
Chapter 6 - Blind Fate

Odion shielded his eyes with his hand from the bright light coming from the roof gate, making it feel like it could blind you. A radiant light enveloped them, but as he held Kimiko's hand, he felt comfort in his heart, ready to face the world.

When they finally crossed the gate and reached the rooftop, Odion noticed the person standing there. He recognized him immediately as none other than the S-rank hunter and the nation's best healer - a heroic figure he admired and always watch his heroic battle on MuTube. How he helped his comrades and healed them during battles with perilous demons.

In an instant, Odion thought this was the surprise, to be with his idol and the person he admired most. His mouth hung open in shock, and his eyes reflected sheer happiness. The gentle breeze flowed, tousling the hair of the tall figure standing there, emitting a radiant aura. The silence was so profound that you could hear a pin drop.

"Meet my father," Kimiko announced, breaking the silence. He was none other than Kimiko's father, who had adopted her.

"Fath... Father..." Odion stammered, shocked, his voice trembling with sudden surprise.

"You already know he is the best healer. He can heal any wound, fix a limb even if it's cut. He can join a limb with his power. Isn't it fascinating, Odion?" Kimiko added with excitement.

Odion reacted with both hands joined near his chin, his eyes widening like rays of light emanating from his eyes in sheer excitement and happiness.

"But you know what's even more fascinating? He can even transplant organs without surgery," Kimiko said with a sinister laugh.

Upon hearing this, confusion overcame Odion. Squeezing his nose and furrowing his brows, his eyes showed a mix of confusion and swirling questions.

"Odion, Odion, your eyes, they're exquisite, divinely so," Kimiko spoke with a devilish tone, a sinister and eerie grin forming on her face. "A chance bestowed upon you by the gods, yet you remain so innocent, patiently waiting for me. Well, your wait is about to reach its end."

Kimiko's malevolent laugh, laced with an unsettling undertone reminiscent of devilish delight, added fear to Odion's face. He was left utterly confused, unable to comprehend the ominous aura surrounding the mention of his eyes and the eerie concept of organ transplant. Trembling, he took steps backward, the mere utterance stirring an unsettling fear deep within him.

"Kimiko, wha... what are you saying? I... it's me, Odion. Is something happening to yo... you?" Odion stammered, his voice filled with concern and confusion.

"Father, isn't it time? The more we wait, the more painful his words will become," Kimiko said, a cold determination in her voice.

Suddenly, Kimiko's father used his skills to paralyze Odion, rendering him helpless. It happened swiftly, like the scent of Chloroform on a white napkin. As if Odion had inhaled it, his body succumbed immediately, losing all sensation. His senses dulled, his eyes engulfed in darkness, and he collapsed to the floor. His eyes slowly closed like a shutter, capturing his last vision - Kimiko and her father standing there.

An unsettling illusion took over, with Kimiko's father and Kimiko resembling devils, adorned with two big horns on their heads and wide grins on their faces. In complete darkness, Kimiko's father took Odion's stigma eyes, plucking them from his sockets. He then transplanted the eyes into Kimiko, leaving Odion completely blind. The world around him turned to darkness as his vision faded away.

The rooftop floor abruptly turned into an unforgiving cold surface, as though he lay on an icy bed. Blood streamed from his eyes, tracing narrow paths like a canal finding its course. Paralyzed, he was denied the ability to feel the pain or respond to the unfolding horrors.

The brutal act of extracting his eyes resembled a pitiful scene, akin to a toy maker removing the eyes from an old doll, only to transplant them onto a new one in an attempt at repair. In the midst of this gruesome display, he couldn't even cry out for help. Only a warm, slow breath served as evidence that he was still alive, trapped in a moment of emotional and pathetic despair.

"Yee, thank you, Father! Now, with this stigma eye, I can finally teleport into the tower and become the hunter," Kimiko yelled with a mixture of joy and sadistic happiness. Her hands waved through the air, and her legs jumped with unbridled delight.

"Do not forget your mission. It is to make our family stand at the top, surpassing the main family, and to rule over the world. For the last ten years, I have been finding and adopting the most brilliant children so our family can dominate this world," Father said while stroking his long white beard, his hands crossed on his back, a sinister grin spreading across his face.

Kimiko nodded in agreement with her father, offering a slight bow with closed eyes. Afterward she immediately activated her stigma to finally teleport to tower and her father looked at the pitful Odion who was lying on the floor, even he was paralyzed he could hear everything and every conversation that happened between them. 

He cried from his heart, but tears could not escape from his eyes as they were gone. In his mind, a storm of questions raged, "why? why did this happen to me?"

There was no one standing with him to protect him. He was all alone, an orphan with no one to care for, even if he disappeared from this world suddenly. The profound sense of loneliness and despair enveloped him, leaving him with the weight of his isolated existence.

The father, standing there, examined Odion. He needed to dispose of his body and make it look like suicide. Taking Kimiko's eyes, he placed them in Odion's eye sockets but intentionally refrained from healing them, creating the appearance of something being there. With a callous act, he threw Odion's lifeless body from the rooftop, allowing it to fall to the ground.
