running in the little child mind.

Min Jun : so cute


N/T : Ruby name of the system

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love all .

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