
End of the second challenge

Since there is no one to support on Patreon, I created a ko-fi for support if you can..Knowing that I will continue writing on Patreon. But the Patreon will be for other works that I have already written or will write in the future before uploading them to the site here.


I don't really have the motivation to write, and also since I'm very busy in the coming period, I will be uploading more than one chapter in the next few TODAY, and uploading will be almost daily... until the first volume is finished.


The referee signaled for the start of the match.

The ball landed at Ezaki's feet, and he quickly passed it to Meiji. Meiji skillfully advanced with the ball, making his way towards the center of Team V's territory.

Masumi rushed to him in order to take the ball, but the opponent was faster than Masumi and passed the ball to Baro.

Baro took the ball and started shouting to everyone, "Get out of my way!!"

He moved forward quickly and collided with Retsu on the way. Baro was upset, "Get out of my face!"

They collided head-on, but Baro's strong body gave him the advantage, pushing Retsu backward.

As Retsu fell to the ground, Baro spotted a gap in the defense and chuckled, saying, "Haha, is this the fearsome team? I'll score on my first shot."

He kicked the ball hard, making it swerve from left to right. The goalkeeper, caught off guard, hesitated and ended up standing still, missing the chance to block the ball.

The ball nearly went in, and Baro was ready to celebrate, but to his surprise, Rafael leaped and blocked the ball with a spectacular scissor kick to regain possession.

Baro was amazed at the way Rafael blocked the ball. "Where the hell did you come from? I left you with our defense and see you here??"

Rafael stood face to face with Baro, their heights matched evenly. "Thought you'd score? Dream on. Today, you'll see the difference between a real striker and a pretender."

Ignoring Baro's scowl, Rafael pushed the ball forward with impressive speed. Baro attempted to catch up and intercept, but he couldn't match Rafael's pace.

Baro began yelling at his team, "You idiots, stop him! Don't let him score, or I will kill you all!!"

Baro's teammates heard his screams and were frightened by his threats. The right-back came forward to take the ball from Rafael. Rafael stopped running and there was one meter between him and the full-back, so he put the ball between his feet and pressed the ball and raised it to the top so that it passed over the full-back in an excellent manner. This skill is called the Rainbow kick, Rafael passed easily leaving his shocked opponent behind.

"Oh my God what is this!!" Someone shouted and Rafael did not notice the source of this sound and continued forward.

He continued to advance until he found only the goalkeeper and the last defender in front of him.

Rafael outwitted the defender with a fake move, causing the defender to be deceived and allowing Rafael to advance into the penalty area with only the goalkeeper in his way.

Rafael slowed down the ball and glanced towards the top left corner of the goal. Then, as Baro approached, Rafael turned and said, "Actions speak louder than words, idiot king. That's how attackers score."

Rafael took the ball and struck it firmly into the top left corner of the goal, scoring the first goal of the match.


Baro was stunned by Rafael's goal, facing such a formidable opponent for the first time. Despite his inner doubts, Baro gathered his courage and stood before Rafael, declaring confidently, "You've only scored once, but I'm going to score a hat-trick. Just watch."


[Team V 6:2 Team X]

The match ended with 6 goals for Team V, with Rafael scoring 4 goals and Nagi 2 goals.

Baro was intimidated by Rafael's strength. Every time Baro tried to attack Team V, Rafael was there, effortlessly dispossessing him of the ball.

Rafael approached Baro, placing his hand on Baro's shoulder with firmness. "Now do you see who's king here? I prefer not to boast my strength, but you've left me no choice. Confidence is great, but arrogance is not my style. This ends here today. One more time you do this in front of me and I will destroy you again, but worse"

For the first time Baro felt afraid of someone.

Rafael's team left the team x in shock because they are officially out of the challenge because they lost three matches, but Baro will pass to the next challenge because he is the team's top scorer.

Team V emerged from the field, chatting happily amongst themselves about qualifying for the next round, and then headed towards their rooms.

Rafael headed to his room. Before entering, he met Chigiri, Isagi, and Kunigami, and they were clearly waiting for him in front of his room.

Kunigami bowed slightly and thanked Rafael, "Thank you. Without you, we wouldn't have won against Team W."

"Did you win?"

Isagi came forward and replied, "Yes, we won and now we are among the applicants to the next challenge."

Rafael nodded and left them and entered his room because he wanted to use and rest because he was tired.

They all watched him as he entered his room, and once inside, Isagi remarked, "He's a fantastic player. I'm certain he'll be even greater in the future."

While Kunigami nodded at Chigiri's lead and said, "I watched his first match, he was faster than me."

Upon hearing this, they felt a pang of apprehension and silently wished they wouldn't have to face Rafael in the upcoming challenges.

Fifth group: 

Team V : 9p

Team top scorer: Rafael, 10 goals.

Team Z : 6p

Team top scorer: Kunigami, 4 goals

Baro from Team X

Niko from Team Y

Keisuke from Team W

"Finally, we finished the second challenge. Tomorrow we will know the content of the new challenge."

Rafael washed his body, left the bathroom, and took his phone to see how many likes the video he posted had gotten.

He was surprised by the number of likes on the video. It received more than 80,000 likes and gained more than 130,000 followers in just one day.

What surprised him most was that his uncle Ronaldo liked and commented encouragingly on the video.

"What?! Did they share the video so it got this popularity? This is amazing that it even reached Brazil."

Feeling extremely tired from the match and morning training, he began to yawn and headed straight to bed to sleep.


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