

It took a while for me to wake up, it was like I was in a haze, a trance of some sort. My body felt tired and hurt like I was tossed about; like I had been slapped. Everything that happened came crashing down and my eyes intentionally opened to the dark sky decorated with little stars.

I stayed there, unable to move, accepting death and defeat as I looked around; my legs were crushed under what looked like a large piece of cement, my forearm was cut off that purple liquid was pouring out of what’s left of my arm.

But I noticed that I did not feel pain as I anticipated, it was like a small prickling sensation. Crumbling of bricks onto the ground and clashing of metal against metal echoed through the quite compound, loud rigged breaths filled the once silent air “Ro-rose “he choked out and I gasped, my eyes wide open ‘how is he still alive?!’ I wondered and fear made me move my muscles to run away from him.

“Rose!” the beast of a man screamed which later led him to a coughing old man on the brink of death, my thoughts went wild as I tried to find a way out, the rock was heavy and large that I could barely lift it, my vision was blurring from the loss of blood.

Suddenly, it became so quiet that my harsh breaths were audible. The beast of the man’s screams died out that I prayed he died but a shadow appeared above me covered in blood from the thread of his hair to his waist which was covered by a bloody lab coat “Those kids will pay once I find them! How could they do this to me after everything I have done for them! They have dared to harm you! I will punish them to no end!” He exclaimed and grimaced at the end as blood started dripping on his trousers.

He looked at me with pure hatred and unquenched anger in his grey-blue eyes “we need to relocate to headquarters, and then find those bastards” he said dragging his weirdly shaped hand over his face, even though he got squashed by a wall and was bleeding like a slaughtered chicken, somehow he still managed stand and care for me. In his own twisted way, and I was slowly accepting him.

But how he managed to stay alive was beyond my understanding. At that moment, I knew that the beast of man, was no man at all.

Six to nine masked people tried to lift the rock that cover and crashed my legs, but my mind was too busy fitting the puzzles onto the board. The beast of a man was taken away by two masked people into what seemed to be a large vehicle and left me alone.

Turns out the beast of a man was part of an organization, an organization that was against the alliance between the humans and the Malien coexisting. The human looking creatures that invaded earth after the pandemic known as the COVID-19 about three hundred years ago.

When the Malien arrived, their main goal was to rule the earth and eradicate every species on earth from humans to the tiniest living organism. But humans did not go down without a fight as the fought with everything they had, killing quite a number of Malien soldiers.

After years and years of constant battle, both sides lost millions and thousands of their own all to gain land. A man, but not just a human, he was a half breed; half Malien and human. One that had never been heard before, he is the one who brought peace to the world, he was the sign that we could live at peace with one another. And his name was Asher Claris.

But not all humans were pleased with living together with the Malien, it was their world not the invaders. Filled with rage, selfishness and envious of the Malien’s powers, these humans attacked the Malien, trying to be as strong as them.

They grew in numbers and called themselves liberators, messengers of God to save the human race and exterminate the Malien, they attacked the Malien whether it be in broad daylight or the middle of the night. This caused a second war, which was called fallen blood. Here humans were slaves to the Malien.

The Malien were at the top of society, followed by the half breeds, androids, and then the humans at the bottom last. Even after the second war, the remaining Lubricators recruited and grew in numbers. Awaiting when they will take back their land. Their home.

I groaned in pain as the rock came back crashing on me making the masked people snicker and groan “You were supposed to pull her out of there!” one scolded pointing at the one next to me who yelled back “Sorry I didn’t read your mind!”, the others sighed like they are tired of hearing the two bicker.

I looked up to the sky that now was covered in a blanket of grey clouds, when all of a sudden green lightning flashed in the clouded skies followed by a booming sound of what was thunder startling everyone for a second before they all stared at the sky like they were waiting for candy to fall “he always knows how to make an entrance” another said and the others murmured in agreement.

A large light green lightning bolt pierced through the dark grey clouds and violently stroke the cemented wall that covered my legs thereby shocking me for a second until it crumbled into small pieces from the heat. I could feel my body absorb some of the weird colored electricity, prickling and burning my skin that I gasped getting their attention, my eyes burnt as my legs repaired themselves, I screamed in pure agony which later turned to laughter.

They looked at me like I was crazy, like I was a lunatic, which I was at the time. I came back from my high and took note of the new person who was wearing a mask but it had its own design different from the rest.

Even with the mask hiding his face, I could tell he was a beautiful boy, I could see the color of his eyes which were aqua-marine and his straight short hair black hair that could have been mistaken for dark blue.

“No! She is not a part of this! Let her go! Let my rose go!” I heard the beast of a man yell, his voice was of pure panic and worry, I tore my eyes away from the boy and my vision zoomed in on the beast of a man who was kneeling before five people wearing golden masks, they all gave off this power, the kind that made breathing the same air hard.

I made a move to help him, my heart clenched for some reason seeing the only man who cared for me in his own twisted way tremble in fear, and young Rose appeared in my mind, a twisted grin on her face as tears rolled down her cheeks.

I was forcibly pushed to the ground, and my left side of my chest burned and throbbed as the beautiful boy stomped on my chest repeatedly until I started coughing out the dark blue blood “A mutant! You disgust me doctor! I thought you were over what the government did to you! But now you have caused us trouble…. we have no use of you” one of the golden masked people spoke.

And right before my eyes, the beast of a man screamed as his body started glowing bright orange until he exploded and blood went everywhere, and I screamed. They killed him!

“What do we do with the mutant?” one asked and panic cruised through me as I started fidgeting which made the boy add pressure to my chest, I gasped as I found it harder to breathe “we have no use for such nuisance…. kill her and leave the body” another said.

The boy above me smiled, his grin was creepy and scary, his hand moved behind him and he held a weirdly colored gun in his hand and pointed it at me “I’ll put you out of your pain, the pain will stop and you will feel nothing after” he whispered and before I could protest, he pulled the trigger and I clawed at my chest hoping to find the bullet or whatever he shot me with, but it was all in vain as my lungs started to burn and I could feel my heart violently beating against my ribcage.

My body started heating up and tears rolled down my face ‘I don’t want to die!’ I thought ‘I don’t want to die’ and soon my arms went limp beside me, my breath started to silence and my vision blurred.

The pain stopped, darkness surrounded me, until I saw nothing.