
Fleas-infested dogs

"I am telling you, that jerk is gonna be here with that good-for-nothing doll. Just you wait!"

I didn't want to believe that the one that I love so deeply would cheat on me. Although I had a lot of proof for his shameless act, I still needed to see it with my own eyes. I didn't want to believe my sister and friends, but I should have.

I met him at a party that my little sister Lily made me go to. I caught him looking at me, and every time our eyes locked, he would smile. Such a charming smile. Every girl would fall only for his bright and charming smile, even I did, and I thought that my heart was made of stone. His smile alone made my heart beat at a faster rate. My face would turn red and a foolish smile would appear on my lips.

A medical student named Joshua. He was the first who filled my cold heart with warmth and love, and the first who shattered everything into tiny pieces like it was meant to be. I gave him everything! My heart, my soul, I even gave him my body! He betrayed me and broke my trust the moment I saw him enter the restaurant with that air-headed doll.

I looked at them from the corner of the restaurant, chatting, smiling at each other. I saw how he held her hand. The same manners, the same warm voice, the same smile.

I couldn't take it anymore. I have seen enough. I stood up from my chair and strode towards them.

"I would have never guessed you are not a man, Josh". He was shocked from hearing my voice, I could see it as clear as day.

"Rosie, i-it's not what you think it is! L-Let me explain!"

"Go on"

"Sh-she is my... cousin! She came to visit me so I t-took her out for a dinner!" Josh was shaking like he had a cold. What an act!

"You're lying Josh" He can't fool me anymore! The photos that Sam showed me spoke otherwise! "And to cheat on me with a doe like girl. Have a pleasant evening"

"Rosalyn!!" I didn't turn around to look at him. I had no reason to do so. I kept on walking. Staying any longer would be too painful.

"Sam, let's go somewhere else, far from those..."

"Fleas-infested dogs!"

"You are hurting the dogs by comparing them to those..".

"Your insults are always better than mine, Rosie!"

Sam, the confident lass that could slap words together and forge them into a swear, harmful enough to knock out anyone whom the swear was intended for. At times she could be extremely rude, but I liked her for it.

I don't know how I was so calm and cold confronting Joshua. Once I stepped in my home, I began crying.

"Rosie, the jerk doesn't deserve your tears!"

"I didn't want to end it like this, really. It was a forced decision. Sam, you know I hate to be forced to make such a decision. If he didn't love me, why couldn't he break up like a normal human being?"

"Because he is an ugly monkey! We will show him how much you worth and he will regret being so shameless!"


"We will get you a new man, and he better shower you with the love that you deserve! Or else..."

"Sam! Are you kidding me!? How can I be showered with love if I can't even make men look at my direction?"

"You shut your mouth!" Sam put her hands on my shoulders, and with a firm voice she announced: "A bit of makeup and some nice clothing, and we can go to a club! There are tons of thirsty men..."

"I HATE CLUBS! It's always crowded and noisy as hell". Damn I hated going to a club. At least half of the party animals were drunk within one hour, and the other half are on the dance floor, jumping around. Clubs are such a silly idea! Who came up with?

"Then a pub it is and don't you argue with me!"


"No buts! Go on, dress up!"

God bless your soul, Sam.
