
Chapter 1: Scandyvynia

G e n e r a l

Araviana became chaos as the Mayor George got killed after the selection result. People of Araviana went madness; they did not care about the children's safety and kept made ruckus around the city. The government of Araviana was about to go down if there was no precaution steps taken sooner.

"Mommy!!!" a little girl called for her mother while sobbing, looking for her mother in the crowd of people. "Mommyyy!"

"Bella, stay there!" a middle aged woman said to the little girl from afar. She hardly moved as the people around her were fighting with each other. "Don't come here....stay where you are, honey!"

"Don't leave me, please!!!" The little girl sobbed while watching her mother got dragged into a black shiny van. "No...mommy!"

The men in the black suits forcefully taken away Bella's mother right in front of her and the little girl could do nothing about it instead of sobbing in the middle of riot crowds. "Don't leave me, please..."

"Bella....hey, Bella!" A bronze hair boy approached her, blocking the ruckus crowds from hurting his friend with his small body. "Are you okay?"

"S-stefan,"she said sobbingly. "M-my mother...."

He gently grabs her hand, "Yes, I know...come, let's get out of here," he suggested. "It's not safe here."

Bella followed the young boy's without any hesitation since he was the only person she knew at that moment. She have nobody except for her mother as her father already passed away in a tragic accident when she was 6 years old.

"Stefan!" A middle aged man approached the young bronze hair boy. "Where were you! I'm so worried about you, son." He then pulled him into a tight hug.

"Sorry daddy," he apologized. "I found Bella in the middle of the crowd, crying. And her mother was taken away too,"

"That's it, we're not safe here anymore," said the man while grabbing both of the children's hands. "We should return home now, come Bella."

"B-but my mother..."she pulled her hand back.

Stefan's father crouches in front of her, "I'll see what I can do to find your mom, okay, Bella?" he persuaded her, wiping the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.

She nodded as a reply then followed the two of them to the safest place from the riot.

"Greeting, I'm Andrew Blake, reporter from the riot site of Araviana. As you can see back there.....people all went mad after the Mayor George got killed right after the announcement. The crowds here started to protest and I wasn't sure how long it will last," there was a massive riot behind of the reporter who was reporting about the scene. The crowd was out of control and they even fought themselves to show who were powerful that time.

"It seems like it getting worst there, dear," a middle aged beautiful woman said to her husband as she watched the news on the television.

"It seems so," her husband agreed.

"Excuse me your highness," the king's secretary politely knocked the door. "King Rupert requested for an urgent meeting at Araviana."

The queen looked at her husband with puppy eyes so he will changed his mind. "I'm sorry, dear," the king said.

"Mother," a young little prince came to his mother with a small robot on his arm. "Are you leaving me again?" his puppy looking eyes melted his mother heart but she knew she cannot change her mind. "Can I come along too, mother?"

She gives a quick peck on the little one's forehead, "I can't, dear. But, I promise I will come home sooner, okay? We will have a picnic just like sweet Nicholas like it...*touches the tip of his nose*...."

The young one smiles widely, "Really?"

She nods, "Yes, my baby,"

"You too, father?" the boy turned to the king who was staring at his two precious family with full of affections. "Yes, Nicholas...the three of us," his words made the boy in cheered happily. But, it was not for long as the king and queen of Scadyvynia could not kept their promises giving their child a deep impact for the rest of his life.

10 years later…

"Here…take this Bella," an old lady handed over a golden brown envelop color to a chestnut hair girl. "It's your chance, my dear," the old lady who used to be private tailor for the royal caressed gently her beloved student's cheek. "Don't waste it, okay?"

Bella, who grew up into a gorgeous looking girl read the envelop content with teary eyes, "Thank you, Mrs Brown…." She shed the tears. "Thank you so much…." Then hugged her master tightly.

"No, my dear," Mrs Brown, the tailor rubbed the girl's back. "You did it yourself, your own effort," she released the hug, wiping the tears from the girl's cheeks. "You're very talented girl, so you deserve it, Bella. Besides, it's your chance for you to get away from here. Aren't you want to get out from your ungrateful aunt?"

She nodded, "But what about you, Mrs Brown? Who will help you if I left here?"

"Don't worry about me, dear," Mrs Brown held Bella's hands, staring into her beautiful chestnut eyes color. "Just accept the offer, okay. Show them how talented you're."

"Don't you dare leave this house, you ungrateful child!" An old woman with curly hair shouted loudly. "I will never let you go for that stupid school!" There were two other women with her too, gambling with her since last night.

"But Aunt Sue, this is the great chance for me to improve my skill," Bella begged for her aunt. "I will earn you a lot of money after I graduated, I promise…"

"Don't you let her talk like you like that, Sue," one of her aunt's friends interrupted. "It sounded like your life is depend on her…"

"What a rude girl," the other one agreed. "You should teach her a lesson, Sue or that wrench will step on your head…"

The curly hair old lady seemed convinced with her gambling friends. She stood up from her chair then walked closer to the chestnut hair girl with furious face. "Come here!" She grabbed harshly the girl's shirt then dragged her forcefully towards the small room opposite of their kitchen. "You, stay here, you filthy girl! Don't you dare coming out from this room until I said so!"

"B-but Aunty Sue," the girl tried to get away from the storage room. "Please let me go…"

"You're just like your mother... arrogant, ungrateful wrench," the heartless old woman slammed the storage door. "Now stay there and be quiet!"

"No, please....open the door," the dark room traumatized her so much.

She once trapped for a day in the same room where her aunt purposely locked her as a punishment for broke a plate. Luckily, her kind uncle found her on the right time or she might be dead of coldness and starvation.

Her aunt and uncle were the only guardian she had after she received a news about her dead mother. Stefan's father managed to save her and the other hostages from the mafia, but unfortunately, the van got into a big accident on the way back to Araviana, which killed all of the passengers including the driver.

After two hours stuck in there, an old man opened the locked storage room, revealing the weak Bella who lied on the floor in coldness. "Bella...oh my god, are you okay, my dear?" He quickly took off his jacket and covered his shivering niece. "Was Sue did this to you again?"

"N-no," Bella replied weakly. "I got locked up in here by myself, uncle."

"Please don't cover up your aunt, Bella," he slowly brought Bella out of the room. "I heard you got the offer from Mrs Brown. I'm so proud of you, my child. That's it, you'll go there tonight. I'll send you to my friend's house."

Bella stared at her uncle with teary eyes, "What about you, uncle?"

"Don't worry about me," he said with a weak smile. "I'll be fine."

"B-but uncle..." Bella hesitated.

"Now go, Bells, pack your things before your aunt see you..." Bella's uncle gently guided her towards the stairs. "Bella.." but stopped her again in middle of the way. "Take this....use it well, okay, my dear," he swiftly put a roll of money inside of Bella's pocket.

"But it's too much uncle," Bella hesitated and even tried to return it back. "I really don't want to trouble you."

"It's fine, Bella," Bella's uncle gently patted her head.

"Thank you, uncle," she went down two steps of stairs and hugged her uncle while sobbing in his arms. "Thank you so much for being nice for me all the time,"


"Welcome to Scandyvynia, Bella," a friendly old man greeted Bella as she arrived safely at the airport of a beautiful country. "It's good to see you again..." he then gave her a quick hug. "Here, let me help you with the bags."

"O-oh no thank you," Bella hesitated at first to let him carry her bags. It has been so long since she met him so she felt a little bit awkward. "I could bring them myself, sir."

Mr Jacobs is a private chauffeur of Scandyvynia's royal family and known her uncle since they were younger. Just like Mr Jacobs, her uncle once worked for the royal family before he moved to Araviana and settled down there with his wife.

He smiles, "It's fine, let me help you with that," the politely took the bag from Bella's hand and put it into the limo's trunk.

"Whoa..." Bella was dumbfounded as she saw the shiny black limo in front of her. She never see it in real life before but only on television instead. The limo looked so luxury and even has royal plate on it.

"I'm sorry, Bella," Mr Jacobs apologized. "I just picked up the royal highness here, too and he already gave me permission to give you a lift."

"Really?" She was surprised when heard there was a prince was waiting inside of the limo. "Is it okay, I-I don't want to cause any trouble to you."

"It's okay dear. Like I said, our prince already gave us his permission. He's a very kind heart person if you want to know," Mr Jacobs replied along with a smile. "Let's get in, it's getting late now."

Bella politely bowed to the prince as a thank you in front of the right side of dark limo's window even though she was not sure if the prince will notice it or not.

The ride was not for long but only took about 30 minutes to return to the beautiful palace of Scandyvynia from their country's international airport. Bella was so nervous been in same limo even with the prince even though his seat was separated with her.

Mr Jacobs halted the limo right in front of the beautiful modern palace and quickly went outside of the car to open the passenger's door for the prince. Meanwhile the clueless Bella only stood behind of Mr Jacobs; waiting for the young prince to get out from the limo. She once heard a rumor about Scandyvynia for having a very handsome prince which made her eagerly to look at the prince's face as he swiftly went out of the limo. But it was inappropriate for her to do that, so she bowed a little as he walked pass by as a thank you for giving her a lift to his beautiful castle.

She took a quick a glance of him even though she could see only of his backside. The prince's outfit was so simple, just like the ordinary people. She thought the royal family usually wore suits and luxury fancy clothes but he was different, he just wore a pair of jeans and a grey color hoodie along with black New Era cap.

"Welcome Bella," a friendly lady greeted the chestnut hair girl. "It's good to finally meet you again. Come in....it's getting cold here,"

"Thank you so much, Mrs Jacobs," Bella replied politely along with a warm smile. She picked up her backpack and her luggage from the limo's trunk with the help of Mr Jacobs.

"Come dear." They headed to a small house at the back of the palace where the King of Scandyvynia provided the house special for the Jacobs's family. "Too bad Stefan just return to his school this evening. I bet he will be so happy to see his best friend is here."

Bella giggles, "How is he now, Mrs Jacob?"

The old lady curves a smile, "Still being a naughty and stubborn boy," she replied. "He never changed a bit."

"I can't wait to see him so much,"


I s a b e l l a T h o m p s o n

Mrs Jacobs worked here as the head of the royal maids, so she said it will not trouble her for letting me stay here for awhile. Both of them were so happy for me for getting the scholarship at the Royal Academy. They said Stefan got in as a scholarship student too last year, so I guess, it will not be awkward for me at the school as he will be around.

"Bella," Mrs Jacob suddenly went into my small room as I was changing my clothes. "Oh sorry…I didn't mean not to knock."

"It's okay, Mrs Jacobs," I put the shirt on before turned to Mrs Jacobs.

"Wait, what happened?" She looked at me in worried as she saw something.

"What is it, Mrs Jacobs?" I asked her confusedly.

She lifted my clothes a little until at my right side's rib, "What's with this bruises? What happened to you, my dear? Was Sue did this to you?" She asked me non stop; making me tongue-tied whether to tell her the truth or not.

"I just fell, Mrs Jacobs," I lied. "A-aunty Sue didn't do anything to me."

"You're really a bad liar, Bella,"

"She was so mean to you, my dear," she said with teary eyes. "If I knew it sooner…."

I gently hold her hand, "It's okay, Mrs Jacobs. I'm totally fine,"

She suddenly pulled me into a hug, "Alright then, you'll be safe here and I'm here to take care of you, Bella."

"Thank you, Mrs Jacobs."

The scenery around Scandyvynia city was so remarkable and people here were so friendly too. My plan for sightseeing today was a very good plan since it has been a long time since I visited here.

"Hello beautiful, come visit my flower store," a friendly old man suddenly greeted me as I walked pass his beautiful shop.

"Umm sorry, I'm just…." I tried to decline but, his sad expression made me changed my mind instant. "Do you happen to have lavender flower?"

He smiles widely, "Yes, we have it here, come on miss," he politely opened the door for me and let me entered his shop first before guided me to the various type of lavender section.

His shop looked so beautiful and modern too, he even have a café upstairs but still I did not see any customers yet. But it was impossible there were not any customer at this beautiful flower-café here and I could not see other workers too.

'I wonder if he worked alone here without any helper.'

"Welcome," the shop owner greeted another customer who walked into the shop. "Please wait for a minute, alright, miss," he said to me with a warm smile.

I smile, "Sure, no problem. I'll take a look…*points my finger to the lavender flowers*…myself."

"Excuse me, miss," he politely excused himself to attend his other customer.

…*indistinct voices*…

The shop owner: "Yes, Louis,"

Unknown man: "Please wrap me the usual flowers, Mr Smith."

The shop owner: "Alright, I'll be right back…"

'The guy who the shop owner called Louis must be a regular here.'

I looked around the shop and noticed that someone familiar on a picture which was hanging on the wall in front of me.

"Wait is that…."I gasped as recognized the man inside of the picture.


"But how?" I mumbled myself.

"Arghhh…."a loud bang came from the back of the shop along with the noise of broken glass.

I turned to the mysterious guy with the black hoodie, and he seemed like he heard it too. Both of us swiftly ran towards the direction of the sound and saw the shop owner collapsed on the wet floor with the shattered vase beside of him.

"Oh my God," I gasped in shocked then approached him without even thinking about the broken glass.

"Wait!" The hoodie guy, Louis stopped me by grabbing my right arm. "Don't you see? You will hurt yourself…"he harshly said to me.

I turned to face him, but his face hidden under his navy New Era cap. He stood just right in front of me and I was his chin's level in height.

He pulled me gently away from the shattered glasses then slowly crouched beside of the unconscious shop owner, "Call the ambulance…" he said.

"B-but…" 'How am I supposed to say that I do not have a phone at all.'

"Lend me a hand, will you?" he asked while trying to move the shop owner.

"O-okay," I have no idea what to do so I just helped him moved the unconscious shop owner away from the scattered glasses. I tried to catch Louis's cap which fell off from his head, but I could not reach it.

He looked at me in surprised, maybe noticed that he was not wearing a cap anymore. His crystal blue eyes were widened when saw me was staring at him.

'I know it was not appropriate to stare a stranger like that, but how couldn't I? He definitely looks perfect, with his sharp v-lines shaped jaw, his thick eyebrows, especially his crystal blue eyes.'

'He's so handsome. But why he wants to hide his face so badly?'

He raises his eyebrow a little, "Did you call the ambulance?"

"I…u-uh…I…" 'Seriously he made me totally tongue-tied.'

"Here, take this," he handed me over a black iPhone. "Dial 119 for the ambulance, quick!"

"Okay…okay," with the shivering hand, I did what he ask me to do.

It took about only 10 minutes for the ambulance to arrive here. Luckily Louis knew how to give emergency treatment to the shop owner or else maybe something bad will happen.

We stood side by side outside of the shop even though the ambulance already left us to the hospital. To be honest, this whole thing really put me in shocked.

"Excuse me," I pulled Louis's right sleeve a little. "What should we do about his shop?"

He looked down at me through his right shoulder then turned to his backside to check on the shop.

'What is with him? Did he just ignore me?'

"It's not my problem," he said then walked away from me into the shop. He took his phone from the counter and his navy color cap. "I'm leaving, bye…"

I gasp, "Whoa…just like that?" I stopped him.

He stops, "Yup," he nodded. "Later…or maybe not."

That rude guy walked out from the store leaving me who was speechless with his unexpected reply.

'I really thought he is a nice guy but I was wrong.'

"Looks like I have to take care it myself," I mumbled to myself.

"Hello, is this Mr Smith's flower-café?" A bunch of group people suddenly approached me. To be more exact, they looked like tourists.

I just nodded as for the answer since they were more than 10 people were in front of me.

"This is it guys!!!" One of them cheered. "Let's go in…"

"W-wait…w-wait what?" I tried to stop them, unfortunately they did not hear me at all instead just kept going inside the shop, straight to the café upstairs.

To be continue…
