
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Blood-stained Hands

On the other side, William and the others faced the remaining nine other men. Miles let his team deal with those people because he knew that they were stronger than them.

His teammates were at least level 10 after all and those men were just level 5. They can kill them easily but the question was whether they will do it or not.

Miles won't blame them if they can't do it because we were talking about killing humans. However, they should also think about their safety and those people were clearly showing ill intentions towards them. Defending themselves and keeping their team safe must be their priority.

Dante was the first one to speak to the team who were stepping back in fear and hesitation.

"You see their eyes? They want to kill and hurt us. It's us or them."

His words struck their hearts.

'Us or them?'

The answer was obvious.

Gripping their weapons in their hands, the team steeled their minds and went forward to confront their opponents.

Dante was the first one to swing his axe.

"Crushing Blow!"

His attack reached the man holding a wooden bat and he tried to defend against it.

However, the difference in their level was 5, making Dante's stats much higher than the other.

The man could not defend against the attack and his body was smashed and he flew into the wall and crashed into it.

Dante frowned as he received a notification from the system.

{ You have gained 25 Exp points. }

'Killing other humans could also give exp. Disgusting.'

And the others realized this fact too after they killed their opponents.

"So this is how it goes.." William sighed. His hands were covered in the fresh blood of a human he just killed like the others.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked the team.

Michelle looked at her hands and began puking. Her friend Julia comforted her by lightly patting her back. She was in a better situation than Michelle because when she saw what these guys have done, she knew each one of them deserves to die.

Paul, Lilia, Helen and Brent slumped to the floor as their legs went soft.

The bodies of the men were scattered around them, their eyes wide open and displaying a sense of disbelief at what just happened.

Scent of blood permeated the air moments after their one sided battle.

Dante stared at the bodies and sighed.

He and William turned to the fight on the other side of the building.

The decapitated body of the first guy collapsed to the floor but Miles still has five remaining opponents in front of him.

He swung his axe for the second time, aiming at the neck of the second man.

One goal was running in his mind and that was to kill all the men in front of him.

On the other hand, his body was shouting something else. It wanted to stop and recover.

A split second pain slowed down his movement and reflex, giving the man time to dodge his attack.


He stepped back to create his distance from the others before he could engage them again. However, a wooden bat was thrown at him.

Miles sidestepped to evade the wooden bat but at that side, one of the men was already swinging his weapon at him.

Without any time to retreat, his only choice was to defend.

His axe was raised in front of him and received the attack.


Miles retreated three steps back.


His back was hit heavily and he quickly realized how surrounded he was.

'I survived the zombies but I'm gonna be killed by these people?'

His heart beat suddenly raced and it was so loud it was the only thing he could hear.

Momentarily, his pain in his body vanished into nothingness in an instant.

He grabbed the wooden bat on his back and swung his axe at the man holding it.



The blade was buried at the head of the man and Miles looked directly at his dying eyes before he retracted his axe.

He threw it at the man on the side and it hit his chest, sinking deep in his body.

Miles turned and punched the coming guy and broke his nose before he kicked his body sideways, throwing the guy into the wall.


The man crashed to the wall and it made a light groan.


A weapon approached Miles and he used his left arm to defend.


His arm bled but he didn't pay attention to it.

The man was flustered when Miles quickly grabbed his weapon and pulled it towards him.


Miles punched the man's chest and the breaking of bones could clearly be heard.

"N-no..d-don't" the man muttered while trying to gasp some air. He collapsed to the floor and tried to drag his body away from the young man who just killed his company.

Miles walked towards the man and raised his leg.


He stomped on the head of the man, smashing his head into a paste.

Miles turned to his axe that was buried on the chest of one of the guys and stepped on the body before he reclaimed his weapon.

He approached the one he kicked onto the wall into a half dead state and sent him away by chopping his head.

Karl, who was standing from a few meters away, was frozen in his feet. His back was drenched in cold sweat and it flowed even more as he watched Miles walking towards him with his glaring eyes.

"W-Why are you doing this?" Karl asked in a stuttering voice.

"I can't let someone like you live." Miles answered.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Karl knelt on the ground and begged. "P-please let me live! I-I'll follow you an-"

"No." Miles cut him straightaway. "I don't like someone like you around me."


"Someone who kills another player, human for level, is unacceptable in my eyes. For you to reach level 11, you must've killed many survivors." Miles stated.

Karl's eyes widened. "H-How…"

'H-how does he know my level?'

"And not to mention, the other disgusting things you've done…Damn, you're making me angry again." Miles raised his axe.

"No! Please, no-"


Karl's head rolled to the floor.

After the moment of silence, it finally came to him.

'Ah..damn..' his mind went blank and he collapsed on the floor.

"Miles!" the others ran to him.

"I tried my best. He's alive but his body is in a bad condition." Helen said as she finished casting her healing skill on Miles and feeding him some health potions.

"Miles.." Michelle looked at the lying Miles and held his hand.

"He'll be fine. He just needs a lot of rest." Helen said.

Dante nodded. "We'll stay here for the night anyways. Please watch him while we check out the place."

"Alright." Helen and Michelle were left with Miles while the others entered the rooms.

William asked Julia while walking. "What did you see, Miss Julia?"

He was curious to what Julia saw that made her say those people deserve to die. Of course, they already had a little idea about it the moment she returned.

"Something unforgivable." Julia said and then continued. "Let me and Lilia enter the rooms first. Stay on the door, we'll call you inside if we need your help."

The men nodded and quickly understood her intention.

"We'll cover the bodies while we're here." Dante suggested.

"Mm. That would be good. Oh! Hand over your food supplies. They must be hungry." Julia when stated that, the others became more sure of what happened.

"Here." The men gave her their supplies.

She took them and entered one of the rooms with Lilia.

William sighed and it was noticed by Dante.

"Let's cover these bodies first. We don't want the others to see these."

The men moved and took the curtains from an empty open room to cover the bodies of the twenty six corpses in the hallway.

Inside the room, Julia and Lilia approached the two women in the corner, hugging their legs in fear. Both of them were naked and the signs of abuse were evident in their bodies.

"Hi. I'm back." Julia said with a smile.

The woman stared at her and asked. "Are those guys dead?"


"Are we free?" the other one asked.


Julia offered her hand and helped the two up.

Then, tears began to flow as the women began crying.

Julia and Lilia deeply realized how fortunate the women of their team were to be treated fairly and nicely.

"Let's get your clothes." Lilia said as she looked around the room.

"We have some food here and you can have it." Julia said as she took out some of their supplies.

"Thank you, thank you." The women cried even more and became very grateful to the two.

After tending to the women, they walked out of the room.

The two hid behind Julia and Lilia's back and hugged them the moment they saw William and the other men.

"It's fine. They're with us." Julia reassured the two. However, they still didn't look at the men.

"We'll go to the other rooms. Come on." Lilia hugged the arms of the lady as she walked forward, leading the other ladies to the rooms to rescue the remaining women.

The men gave way and stepped back. They knew that the women experienced something traumatic and understood that they needed some space for some time.

"How could these scums do that?" William glared at the dead bodies and kicked one of them.

"This is the apocalypse." Dante sighed. "If you want to build a safe settlement for the people, you need to be strong enough to stop this type of people from standing on top or else, this scenario will repeat again and again."

William clenched his fist. "I know."

"Steel yourselves. It's just the fourth day of the apocalypse. We still have a long way ahead of us."